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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1973)
UNO fees purchase china, van v New sky show features Jupiter In December, the American space probe Pioneer 10 will pass by the planet Jupiter.' It 100-hour flyover will . bring it as close as 87,000 miles to Jupiter's cloud tops. The Ralph Mueller Planetarium takes the Pioneer trip to Jupiter in its new program "Mission to Jupiter". The new program was first presented Sunday. The schedule of public programs will be Sundays and holidays at 2:30 and 3:45 p.m. and Saturdays at 2:45 p.m. There are no presentations in the planetarium on home football Saturdays. The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) used $7,88C in student fees to buy china, silverware and a van to transport food for dinners and luncheons sponsored by UNO Chancellor Ronald W. Roskens, Gateway, the UNO student newspaper reported Friday. Charles Hein, administrative assistant to the chancellor, confirmed the expenditure, but said the van wasn't purchased exclusively to transport the food. He said the expenditure was a perfectly legitimate use of fees to make UNO bettor known in the community. The Gateway said UNO paid $1,879 for 36 settings of china, $1,802 for silverware and $4,200 for a van to transport food from the student center for university-related gatherings at the Roskens' home and elsewhere. Hein said the money c,iin; from the portion of student fees set aside by the Board o! Regents for debt service and equipment purchaser! at ine chancellor's discretion. The remainder supports student activities u'r-id services. Full time UNO stod.:nts p.iy $30 in fees and part-time students, $15, a si.-rnesii i . Hein said the dunce;! !; r.-ntprtains faculty, student and community groups at his home and on campus. He also has buffet luncheons for i-juo:;ts he'cie UNO football games. "We want the taxpayers to know UNO, and we want the university to become a part of ihe community," Hein said. Hein said the faculty am! student gatherings are financed with university funds, others with funds given to UNO by the NU Foundation, or in some cases, paid by those who attend. He said the china and silver are at the Roskens' home now because Mrs. Roskens entertained 65 women at tea there several days ago. The china l(nd silvci ware will be moved back and forth depending on whore' the functions are, Hein said. It is not for the Roskens' personal use, lie added. Hein said each dollar spei.-t "is doing to come back to the university tenfold. One o ihe tilings we're trying to encourage is financial support for UNO from private sources in this community and elsewhere." The Gateway, in an ulitoiial, said the expenditute for china, silverware and the van "seems to hint that UNO needs to make favorable impressions on members of this community and outside visitors to improve its image. The best way to upgrade the image' would be to pay high enough salaries to attract and keep top-notch teachers." bio ,'.3f,h ..p unaer ine Douglas III Plli-l)lHl-TI,t(i i Terrarium Beer Steins BRING YOUR FRATI.D 10 off on any item for 1 week. ... ,... - o NK 1 5 2 G 2 B .kv'w' ' . . ..... -. rViNAV Y i' w . , v i , . .... ...v.. .; . . . - EBB A JOB? STARTING AT: $10,266 BENEFITS: FULL MEDICAL, DENTAL CARE POSITION: PILOT OR FLIGHT OFFICER AFTER FOUR YEARS: $16,774 RETIREMENT: AFTER 20 YEARS EMPLOYER: UNITED STATES NAVY POSITIONS OPEN TO COLLEGE STUDENTS (ANY YEAR) WHO ARE PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY QUALIFIED AND SATIS FACTORILY PROGRESSING TOWARDS THEIR DEGREE. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT THE NAVY OFFICER INFORMATION TEAM MEMBERS. ON CAMPUS OCT. 15 PLACEMENT OFFICE STUDENT UNION RM. 225 doily nebroskon Editor-in-Chief: Michael (O.J.) Nelson. M;ini()m() til. mi M.iry Voboril. Newt Editor: Tim Anderson. rhl?WrL-7dpM Ke".Kj-k. Sports Editor: Bill Bennett. Photography ssLriort0 News Editor churvi w w The Daily Nebraskan is written, editcxi and rrian.ig-Ki by ttu ientsat the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It is editorially in-iiniciiiiim of the University faculty, administration anc. student body The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday throughout the fall and spring semesters except holidays and vacations. Copyright 1973, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may i- ri-pr without permission if attributed to ihe Daily Nebraskan, c-mt material covered oy anoiner copyngm, Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Ni-iiraska. Address: The Daily Nebraskan34 Nebraska Union i itn H treetsLincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone: 4024722588 " intod opt inq Kings Point Electronic Calculator ... .'jeanwi?: ,VJ I 1 IrlrMrVWrVWr.l I Vi mi iii in mi urn.,.,.. i t,i..ia I ,i7 I I ww!wii iffw-tf ',?' A-'fi-Sa FEATURES: addition subtraction MULTIPLICATION. 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