l$st lango inJpails is a genuine masterpiece of staggering proportions." Edward Behr, Newsweek fcrf'Jtwgp inpads is not a 'dirty' movie. The film is stark, sensitive and completely shattering in its intensity. Yes, by all means, see Last Tango'." Aaron Schindler, Family Circle jj" United Artiois HUMAN POTENTIALS SERIES EDGARS" MITCHELL I ormer Apollo 14 astronaut Sixth in. in (o walk on I lie moon Keseau Iht in I SP & other areas ol human const, iousness -ouihIit ol two organizations tor scientific research and ed ucation in all areas of human potential Address EXPLORING INNER SPACE 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 9 Nebraska Union Centennial Room Sponsored l.y Nebraska I'nion 'talks & Topics ASUN Approved The Fastest - Toughest - Roughest - Most Exciting ACTION PACKLI) Sport! PROFESSIONAL """ J mil i tiny ' mm t sJ''-' ' I,, , , Mi,,,, ,, , mm, . ... . . . vyY JT vs jr Tickets on Sale at Pershing Auditorium Adults $3.50 Students 14 years & younger $2.50 UNL Hockey Club UNO Hockey Club immediately following Knights game.