The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1973, EXTRA!!, Page page 5, Image 5

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    What is it like to be without a sense of community,
missing someone or something to relate with, to be just
Vernon Williams, director of the Counseling Center
has met and talked with students who were wandering
in dormitory halls, not finding anything to do.
'The room doesn't do it for them," he said, "i don't
find my main identity here, nothing to hold me here.'
they say."
"Students need the type of activity in which they
become involved, like the Daily Nebraskan, but not
enough of this is going on," he said.
Williams said he feels students want small learning
centers about the size of Centennial College devoted to
department areas within the College of Arts and
"The students could be more involved with other
students of the same interests," he said.
"Students could form these themselves, but it would
be nice if the University would help," he said.
ense of community.
Sometimes they gel sidc-lrac ked loo
long on issues like alcohol and visitation
and Iomh'I to demonstrate eoneem alum!
llie quality ol education being ol leied h
the I linvei'sily. lie said.
Iloeger reportedly told I lie Board of
Regents at an advisory meeting that it it
weren't for his involvement in the
non-academic sector of the community,
he couldn't get out of bed for classes in
the morning.
Iloeger said that what lie meant was
that the classroom experience, with lew
exceptions, was mediocre, tininspiiing
and conducted jn an atmosphere which
did not generate excitement or the desire
to learn.
The predominant educational
philosophy seems to he that the primary
function of a state university should he
research, and that leaching is necessarily a
secondary objective. It is assumed that
students who desire a belter education
.can find it in a private institution, he said.
"We need to get together and set some
priority on how to develop a kind of
school that it isn't possible to float
through," he said.
"We should emphasie leaching more
nossihle bv bashm leimie untie on
I e;n."l l i i iji. hi' added.
"What wc'ic living to do now is let
moie students know what's going on and
how to gel in on it," he said.
to an ASUN
loeger was rele
program which began last week with a
ineeliiiL' of new ASUN liaison
representatives fiom the (ircck houses
The (heck meeting will be followed by
one for the dorms as soon as each Moor
has had lime to select its representative
Iloeger said KM A favored the liaison
plan which encourages representation
(non-voting) from the living, areas. Me said
such representation, besides improving
conununilcation between ASUN and the
living areas, would open the way for
students looking, lor a sense ol
"The only way they can feel it is to
gel involved," he said. "We're going to do
all wc can to help.
lit' said Midi represen
( n lion, besides improving
eommiiiiienlinii between
ASUN and llie living areas,
would open the wa for
students looking lor a
sense of community.
page 5