4 DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed In person' In Room 34, Nebraska Union, weekdays 8-12 and 1-5; or called in between 8-10 only at 472-2588. Cost Is $.08 per word, per day, $1.00 minimum. Payment In advance preferred, but phone orders mey be charged. Bank Amerlcard is also accepted In payment of advertising at no extra cost. Rates quoted are for cash order or charge orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days ro 50 cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3 00 p.m. day before publication. No refunds. Complimentary ads may be run only If error is brought to the Nebraskan's attention the business day after publication. FOR SALE 6; 85-1 5's. 2 re gular-very 48-1073. snow-excellent, 3 good. All $40, '72 450 Honda Scrambler. 5000 miles. With helmet, back rest. Must sell. 475-0146. Ampex cassette tapes: 40 rnin- 58 centsfor two; 60 mn.6r centsfor two. Vid-A-Comm Systems, 1 630 P St. Automatic Radio 8-track car tape player deluxe model. Che.-ip. 477-8484. HELP WANTED Lincoln YMCA NEEDS YOUIII We need youth group (grades 4-6, 7-8) leadersl Job offers, good teaching and coaching experience. For details: call 488-0961. Need a Job? Will you work evenings for $5 an hour? Car required. 466-6642. MEN, MEN, MEN. GIRLS, GIRLS GIRLS. Needed at once for our grand opening. Cocktail waitresses & waiters; foud waitresses & waiters and cooks. Top wages. Will hire first 20. See us at once or call after 11:00 a.m. Rendezvous Lounge, 434- 0264. MENI WOMENI JOBS ON SHI PS I No experience required. Excellent pay. Worldwide travel. Perfect summer job or career. Send $3.00 for information, SEAFAX, Dept. 0-8, P.O. Bo 2049, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. Kitchen help wanted. Flexible hours. Day and night shifts open. No experience necessary, Apply In person at T'aco Kid, 17th & Van Dorn. No phone calls please, Part time help needed In kitchen and deliveries. Car necessary. Contact Mr. McKay after 3 30. Call 432 5961 ROMANO'S. Part time waitresses waiters bartenders-k Itchon help - evening work. Good Pay. Tack Room Bar. 1 445 C o r n h u s k r , 435- 9234. Part time student help nee' ted, approximately 20 hours a week. Mornings or afternoons, but must be reliable. $2.00 per liour, Apply In person to Bob Carpenter, Mapes Industries, 2929 Cornhusker Highway, Morning hostess cashier position open. Part or full tune, mornings. Will train. Apply 2 4 p.m. daily. J.B. Big Boy, 27th U Vine. monday, October 1, 1973 o o o o I O OOOOO o OOOOOOO J t ickets $ 1 - avail.iljle at west brook 1 1 i and Union performance: , h ,(!,jk mon., oct. 1,8 p.m. kimboll recital hall sponsored by union '1 ;3 performing tine arts ..l....iiii iiiwiu jMriyji"u ,i,ni"imi"u"""i i)iiuwiiiiiiMijiiiniwii)i-.niiiii um iiiiiiniro'i n-nri mh wmmiii inn injnl ads , Part ':ir.j work. Evening shift. Earn S30A-A. Call 132-6884. University students. Part time work. Flexible hours. t 3 0 0 m n n 1 1 '. Car required. 4 75-7O10, f vr interview. Nigiit wailiwi position. Part time or full ti ie 2, 3 or 4 nights a w ft'ik. 'Good pay. Apply any time. J.B Big Boy, 27th & V i ' e Nei-d txix'tt ii .unstress for dress mnMiiii shoo. Good pay. Call I8'o;o3 ,,,v, ,,r 435-4938, cvuni r'g::. " 1 -r Part time girl cashier wanted. Crest VI In f. Mart, 1 545 Cornhusker Hwy. Part time attendant wanted. Crest Oil Company. 1545 Cornhusker H ighway. "vUrr.Ing, afternoon and evening bus i.oy position. Will train. Part tm- ir (nil time. 2, 3 or 4 days a week, Apply anytime J.B.'s Big L': oy 21 ih & Vine. Day cook position open. WIN train. Part time. S2.2&r. 2, 3 or 4 days a week. 4 8 hr.vvk. Apply nnvthno. J. P. ' -, Big Boy, 27th & Vine FOUR COllRjL MEN NEEDED PART TIME:. $50WK. ALSO FULL 11 Ml. WORK. 488-4424 Nurse aides. F ull and part time. All shifts. Apply Madonna, 489-710:'. SERVICES P rod' iilo nal editing and or 'writing, artwork, typing. Seasonal, ,. rilU.s. 489-3283. Preanant? Birth right cares about you and your unborn child, 4 7 7-80 21 . Need typing done? Call 489-8121 a f t -r 5 p. m, 'any on down to Room 34. Union lo il, it f your v,ml ,1(1 . ROOMMATE WANTED Fern, ile ruon h na to wanted to share apt. SG0"i-. Call 4 75 2828. Male roommate- large furnished apartm''' t. 1 1'.' isonable rent. -1 (. ;. Two . a!e