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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1973)
Financial aid cuts prompt CSL action By Jane Owens Because all Big 8 schools have been affected by cutbacks in federal financial aid, the Council on Student Life (CSL Thursday voted to ask those universities to protest aid reduction. The Council plans to ask bodies similar to CSL at the eight schools to contact the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) and their congressional representative to protest the cutbacks. The Council also plans to offer its assistance to Ken Bader, vice chancellor for student affairs, in asking the Legislature for increased financial aid for higher education programs. "Nothing will be done about aid cutbacks unless people start yelling loud," CSL Chairman Don Shaneyfelt said. "If you get the rank and file voters to contact their representatives, sometimes it has a real effect." Addressing the Council, UNL Financial Aids Director Jack Ritchie said federal aid to UNL students was cut by about $754,000 last spring. The reduction shortchanged about 1,200 UNL. students out of 6,000 who applied for financial aid, he said. Ritchie said he didn't know the number of students prevented from attending UNL as a result of aid cutbacks. "There are -probably about 1,000 to 1,500 students here meeting expenses just by the skin of their teeth," he said. in other business, the Council adopted guidelines for establishing a CSL Campus Security Advisory Committee. The Committee, -consisting of one administrator, one faculty member and five students-- would assist the Campus Security in "developing broad-based services and programs that fulfill the needs of the University community." "if 'It iff i A mining v 3 ft i Arlen Gangwish, Corncobs president, teaches Pam Dickey, Tassels president, how to drive the "Big Red Machine." The "Big Red Machine," equipped with a three-horsepower engine, will lead the Cornhusker football team on to the field. The "Big Red Machine" is a red fire truck that is 72 in. long, 34 inches wide, weighs 220 lbs. and has a one-quart gas tank. Gangwish said the machine was paid for by a "concerned fan" who will be repaid when the Corncobs and Tassels receive donations for it. 1 n if m jf! iff iLEAbUE I We Rent Furnishings 1 That Make Your I Surroundings Fit 1 J O our Personality I n yf'f Attractive, j J Unusual. f lor a w bmJiwim apt. Iimllid 1 T L m tug liviorinxirii, tir-liiiom "" 3 f i , . jjfi . - - - duvue IihIkhIimI l" '.' lw J j y ;iv nl.ihlc Monthly """ 1 pj " ll"ll"""""',l"'"ri'" " .j2r"2ft ." ITS" " ' " I Tfe Optical SIop 333 NORTH 1 2TH 477-9347 . ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS WILL BE HELD ON THE FOLLOWING DATES TO FORM FALL BOWLING LEAGUES Form a team or come to tin meeting as an. individual. All teams are four man, cc'pr two, as noted. Check the iist below for meytinq times. Meeting timus at the IVc'rsira Union: i;heck rhtily c;il'?ndar f :r room Mon, September 10 Tues, September 11 Tues, September 11 Wfirl Sentember 12 ' .,.r..yr -r Thurs, September 13 Thurs, September 13 7:00 d.:m. 0:00 p.m. 7:00 p. in. 7:00 p.r 0:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. St'.ident Independent ( 5 man ) Student Independent Mixed Doubles Greek League ( 5 man ) East Campus League Mixed Doubles All league bowling will start the foflovMnq ww!:, Cpu .-nljcr 17, so it is important that those who wish to bowl this season h. ,tnv:u .1: the incetinq. The leagues will till be held on the respective mui;ti.'.j d.iy and at the same time, except for the Tues. & Thurs. .'nixed dr..tible-., which will start at 3:30. Try outs for the mens & wornem umver.i'.y bt.wiinq will be held at noon, Sept 15 (men) & Sept 1fi (woiu.-n) all sriK.'-nts and qrad students. WIukn on giw a 2 sHiicoiie sKfcfial, iiu Mi sktmhl In -ivhil loo. -r -., r Il tux.'d ,t k r vt-, Ar ciii.jlr -iiij.j iiii' i lil'i Shop spocialics i,' -.j'! ei.a I'ills. onc-ol'-a-kiml rih-. -ills ihat say, "'I his is y jiid attiactivc . . ! ' I'A Mill" 'ni:' ol 1 1 io special things ,ii ( '!,! ' a e u'ootlen rij-uu ines. h-tiul eai v..".l in Italy, durable. AjdK i;:ie iimj.'s with your !"i icsls, and hand cut le.idvd v i vvL.I imported IVoin ( , i ! I mi:', is a warm and a!Kv.tio:;ale ceremony. Make ii p-er.HKiblo willi a j'.il't IVoin ( In!'', ( nil Shop. "pJ4 wmtM fiiddy, s(;.)tcmber 7, 1973 daily nebrarkan potje 3