editorial Power playoff Some cultures believe hell is a cold place. And it seems that if predictions of an energy shortage prove true, Americans might get a taste of such a hell this winter. The Joint Economic Committee of Congress warns that cold weather plus a shutoff of Middle East oil could toss the country "into an economic crisis. ..unparalleled since the Great Depression." The Midwest already faces some problems. This year's bumper crop will require greater consumption of liquefied petroleum. Many farmers, particularly in Illinois and Indiana, have been told by LT distributors that they only can guarantee half the gas needed to harvest and dry crops. An added complication is that this gas is the same used to heat many rural homes. So far, no allotment program has been established to control the use of this fuel. But the Nixon administration has done something. It has called for a loosening of environmental control standards so that lower grade oil and coal can be used to meet energy needs this winter. Such a step contradicts the nation's environmental interests. The burning of lower grade fuels as allowed by the looser standards would be detrimental. Many such fuels contain great amounts of sulfur, which, when burned, give off excessive carbon dioxide, a pollutant associated with lung disease. The 1970 Clean Air Act requires that these carbon dioxide levels be reduced so that by 1975 they are not harmful to people's health. Many cities and states have established and begun enforcing these standards. Nixon now has destroyed years of work with a single sentence. Instead of calling for lower pollution standards, the President ought to have dcmand-H a fuel allotment program to assure conservation of our natural resources. The problem is not the short-term inconvenience, as Nixon lias said. The Chase Manhattan Bank, in a study released earlier this year, said the U.S. energy demand will double by 1985. Even the Alaska pipeline will not meet this need. After the pipeline is completed, the U.S. within a decade will need another 11 billion imported gallons of oil a day. An allotment program, if enacted, might do more than conserve our natural resources. It would help show the nation how much energy it actually needs. The U.S. now consumes three times as much energy as Western Europe and Japan without a comparably higher standard of living. These facts point toward a waste unequaled throughout the world. An allotment program must be implemented immediately. Under such a program, the nation might learn to live without waste. And that should be a goal even greater than getting through the winter. Michael (O.J.) Nelson Man meets auto in the 10th Si. arena-Ole! The western frontier of UNL includes several parking lots and the infamous 501 Bldg. It is cutoff from most of 'fie campus by a multi-lane black-topped barrier called 1 0ih St. Within the width of this no mans land, d desperate struggle between man and machine takes place daily. Though thcj orijiii of this daily conflict on 10th St. ha:. Ujun lost in obscurity, it has grown to Ixj a major :,Krt for txth -cctdtor and participant. The first few times you witness the spectacle, you probably will spn-ij niost of your time watching the pedestrian. It will lw Ip your appreciation of the sport to be ac)iwintnrf wit'i n few of the pedestrian's ftindamr; ' 1 -a e'lvr'i and basically can !r.iJ d into action" and "solo." The main un-mise of nr. hit us all." " ' f.l ii muss," has dUiievew competitive areas stopped, the moving mass begins stretching out as pedestrians walk at varying speeds. The result is a chain of persons stretched the length of the street. It particularly is effective if there is a reserve of persons waiting to cross the street, thus lengthening the period of obstruction. Though not to spectacular, the "solo" has a haunting artistry all its own. The contestant must rely more on mental intimidation than on the physicalmass intimidation of the group. The novice strategies. Strategy two areas: group rtion is, "You can't hod, the "moving international popularity in such as Mexico City, Rome and ; rsnii'i tiunclnui, tip ul Ol", numU-rs and (ourage inrr'MV IS : rr (-",;" depends on i .jiji: of the toad. As the mass of humanity , . .'', , the auto's f.jled once it is forced john michoel dsheo distant thunder to a complete stop. T ! called the "sty moid ijuuei. ' uncc tup maneuver the cars are often uses simple ploys, such as pretending not to see the charging auto, or the ever popular Big Grin approach, which especially is effective with females. A good soloist knows his km .. . i 1 1 , tin; numljcts of lanes he must cross, tin; diiect'cn of traffic, how to use the island and when to ihmmi. I hese ,iie not easy lessons to learn, and thur.; a. .; few things more pathetic than to see a young eh .,!. -, ji -i p.imc and run from the field with the auto ,ji fir, her:!:,. For those who (Jo make it past those first harrowing days, the ultimate goal they aim for is the perfection of the "slow walk." You will not soon forget this pass if you ate lucky enough to see it done well. It includes a slow step, head he-Id high defiantly, and a cold, hauty stare straight at the oncoming car. Yet this is not to say that man always wiu,or that autOS are weaklings. Many ears are unbelievably brave, and even the wisest ;;utofifjhter will step back and let a dump truck pass. But the cars' bravery is what makes mans' victory so much more glorious. Some people tompl.jin ahom 10ih St. They say it's not fair, that it's cruel to the ,iuto. But these games are not meant to be a Ian r outest. Rattier, they are a tragedy, with a picdestim-d outruns. The games strengthen students both phy.r ,,n y ;in- mentally, increasing their courage and sell confidence. Yes, there has tx.-en talk of eliminating the games, rerouting the 10th St. traffic t "te ting pedestrian ramps. And to those who . idvor.it;.. -ticse solutions I can only say: "Why, in our t'-nlc, humdium world, would you contrive to rcmov M r. t,i ,r,t ),,.,ti()n ()f courage and bravery;'" page 4 daily nebrui,k Ill', !'. pi'.'iiibnr 24, 1973