i 1 J don t -1 Hr iH Y Iqti tuning out the blarring stereo next door, but privacy outside the room, 'Tor those times when one person's activities impinge upon the privacy of his roommate." Besides social activities, the report said the dormitories should be working to bring together living and learning. The survey of dormitory residents showed that 36 per cent said they wanted more classes to meet in the dormitory complexes. How can dormitories be changed to suit the needs of students and not the needs of administrators The committee suggests that coed dormitories and visitation will solve this problem. "Coed halls and visitation should not be looked upon as a whim of liberal students, but as a tool for achieving the total learning and developmental process that the university experience entails," the report said. The survey shows that 45 per cent of the students wauled longer visitation hours. Twenty-live per cent wanted 24-hour visitation and the rest asked for between eight and 18 hours. continued on page 6 wYx IP TcT) ff n n I d It or-Iii-t h lef : Michael (O.J.) Nelson. Managing I'.dltor: Mary VoborU. New I dltor: II m Anderson. Special Cdltor: Ken Kirk. Sports l.ditor: Hill Dennett. I-XIKA h a publication thi Daily NclimsLiin. Doth arc written, edited and managed hy student at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. I hey are editorially Independent of the University faculty, administration and student hody. IXTKA U published hy the Publication Commhtee on luesilay throughout the fall and spring sememtent except on holiday and vacation. Second clas postal ,ild;il I Incoln, Nebranka. Addre: IXTKAM Nebraska UnloiiHtli & K SlM'iUl Intoln, Nehr. fK50h. Telephone: 4(i'i-17225KH. We Rent Furnishings That tAthQ Your Surroundings Fit Your Porsondity . . . Attredif, Unusud. r ) 1 V Mi jTi'ii'M 'li'v V j ill ii Zm viilafeto. MMtkly Mtn. moo MmMi) MtaMIn is a genuine masterpiece of staggering proportions." -Edward Behr, Newsweek is not a 'dirty' movie. The film is stark, sensitive and completely shattering in its intensity. Yes, by all means, see Last Tango'." Aaron Schindler, Family Circle n. i 1 1 .. .iii mini in i .imu Mi.nmiinuiiPjmmii n i rnvntmi.Mm..vmi-'mmtmmm u, .i i (xj rjTW0TWrfm Unif4 '1,,f w' M&3 - - page 3