High farm prices result of strategic grain sellout Huge grain ex ports, overselling U.S. crops and poor estimating of crop sizes by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) all are causes of gyrating farm prices, according to Jim Kendrick, who sook" last week at a UNL IHURS. SEPT. 20 THE ROYAL GROVE PRESENTS WAYNE COCHRAI R S I 1 H & THE C.C. RIDERS ALSO APPEAR I WG "THE LAST CHANCE" NO COVER CHARGE ONE DRINK MINIMUM DOOR OPEN AT C:0O ROYAL 9 1 it Arc you spending too much lime solving prob lems the cld-farhioned way-with slide rule, ordinary ';;ilcjlator or paper and pencil? oj.v proU'.ms in wcon-l",, '.vi t n one of the Vimij c.')ir iii.'it -jv-, ijspfj t,,y p!of'.;'iion:jls in your f'Ol J-t):': Ml'-:.;'; '.c on!;fi': Poct-et Calculator, MP-n-, Aj$r,cc:i ':.c.i ' t'l;c Pocket Calcu lator, or HP-r;'j O..Mi Pocket Calculator. Hrovh!' Par;1' "' '.-;!c;;'' t;.r: 'j-;r yc; more pO'.v o, r ' : o r o aco jtacy. ri;of : torag'; registers and n !'-atjr. ! M' . 1 1 t;.h' pkj ?l, ar.(,;,raov a o! ;:00 decides Yj '" to '0"). T't'e HP-45 aso give; o,i a-.tomatic cor. versions, offers you a choice of fied or sc.er'itic notation, and per- COME Agronomy Club meeting. Kendrick, a UNL agricultural economist, said, "Last year the world figured out there was a shortage (of protein), and they bought us dry by dealers." some pretty smart GRC thusker ' .'4 ' ' if ' V "111 the numbers. The world s first calculators that challenge computers and fit into your pocket. " n '-r'J;,- i r calculators t Or - 'irj givt . yCu up to 0 digit r. ' i.!'.'Ci!f! ii puif.t, and a range IN TODAY FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION of the complete line Hewlett-Packard pocket calculators Campos Bookstore, Inc. P.O. Box 80529 Lincoln, NE BankAmericaro Nebraska Bookstore 1135 R Street Lincoln, NE HEWLETT JID 'j.rc:, ccrico and support in The U.S.' government sold our strategic reserves of grain, he said, later explaining that he used the word strategic reserve in place of surplus. Kendrick explained that the change in demand caused by rumors of drought, flood or shortage without the buffer of our strategic reserves to soak up fluctuations in price have allowed prices to jump. This summer the price of corn shot up almost $2 a bushel before it fell $1 a bushel OVOlC Scmdomviaii GUlume, loo Tri-Delf women! Bring in your sorority I.D. & receive 10 off on any item for 1 wk. f I 's forms register and vector arithmetic. And the HP-80 is pre-programmed with 3 dozen financial functions Right now, an HP calculator can help you got better grades, because it , . . SAVES TIME in solving problems-just press the keys1 GUARANTEES ACCURACY for fewer mistakes OFFERS COMPUTER-LIKE POWER ("no wait ing for school machine) REPLACES TABLES AND PAPER-AND-PEN-CIL CALCULATIONS OPERATES SILENTLY for use in classroom, library or dorm GOES ANYWHERE (fits in pocket or purse; weighs but 9 ounces) PACKARD 172 ccntet3 in 65 countries daily ncbraskan in two weeks of trading in the December futures market, he said. He explained that in the past a farmer could count on the price of corn to fluctuate between about $ 1 -$ 1 .20 a bushel. Although his profit margin was slim, the farmer could still get a fairly close estimation of the return he would get on his investment, he said. Today it is hard for a farmer to quess what price he 13TH & P UNDER THE DOUGLAS III of will get for his corn within 50 cents a bushel, Kendrick said. Ideally a program should be adopted that would establish a price that would remain stable for a period of time, he sail Kendrick explained he thought this can not be done with price freezes or embargos but by telling traders not to oversell the crop. The major traders oversell because they are not coordinated. Each acts as it he has control of selling the whole crop. When combined they have actually committed more than the U.S. market has to offer, he said. The overselling by traders has been caused by "too damn much independence in the U.S.," he said. Later he called for federal legislation regulate this type independence by business ' Kendrick said pi ice", also determined by i e s t i m a t i o n s . The U ? manipulates fa mi prices show what they want happen, so re body beh their fct .;!.. anymore, said. . Kendricic sr.id satellites give information on crop sizes ta the CIA and even Russia monitors them but . nobody bothers to tell the USDA. I here (crop Tig'.:' at the top, Kcr : :: -o't '0 be I, f,:-rinei s. i -M- v,. five O,,!: gone !vH mai iy m ' i.he tubi;" yvii.'cnce that they ,) art: !-..ijtj footed Kr -idf ; . i: said. . :. .'band thr't tfie 0 "UiOij niiCCS , ., 'u, !',!!! '-, . jb o'.dy knows 1 ;; v.: is hv" have hi; a a 'i tic: said "uo 'bi'A'M ':s v'".ii aiso. HURRY 1 ''t( 'A THURS.! I ' ' - I ' ? il mow .3,n .', Vm HAM i l JjJeet thel i$ensu3!grs..M Wfpitth tight pants X ana loose loeas! ,ilwV sr ore door '..X'ft-' FOR ALL YOUNG LOVERS A f K W BY OAUtif I II OUCH A rilAN ANCI ' a Woman C0IM 2ND HILARIOUSLY SEXY WEEK! (X) 7:30 9:10 motidciy, suptHrt bur 17, 1973 19 S !