r editorial ooinio y Back Pace fThis is the fifth semester that the Daily .N'ebraskan has urged students to contribute to 'ACE. PACE stands for "Program for Active 'qmmitment to Education" and is a ow-income scholarship program voluntarily 'nanced by students. In past years there was talk of students wiping other students and of opening avenues so more low-income students could attend the University. This year those statements are still true, but the need is even greater. Federal cutbacks have reduced the financial aid ."available to students. PACE could make up part of the difference if all UNL students Participate. True, the possible $65,000 that could be raised through PACE won't come close to the $745,000 cut in federal aid, but it ould be a beginning. . There are those who say they cannot if ford to give $3.50 to PACE. In a few cases this may be true. But for the vast majority it is not. How much is $3.50? It won't buy a air of pants, a sweater, a hard bound textbook. It will barely pay for three mixed drinks at local bars. It seems those are things that could be put aside to help someone go to college. Two steps out of the dark At last the Interfraternity Council (IFC) has taken two steps out of the dark ages of pledge training. The IFC has re-established the pledge education contract and has made an effort to inform pledges of their rights. ... By re-establishing the pledge education r 1 Hi 1 KXXX" i 1 m 'X--.V 0xx 8 V v.w-yv snvsXvvS' A.'-1 J F A J mm mm we ifaw tw . VI V, X I I If '1588888888883 JgSJSSBSr' "X?88888888888I contract, the council has tneij to insure that pledges will not be harassed by iciives. That is the way it should be. P lodges .vc not slaves or toys, they are people and should be treated as such. The IFC also acted wisely in acquainting pledges with their rights during Rush Week. These actions focus ihe responsibility for enforcing the policies on the IFC. The council's officers must act vigorously to assure that the houses honor the contract. They also should inform the pledges of how to report violations. It is hoped that the IFC will not need to enforce the contract. But to hope that some houses will not mistreat pledges is like hoping Israel and the Arabs can live together peacefully. Michael (O.J.) Nelson Marxist reforms prove Aiiende's tragic flaw ,Vhi!' :hk fnti nnrikt inin; manv i .. nn .. . o 1 VVI.il:? ihis mluinnist loins manv f!Mir'. in lct)loring the violent and vr flosth last week of Chilean V: :l'ii:Pi Salvador Allendo Gossens, it is 'joi',' . hjt more difficult to lament his ffi,iis-' db Chile's leader. AHvud'.', a physician, squeezed into officH hi 100 with a mere 36.2 per (tit of fh(- popular vole. The rest w.iit to two other ' candidates-a inoM";;t and a conservative. While jirt mo 'T' than a third of the voters opt. r.'d for Allcnde, the world's first frpcly f lectrd Marxist president in?..;' -pmri-d his victoty as a miraculous mi'!!:d:!; for revolutionary reform. A I (hough the opposition-controlled con'irf. Ti was fihle to arrest or impede many of Alltnde's socialist schemes, the i."rji!;tors could not prevent him frr-m initiating the basic policies that hve, in 1 he past three years, brought chaos nd misery to the Chilean people. ",!!;". It;':, efforts to transform his C'.o'tfry into a plebeian paradise have .'rju;!,: havoc with the pieviously healthy economy. In 1971, his n.i'; "! ') fi'st year, the cost of living tos" '',' pci c'tt. 107 ww an inflation t.itu of 10? pel rent, and so far this y ,.r '!it t i hp- stands at 300 m cent. II)'.1 Chic.arjo 5un Timos leccntly n p. 'hot chicken:, wen; selling for U'-hciis ;i'ja' .ed '.ui pluses in the hu'tr;: t as profluction i.nd exports fell and import needs lose. Strikes pii,jl:;H the land as workers' wa'jes f,n!i in keep pce with inflation and iiK K'.i,i;d taxes wem levied to finance he m-prntA social revisionism. Although elected democratically, lie Allende administration made a nockery of the democracy that made its existence possible. Martial law was imposed with frightening frequency to silence demonstrations. Newspapers critical of the regime, such as CI Men irin and Tributia, were harassed and hindered economically. By the end of 1972, the administration had filed more than 120 lawsuits against newspeople and publications. Unfriendly editors were thrown in jail without a trial. Radio and television stations were seized, allegedly for aiding citizen understanding of Aiiende's point of view. Thus, like Communist and Socialist governments everywhere, the Allende administration labored under the delusion that it knew more than the people it ruled and was beyond reproach. Crisis upon crisis prompted repeated purges of the president's cabinet The endless game of musical ministers, however, was a cruel travesty. It was cosmetic and never indicated compromise on Aiiende's part. The coup last week signaled the first break since 1931 in Chile's peaceful tradition of choosing its leaders through the political process. The country has been known, along with Uruguay, as an exception in a continent predisposed to military takeovers. What happened cannot be viewed, as some assert, as a brutal grab for power by the Chilean armed forces. Instead it was a last resort-a manifestation that Chileans had finally had enough. ohn vihstodt rummer d There is every reason to believe that once order and calm are restored, Chile will heal itself by making a StriOOth transition h;ir k In Homnfralir uvuian rule. iKjye 4 daily rvbr.tskn Wednesday, September 19, 1973