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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1973)
vtr (Aiteu , 7 i ' 4 -VJL ' . V rjr'jHF. ,r- . ,1 I- IN "-. V i 1.. T"--. TV 71 J- I u ; Ay, . . ' iZt 'VL i .Kjnirjr a nybick Ritch Bahe (24) starts on a reverse through the Norih Carolina State defensive line. Bahe rushed for 42 yards against the Wu!fr..-j;k. Husker l-Back Dave Goeller (28) runs through the Wolfpack defensive line for some of his 94 yards rushing. Fullback Maury Damkroger (46) provides the blocking. 3 id's i;' : ' 1 f j - 6. C d v'.v: :'.: quarterback D'lV", Hu'iim ijoes through pru.'u. witmups lefore th U'ulh Carolina State conlr.M qainst State, H..!r.n c,-'iv)ict('d 8 of 14 p;i . :ir 102 yards. 1 , 1 , " 1 i im ' 1 ;j c- mr i u.-f iiik 1 1 . I ; i I 1 I t ' m r ii".!.-r ' n 1, .:;ir:l th UNL,.. 'Mf.r.. 1740 Virw; '"11 i.-i ; i.n.i'i ni;;.m tr.t ,.. tin- ijrji cr. i'?nn v. il! 1 ." I ii.". i i , ,t M 30 j.-.m. i-i t'.-.' !'".' ''.).: r i' ;;r. rtvitn .1 I i.ili. Fl'f f.rr'A i. 1 1 mm'.. I CI'M' ' ii j i 1 '1 i ... . i.-ji or'" .)!' i ,. ; . A I ( Itirr. ,.;vJ f i I - ill ; 1 r 1 i it tel. hit- . . .":! 1 'i L i.'' '.ho'hj ci'ni,'. t 1 1 ( . .,,..!, f '(t.'f 'in ii ..t ! -!i 4'; f;K;2. i 1:.- ':,.!.! l f - t. T Pn',,l Club ..!' 1 i 1 ,. I j ,, 7 p (.1 1 ' ' If - 'i'.i'U'-l (..,.(. ! 01 f')f ti, r 'luiUon 1 'd t:i Husker rally overcomes Wolfpack By Bill Bennett After practice last Moneljy ,.1'. tin; Huskcrs were pi ejjtirii kj for the North Cuiolinj State Wo! f pock, football coach Tom Ostorne said "I hope the cpne- with N.C. State isn't as touqh as the UCLA contest, but I'm ihaid it will be." Osborne's feats c.nne tue. oaturday afternoon before 75,925 fans as the Hu .kers enletid the; fourth quai tor of the game trailing 14-10, beioie pnliiu-j j 3114 win. Nebraska's hopes for an early lead against the psychd-up Wolfpack were not realized as two long offensive drives, engineered by starting quarterback Steve Runty, were stopped by pass interceptions. "It was teally a dhappointrrsent when we got that close and couldn't score," fs.,Kl Daiyl White, offensive' tacko and co-captain. And if that wasn't 1 rmuoh. I.'n-f i, tiie first ciuarter, Husker Randy Borg letuined a (njnt 42 .nds to th(! Slate 24 yard line, but fumbled. Tre h,.: w is u co-;i-r"d by the Wolfpack. That Husker turnover, the third of the game, set up State's first score. With no time left on the first quarter clock, Wolfpack fullpack Stan Fritts h. one over left guard for a 59-yard touchdown run, and ;ilw with the cxt-a point, State had a 7-0 lead over the tt untied Hu ! is. Our defense w;s uh-t;', . .ww.ue way on that lun," said middle guai d J -;'; H-e, vhw ii u if... Black shirts with Yd tackles. "I was hit on the nlw but I thought hi' vj;', ki'ockwl down, too. When I u,ot up sud luo ed ,.er,ui.d, f ritts was lonq gone." Early in the vcood qu.e'c:. ";!..c 1 ..;:!... vhat thi: call the "Poocher Punt". Stie (.;:.:..; 1. 0.-. ). i'(,ur: kicked hom the 33 yard line of Nebraska down to 1 1 ,e cue, wImmc the ball was caught in mid-air by a Zio'.' d ici e. vet one in the stadium and the press box thojcl t it ii;, ,ji r.y, but the rule book states that if an oppu-.m.; p'.