The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1973, Page page 6, Image 6

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Foreign films begin
Tuesday at Sheldon
By Diane VVanek
Selected feature films from all over the world will le
screened on the UNL campus this year. For its 22nd season
the Nebnska Union Foreign Film Society will move its
shc.vings to the Sheldon Art Gallery auditorium.
The new season will open Tuesday with Luchino Visconti's
Deoth in Venice, an adaptation of Thomas Mann's novella of
the sam name. D it k Bogaide has the role of Gustave von
Aschenhach, a composer driven to Venice by a youthfully
ardent thirst for distant places. There he meets a young boy,
played by Bjorn Andiesen, whose t)eauty obsesses him.
The film is beautifully made, and its reconstruction of the
Venice of several decades ago seems authentic.
A free showing of Death in Venice is scheduled for 4 p.m.
Tuesday in Sheldon, in keeping with the society's traditional
season opening.
Other ilms the society will show include Inymar Bergman's
The Magician, Luis Bunuel's The Discreet Charm of the
Bourgeoisie and Nasarin and Francois Truffaut's Shoot the
Piano Players.
Foreign film membership is open to students and the
general public. Tickets may be purchased from representatives
of the society, at the Union south desk, at Sheldon or at the
Union Program Office.
The films will le shown every other week on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7 and 9. Admission is by
series ticket only.
The price of a series ticket is $8.80 for UNL students,
faculty and staff. With lb' fiims in the seiies, each film will
cost about 60 cents.
I ,J: arm
These and other dancers are to appear with Ballet West U.S.A. at 8 p.m. Wednesday
in Kimball Recital Hall as part of the Performing Arts Series. Tickets for the five
Series performances are on sale for $7.50 at Westbrook 113.
Loving, leaving Cesar and Rosalie theme
Like its French predecessor Jules and Jim, Claude
Sautet's new film Ce&ir and Rosalie is a love triangle
of two men whose lives revolve around one woman,
It is an excellent film that in some respects goes
Ix'yond Truffaut's masterpiece Jules and Jim. It is a
portrait of upper class French life styles and gives
insight to the complex, changing relationships
between the three central characters.
Cesar (Yves Montand) is a middle-aged, millionaire
who is living with Rosalie (Romy Schneider), a young
yet experienced woman who loves whom and when,
she wants. When David, one of her former lovers,
returns after six years, the relationship of Cesar and
Rosalie is broken up.
Rosalie leaves Cesar to live with David, leaves
David to live again with Cesar, lives with both of
them and finally leaves both of them.
Montand gives a marvelous performance as a
possessive man who must change his attitudes when
he realizes ho' CarlftoT kp"p someone he wants very
Unlike Jeanne Moreau, the compelling force of
Jules and Jim, Schneider is a more low keyed
character than either of he"- lovers. In fact, the movie
becomes a study of the strange bond of friendship
between two men who have had to fight over the
greg ukow
key grip
same woman, and in the end have to share her, but
also do without her.
Cesar and Rosalie suffers horn a pour dubbing job,
but is overcome by Sautet's deftly presented
Another fine film is Siddhai tha, 1he movie version
of Heiman Hesse's novel. It presents the life of
Siddhartha (Shashi Kapoor) from a teenager to an
old man as he travels searching for truth and peace of
mind. He tries the teachings of the Brahmas, Sadhus
and Buddhists in his search for the way to achieve
nirvana, but eventually aljandons them all.
Later he tries other methods, from an isolated
existence of thinking, and fasting to a carefree life of
easy living with a beautiful young Indian princess.
But by middle age he has seemingly run the course
and settled down to live as a poor boatman ferrying
people across the Ganges river. He has abandoned his
search and decided that the best way to live is for the
present without goals. He feels that with life, like the
river, all things return.
Conrad Rooks' script and direction are more than
adequate. It was filmed in northern India and boasts
some Ixiautiful atmospheric photography by Sven
Nykvist (Ingmar Bergman's cameraman). Along with
an excellent soundtract of unusual Indian music,
these factors add up to a welcome film experience.
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page G
daily iir;bra' an
monday, September 24, 1973