Although (lie conflicts are basically with University policy established by the Board of Regents, leader's office sometimes is filled with protestors. Frequently it boils down to a difference of opinion between what the parents want for their sons and daughters and what the students want for themselves, he said. Milder saiil the success of his job sometimes depends on anticipating what the students want in order to avoid a crisis. He said for that reason aionc he couldn't do without ASUN and the information llicy provide him on student interests. ASUN president, Ann Henry, said, "One of the biggest problems we've had is defining the community beyond that of the student body. Ileniy said she would favor conhining student and faculty senates in furthering the ('SI. concept. What sense of community the CSL task force will have dining its investigation is unknown. It seems reasonable to assume, however, that since CSL is made up of student, faculty and staff members, these sectors of the community will be included in the investigation. "I feel that a student's ultimate success depends on how he 01 she relates to the faculty. "CSL is the one place where students, faculty and staff are brought together in the decision-making process, but the concept is too narrow," she added. According to ken Under, (lie concept of community at I'INL is confused by its varied localities City Campus, Kast Campus or the Lincoln Community and hv each individual's sense of community. mi imm in .u..i .mi in i. ngg V " I , , ' i:lmr ' ij , v J . v 7l r ..- xVi '!. .i( v 'i ""''V.'f',-- I'IimIh hv ( . ill I "M. i Ken Bailor