-yer is not witfiin five yaids of the ball, it can be ou-jhi in nnd .v Nebraska finally got on the h . : ehoard with 4:13 left in the half when quarterback Dave Hum c passed 40 yards to split end Frosty Anderson for a touchdown. Mich Sanger's kick was good, and the score was 11 at die h .If. "At the half, Coach 0:.bcirt r d ;K:t we went out thete like a bunch of prirn.j donnas ih," 1 'd: 1 be beat," sair! John ; r. "H" see' we to 1 j ihceii in the si'f.ond ' (jeiteig thea I.,::. ds ,' oanger wlucfi eawi.' y irdi in 4:(i4 I ritts ive Stale a 14 10 lead Dutton, defensive tackle and r.o get our heads to'iehn. 1 an J 'ei u i half." But Neljraska wr c i.'tii; , together." After j 24-y.rd b.;ii t;(,..t Nebraska j 10-7 led U:v ' ..v .. scored on a ICy.ed to'.;'.l do vn iuu k going into the fout th . lu.jrtcr "We knew we couldn't give up." D.iid Husker defensive end Steve Mamtedt. "We knew we Ji ad to do it or else." And Nebraska did e'-'C y b.i ",:; up" as the Huskers scoter) tfiree tunes in the founfj r.,a ei r) assure the victory. Mtr-r '(. ariii;, ! fieri; wr, n oibii'.j but praise from the Husker playeis and coaches ;. visitors fioni R.deigh, N.C. "I'm real pleased die v..j we c. me bark in the fouith quarter," said Osborne "Ihey Ji-.iv,' .1 hue team. Thcy'iea lot tx;ttei tfian most people 1 xp-.t.ted." I Jwck Tony Dt.vis, who ru bed for 106 yards and one touchdown, said the State defense had great pursuit, always hit hard and never gave up. Da , injured his ankle on the second play of Nebraska'-, fir t offensive possession and vws relieved periodically bv Dave Gr Her fioeller rushed for 94 yards. "I h.xi a lottf. n ifiu.f," U.'t'on '.. id, "I can't rci.ierr.l'-r whs-ri I was ffowi ' r-ij.iy len. , "'J(jli )uttf)li s.jid he wis mad with bens;!'. ') : j,.,; r r .,,;, on ,(iyt jM, WiJ.( (lai. rioba:;an double and ti,plt; ti.-cmud most of the afternoon. Humm, alter rebeviiifj Rimty in the second quarter, was eight foi 14 passing, 11 idled tor one touchdown and had one pass int..irept'.d. Besides his touchdown pass to Anderson, he also threw one to f'ght end Brent Longwell. Runty was four for seven passing "It sure does feel great to be playing again," Humm said. "But it must be remembered that Steve did a great job against UCLA, ,nid it's not important who p'ys, it's just important that we win." White summed up Husker sentiments when he said, "N.C. State could iate wit hi any team in the Big 8. Over in the State lockenoom. Head Coach Lou Holtz said "Nebraska was a ti emendously fine team." "They have good coadies and (jowl players," he said. "Everything you'd expect from Nebraska." Holtz war, impressed with the Husker fans. "Osborne knows Ivs fans," he said. "He knows when to call a time out and get all 76,000 people Jjehind his team." State quarterback Dave Buckey said the Wolfpack couldn't afford to make mistakes and still beat Nebraska. "When Nebiaska was making the mistakes in the first half, we were playing on even teuns," Buckey said. "But when we starter) making mistakes in the second half, the momentum shifted Kjw.ii d Nebraska." A bad snap to the State punter in the fourth qirirlet gave the Husker; the ball on the Wolfpack 21 yaid line and set up the Huskies' third touchdown of the game. "At fust, wr? were in awe of the stadium and of the team," Buckey said. "But when we scored first, we realized Nebraska could be Jjeat." Buckey said Nebraska definitely isn't overrated. "If anything," he said, "they'i e underrated." Besides jj,,. usujl bumps and biuises, the Huskers' worst injury may ! to kicking specialist Sanger. He might have su'h ied stijiii-.d lig.imwiis to his kicking knee, but more tests w !l be taken Kj iJetcrrn-ne the extent nf his injury, Mike Coyle is Sanger's backup, p to n l ft &y 11 Hit 1 - ' UV 1 t """..vf ' y . "iot id .y, September 24, 1973