Minn in-m innji. i i -mn 1 1 Wednesday, September 19, 1973 lincoln, nebraska vol. 97 no. 12 X't-VSCRRyKlRS. UE-T0OK-0NE-IOOK. X- GUE5S'TWE400 RAM l REX HE WAS AT-Ul&'T)mON-Sl8TE- OVERCHARGE vAS FOUND DEAD-6y'WIS MEN 1 AND-. JOST'A LITTLE TOO Computer goofs on tuition bills "I knew tuition was going to be higher, but tnis is ridiculous!" Tuition statements are $100 too ridiculous for about 1,800 resident students taking 13 hours this semester. According to James Wickless, UNL bursar, a computer mistake caused those students to be charged $385.50 instead of $285.50. The computer program has been changed, so students i should simply pay the correct amount and then records will be clear, Wickless said. Students who do not catch the error and pay the incorrect amount will be refunded, Wickless said. Unless a student can produce his or her cancelled check for tuition, he or she will have to wait until the second week in October for the refund, Wickless said. The refunds can be picked up at the Bursar's office, Administration 204. Harpo makes Marx; Virgil states (ae) neid By Miry Voboril 11) ml: von for my service pin; I think it 's t o.n'l 1,110 flunk you lor this party and this ''( ( .;)! rji) lino. 77;.;';, yo !o ilu: promise of a chilly winter ahead,. And thank you for decreasing air t oi K lit iouit ig o vcrhcad. Such symbols, to he sure, keep our cot i anon goals in sight. Si.!) symbols do remind us every lime we turn a light To nun it off. My, oh my! Surh symools help induce us to combat waste from within. So should I scoff or cry Laugh loud or try (in such trying times) To guess the token symbol of this party? This service pin7 Moral: Timeo Danaos, et dona creates. (I tear the Greeks and those hearing gifts) - Virgil. A nun who billed himself Virgil, lh ,H .-ideniic clown, but who dressed in the in, inner of the late Haix) Marx, di .tiiliuli'il this message to UNL faculty ,ml stall milling about the Neb!,1 i Umnn Monday night. I he occasion: UNL. Cluineello. J,iip"'. umheige's annual reception 1(H faculty and staff. A: iy n.', ,i cokIiiii to an informed ...mm,,:, was the cost of the teception it-..r I! th.it of about 2,300 silver i .i'iv.c- pin-. umbrige issued in .1 ily to 1,11.1111 and administrative .,ij employ. -d ,,i UNL. more than five yi .ii -i. i-if.t;, thi' v:rv; and Virgil's appear H-i.e vv-n; intended to draw intention to tin- apparent incongruity of :,pi aiding morn.- lor the party and service puc, while at the same time building ten pe. ture-, .ire being altered ,,nd net sons ..r- being urged to swiicn olt UNL ballooning svid. In- in if haiHW '.nil black 1 1 1 r I t . 1 1 gown lie lainxoncd t,,. ..oivhi' pm idea by displaying vice pne. "I ,iii,.)lh.'i sort his gown w,r. Mud. led with i"w-, of military ,,!.. J. 1 1 live nl ' b wen.1 lor biavery, ,ind , tn.li t I ' t 1 1 ,i ' p 1 1 i , as icligious, I'd : - .i,i: and I a i,", Male pins. Th,- f una Pot's reception linn was in t!v -itth erid id the Union main lounge. Vrr-jii made his appearance between 0 and ):30 p.m., after the doen per ".mm-, in the reception line had shaken h ind, and hobnobbed with lesser ranking faculty and staff for about two hours. Zumberge did not appear amused either by Virgil's surprise appearance or the pointed verse, but admitted he was offended by neithei . "It was a r a ther clever presentation," he said. However, as an afterthought the chancellor said he "was a little put off by his anonymity." Because of the incognito factor of the incident, Zumbi:ige ,,rd he was "not going to pay too much attention to it." Another person not amused was Miles Tomeraasen, UNL director of business and finance. "Some time when (Virgil) has two or three hours, I'd like to explain the vagaries of fund accounting to him," Tomeraasen said. The pins were paid for by means of "outside income"-nontax money such as gilts and grants, he said. Money from one of the discretionary funds at the chancellor's disposal paid for the party itself. NU Regent Ed Schwartkopf chuckled and said, "How about the., sports fans!" when Virgil first bounded in front of him and Zumberge in the reception line. Schwarzkopf later said, "I don't know who the young man expressing himself is, but he is doing it in a positive way and is not being an obstruction." Hie academic Virgil later flitted about the daikened Centennial Room and Union Ballroom, where food was seived and a nine piece orchestia was pi. lying, and passed out the remainder of his message's, piinted on pink, blue oi ve'low recipe cards. Hi' made his identity known to the Daily Nebraskan but requested his name not be levealed. ,,i, iu help puncture energy costs, the source ,i in-1 km i ejected I Lit po's ;M I ,t( i ol all unpiessed a'luwijwiigwww"'"""1" 1111 11 t" ! ' ' ' GJ & & m V If "issT ... it -. .i i 1 0 1S 1 f- " VK - Hi .7 f ' ' 'M. C.J ,: v 5. V J. n " -i' ' : 1 AJf"l i 1 "S. WW'1'; ' 11 If- ' I. F L ... . til V. ii ""I-., t Vl- i " ,r "I fin "e --n ilS ft. V mrt li'tWffchfh UffffrH ' Photo by Rich Steirmuitz Virg.Mho caclumic clown, with Regent Ed Schwartkopf and UNL ChuncHlor .tnd Mrs. James Zumberge.