r'" "tima'i" to shar ,iP,irt m- t i m m e d i ,i t e I y . A y.l I .1' U. workday!.. t n j ' u -,,'-' 4 ' ii'J'. FOR RENT 1 1 r ad u a : '; students! I Newly irpi'te I, fully furnished, 4 h-.'driom ugly ho.i-." for rerit. C I f ;.M"i't pat k ing, no ( hildren or largi.' pets. Refcr'-nei.'S pleasee :,.'' V"i-. Ai-pl to 2040 West O St. J J i r h f J ! Special committee rejects Hiram Scott takeover plans By Steve Arvanette A special governor's committee has recommended that NU not take over operation of the former Hiram Scott College in Scottsbluff. By a 7-3 vote, committee members meeting in Grand Island on Friday adopted a motion which said, "The programs which have been suggested by the University of Nebraska are not of a scope and significance to warrant the acquisition of the Hiram Scott property by the University." The NU Board of Regents unanimously had backed an administration plan which would have converted the defunct campus into a program for agriculture and rural health. Voting against the motion were Jack Selzer of Scottsbluff, Robert Koefoot of Grand Island, and Frank Lewis of Bellevue. Selzer is chairman of an organization which has offered the site to NU; Koefoot is chairman of the regents, and Lewis is a state senator who has supported legislation authorizing acceptance of the property by the University. A bill was introduced in the 1973 session of the Unicameral by Scottsbluff Sen. Terry Carpenter directing the University to accept the property as a gift. After passage of LB 17, Gov. J.J. Exon vetoed the bill and the Legislature was unable to override the veto. However, on the last day of the session, senators approved a resolution urging acceptance of the property by the regents. The issue of the University using the Hiram Scott campus has touched off considerable WAI.K-IN Wi ST DOOK III A L I II CI N I I K ASUN Interviews ASUN is now iiiterviewinij Kn faculty annate and university standing commit tt'e positions: Calendar and Exams, Commiricnment, Housing Policy Commit tue, faculty Senate Human Highis, IrimrcolliAjiatt? Athletics, Parking Appeal1,, Scholarships and Financial Aids, Scholastic Appeals, Stulont Suspension and Dismissals, Campus Security Advisory Board, Senate vacancii.". in graduate and professional college, and the ASUN Student Court. Applications are available l 334 Union, phone 47 ? 2581 J ENDS THURSDAY!!! 1 ASS. r,& sss!?Bsirw i,mim AT 11:30- 1:30-3:25 5:20 -7:15 -9:10 P.M. daily nebraskan CU1BW1 ( 472-2200 "") mF4 f ,11 . a mt 1. 1 l m. 1 k m w discussion in state higher education circles. Opposition to University use of Hiram Scott has come from Sidney, Chadron, and North Platte, all communities with junior or state colleges. Local fears have seemed to center around the possibility that such an extension of the University might cut enrollments in smaller schools. Exon has expressed concern Tastj8ngp kiSpatii is a genuine masterpiece of staggerin-; proportions." Edward Behr, tJevsw. JgstyZwgp Inpads is not a 'dirty' movie. The film is stark, sensitive and completely shattering in its intensity. Yes, by all means, c.t:o I Last Tanqo'." Aaron Kit I, l in, ,!, .iniiiiaiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii- , I .ii,ljiiliii,t.iiiliiiMiiipi TMWWSM I h m.rr .. smsMMfMl&tiuL I DID YOU I I 1) NAVY AVIATION RESERVE 0FFICL.R CANDI- I DATES EARN SALARIES OVER $12'00 PR YEAR AFTER GRADUATION, AND WILL. HE CEIVE OVER $17,000 IN JUST FOUR YEARS? 2) THE NAVY ROTC CONTRACT PROGRAM CAN OFFER YOU S100 PER JUNIOR AND SENIOR YEAR, ASVvEL!. -Vi COMMISSION AS A NAVAL Or RC: GRADUATION? I THERE MIGHT BE A LOT YOU DON'T : ! 'V ABOUT WHAT A POSITION AS A MWAL OFFICER HAS TO OFFER YOU. CONTACT THE NAVY OFFICER INFORMATION TEAM MEMBERS NOW! ON CAMPUS OC T. 1 b f'LA C-V; :N I Off rr: ' i STUDENT UNION ;j ii Pick Up You!" Bargain Coupons! f You Missed Last Friday's Insert. SAVE $$$$ X L that the operation of Hira'-i Scott by the University inii be a duplication of i::.;sh programs. The rct:1.-;! :n:.v!. .' authority to frf rf.t property wiinin:; :; -rov of the (ovft r-or or i.. .:. Ur.ur NU Prosit l D.U. '::rn?i h, said tl t!r.:vr.:si v.r.tj! follow any Jcri!;i'!!i -i. i. , statt1 o f fici.U '. " itv: 'possible acguisiti'::). W: f9 H lb k Scr'oaV. r, Fr tin I MONTH DVWU i 1 (),!(