The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1973, Page page 2, Image 2
. . . . Gas stations... Continued from Page 1 This complaint has led to a request that the Legislature allow only certified mechanics to inspect vehicles. If the inspection program is ended, two alternatives exist. Nebraska could adopt a state-owned-station inspection program or it could have no inspections. A state-owned station program would initially cost the taxpayer S3 million to S5 million and would be difficult to set up because of the wide area that would have to be served, according to Sullivan. Currently only S 120,371 is appropriated for the inspection program, Sullivan said. The other alternative, complete abandonment, is considered even less attractive. According to the National Safety Council, those 10 states with no inspection programs average 6.9 deaths for every 100 million miles traveled. States with inspection programs similar to Nebraska's average 4.0 deaths and those with state-owned-station programs only 3.8 deaths. Nebraska has demonstrated that periodic checks of vehicles can reduce fatal accidents caused by defective brakes, tires, steering or lights. In 1968, one year before the program was set up, 17 fatal accidents were caused by one or more defects. In 1970, the number was cut to 13; in 1971, six; and in 1972, eight. But Sullivan and Eppens said that the one aspect of the program that has not been controlled is the human element. And they agreed that until the smiling attendants, "sticker slappers" and certified mechanics inspect all motor vehicles with some uniformity, any program would be less than perfect. Minorities plan protest march A united minorities group, organized last spring to support the takeover of Wounded Knee, S.D., is planning a demonstration march to the Capitol on Columbus Day, Oct. 12. The United Minorities and Concerned People's Organization (UMCI'O) will plan the protest at a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Nebraska Union, according to a spokesman for the group. UMPCO is made up of Mexican-Americans, blacks, Indians and a few whites, but membership is open to anyone, even if they are not connecter) with the University, the spokesman said. The protest will focus on the "oppression" resulting when the white people came to America and took it over from the Indians, the spokesman said. PSC 13th & P Under the Douglas III AG MEN! Terrariums Beer Steins Bring your Co-op ID 10 off on any item for 1 week. doily nebraskon Jt )in Wxxlsv QMijjafiailM. tx)llution.Today. IFC rush to be held L ..Mor-iivC!. f( M'i .ml (O.J.) N Voborit. News f.litor Tim Anderson. I , or . Managing fcdilor: Marv Si'f ii.t t-litor- Ken Kirk. Sports Editor: Bill Bennett. Photography Chief' LU Fold.i. Night News Editor: Cheryl Wcstcott. Editorial' lint Loi i Ck-i.c' r. The Daily Ntibraskan is written, edited and managed by students at the Uniwiity of Nrtjr.iska Lincoln. It is editorially independent of the U'ii.'i;rsit f . i . ; u ! t y , . Ir. inistrat ion and student body. thr Daily Nebraskut) is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday. 1 hursday and Friday throughout Ihe fall and spring ''s;.-! s fj.ciit holidays and vacations. Copyr.qht 1'.)?3, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be teprintod vV'ihijut i '! ission if at f ibutci I to the Daily Nt'braskan, excepting I'MtiTsi! iui!til by ;.'"Ofhor copyright. .-:0'"f c.kv pc.i.i i paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Addrr-,5 I hi Daily IMebraskan34 Nebraska Unio"14tn & f! sUm ;, Nti.r. CH'.Ot!. ,T'i Uiphone: 402472?l8fl. The I nter-F raternity Council will sponsor on open rush program this year. Any persons interested in participating should contact the IFC office, Nebraska Union 332, by Thursday,, Oct. 4. Rushees will be registered and given the exact details of the open rush program later in October. 9 GAY ACTION RAP LINE 475 5710 EVENINCTS i , ; ." ; ' J it ' li,,,,1,ni.r1,r,l-',irrmn,ln.rlrm-lllr j-n.ffTr-rr-TT.-.-nrrtt-iiT -r- -f 1.1 - '..f. -i f U 11 i L UNL YOUNG DEMOCRATS CAMPUS HDQTRS. OPEN HOUSE Wednesday 926 12:30-3:30 PM Room 337 Nebraska Union Special Guest will be: GOVENOR EXON (Tentative) EVEN DWARFS STARTED SMALL; DIRECTED BY WERNER HCRZOG 96 MINUTES, B8.W, 16 8. 35 MM, r.iio.'ir k , i aht of Till I ( ) l i I irjj lm SEIill!, IN NiVIMBEB Dltnri jm(red to Todd Browmnfl'i FREAKS, Herofl'l film il tha mora unmtnpromiiinq, rHlcntlon, mid cruel. It it funny or borrrfying when an inrtitution of dwHi revohl, takw over their normal ured majtr'ri' world, end pnrpetrataj yKjIenc on it? You decide. New York, Camel, nd London Film Ferbvals NEBRASKA UNION FOREIGN FILfTIS PRESENTS Luchino Vischonti's "Death in VeniceM Tonight and Thursday Night 7 V 9 P.m. Sheldon Art Gallery Si-nm ritet Available MONDAY- F HIDAY at the Nibrask Union Sunth firm 7 00 a.m. to ? 30 n.m., and at the Union Procjrom Office from S iO Uj ' 00 c m. Everyone is invited to come to YD Hdqtrs. and visit with YD mem bers & special guests. DOOR PRIZE: Robert Kennedy's book- "TO SEEK A NEWER WORLD" Hess Dyas (Democratic Party State Chrmn.) Dick White (Democratic Party Legis. Lobbyist) State Senator Steve Fowler State YD Chairman Dave Newell 4f If you think you read loo slowly, say eye. ixations Kpct'd and Incwrrcct eye movement may le draktieally tuning your reading speed. i mi majiy eye regressums anU ti can i nil i hit yoi comprehension. The Ciolden Learning Center, witli tlie aid of a liiometrie eye photography test, can chart the movement of your eye and' isolate your reading problem. The test is given without charge, without obligation. Objective, efficient Our reading courses at Ciolden learning Center are objective and efficient too. The combination of individual attention un.t : :r:.. method guarantees you a reading speed of ovit 500 words ner minuii. Our biometric photograihy test is at your disposal. The Colden Ix-arniiiv Center is at your M-rviev. OLDEN EARNING ENTER I 'Mil Son ih ;;$n suwt 177-7 1 5 1 mmsm j Wednesday, September 26, 1973 fl.nly iicbr.'i'.f-in