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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1973)
DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed In person- In Room 34, Nebraska Union, weekdays 812 and 1-5; or called in between 8-10 only at 472-2588. Cost is $.08 per word, per day, $1.00 minimum. Payment in advance preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Bank Americard is also accepted in payment of advertising at no extra cost. Rates quoted are for cash order or charge orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days are 50 cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3:00 p.m. day before publication. No refunds. Complimentary ads may be run only if error is brought to the Nebraskan's attention the business day after publication. FOR SALE Custom-made wooden jewelry: $2-5. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings. Display from 1-5. 316 So. 46th. 488-6887. Furniture, antiques, and collectibles. A better deal at Midway Auction, Greenwood NE. 789-2145. Open 9 7, Sunday 12-7, Closed Saturday. Come out and inspect our merchandisa, SUPER SPEAKERS - 1 pr. Altec 604 E's in 12 cubic foot cabinets. $375. 477-9585 or 488-0620. Ampex cassette tapes: 40 min 58 centsfor two; 60 min.-65 centsfor' two. Vid-A-Comm Systems, 1630 P St. Kustom "100" PA system. 4 channel, reverb and covers. Make offer, 435-7384 or 489 9876. A.K.C. Siberien Husky' pups. Midnight Sun lineage. Permanent shots, wormed. 12 weeks. 475 1147. FREE male dog, 8 months old, housebroken, shots, very cute and friendly, 475-0730. With Student or Faculty ID, 15 discount on all Goodyear Tires except promotional items, Goodyear Service Store, 19th & O, 432 5521. 1972 Ranchero, red automatic, air, power steering, brakes. Rear canvas. 475-0141, evenings. 1970 VW Fastback. Red. 48,000 miles. 35 miles per gallon. Snow tries. Needs new fuel pump soon. Call 475 6953 after 5 p.m., or 472-2588. Ask for Tim or Jane. $1 ,300. 1956 Ford pick up. Good running condition, good body, new from end-brakes, Contact Krii 432-5760. 1972 Suukl 125 Trail. 8 spend, brand new, 150 miles. $465. 432-7263. 19 71 Harley sportster. 5200 miles. Fully dressed $1850 or best offer, 1936 N. 56th. 466-7909 Imported 10-speed bikes. 21 "-3" and 25" models in 5 colors. Simplex de raillour; center pull brakes. $75 including tax. Vanice Pontiac & Cadillac, 70th ft O. 434 0611. 20 discount on all Columbia 10 speed bikes. Goodyear Service Store, 19th & O, 432 R521. HELP WANTED DAILY NEBRASKAN neods circulation people! Should have mornings free from approx. 8:30 11:00. Car necessary. Good pay. Contact Jerri. 472 2588, 89, 90. TODAY 1 1 1 !' ' ' ' SUMMER JOBS '74, Student operated house painting business opening Lincoln branch in 194. $20 to $00 daily, goocJ management experience, excellent advancement possibilities, some part timt winter work available. For morr info, application, ami interview appointment write: Youth Enterprises, 1914 G St., Iowa City, la, 52240. APPLY NOW! Positions will be filled soon. Warehouse work fi dulivory. Mori., Wed., and F ri. mornings or Tuen. and Thuri. mornings andor afternoons. Lincoln Wholesale Florists.-1720 S. Gin. 432 HH4! Nel one full and one part time experienced lineman, 10 30 p.m. lo G a.m. Duncan Aviation, 432-660 7 ask for Bob McCnmmon. UNSKILLED WOHK. We need people who en" work a full day or half days lo bo on call to unload trucks, help moving companies, etc. Car helpful. Daily cash draw. Apply Manpower, Inc. 122 N. 11th. Experienced grain bin erw.lors. Split shifts; off days or weekends. Call Schult Agra-Contracter's, Seward, NE. G43 4144. wont ods . Male checkers. Nights, Saturday and Sunday. Apply in person, 3-5 afternoons at Shuster's JacK Si Jill, 140 Capital Beach Blvd. Part time janitor-around 4 hrs a day. 5 days a week. $2hr.' Hours flexible. Call 477-7401 or come to Phi Gamma Delta House. Part-time office cleaning. Evenings and weekends. Year round work. Excellent working conditions. Call Steve, 489-8592. SEARS needs permanant part tiir-e maintenance persons, 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. daily. Store benefits are: Discount privileges . . . paid holidays , . . paid vacation. Apply Personnel Office, 2nd floor, Sears Gateway. 10 5, Monday thru Friday. An tqual Opportunity Employer. Permanent part time for repair of small appliances, sir-til! y.js engines. 25 hrswk. Some experience preferred. Apply Mr, Steak Johnson, Sears Survice Center, 4310 S. 14th. Equal Opportunity Employer. SEARS needs par: time auto service personnel. Store benefits are: Discount privileges . . . paid holidays . . paid vacation. Apply Personnel Office, 2nd floor, Sears Gateway, 10 5, Monday thru Friday. Ao tqija! Opportunity Employer. Part time mechanic and alignment man. Hours flexible. Apply in person. Goodyear Store, 19th & O. 432 6521. Come see us for all your automotive needs. mm INTERESTED IN A NEW LIVING ENVIRONMENT? Experience International living at the UNL International House. We have vacancies for American men and women and foreign women. call 435 - "3 "Jfirfiri ,., ..J,,, ,,,,,, nm mi ., m. V i , , n.,,. SHELDON MEMORIAL ART GALLERY 12th & R CHARLIE CHAPLIN AJr. vff v If I n ?? J r A sj Ati vm "' THE IDLE CLASS with Hdnn Purviancc " Sf.l'Tr MBf. H 7 -7 H, 9 I'M 5,1 PI t PUi H - 3, , 0 PM ADMISSION STUDENTS $125, NON STUDENTS - $1.50 SLHIFS l'lCKt: IS AVAIL AHLF AT DISCOUNT RATF RUEBENS RESTAURANT IS NOW INTERVIEWING APPLICANTS FOR PART TIME DAYS BUSBOYS OR BUSSETTES ALSO FOR NIGHT DISHWASHERS. APPLY NO.. 90 GATEWAY, LINCOLN, NE. An equal opportunity employer. Waitress needed. Mr. Steak, 5505 O St. See Mrs. Price. Hostess needed, part time. Apply Mr. Steak, 5505 O St. See Mrs. Price. Kitchen positions available. Day or evening hours. Excellent starting pay. Alice's Restaurant, Mr. Schroeder, 488 2572. WOMEN Waitress position. Part time or full time, day or night. 1 to 5 days a week. Apply '3-5 daily. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. Women. Night time hostess position available part time. Apply 3 5 daily. J.B.'s Big Boy. 27th Hi Vine. Waitresses wanted 9 p.m. to 3 a.m., any nights. Apply 29th & O or SGth & O. College bound or career minded. Need 4 ambitious people part time, 2 0 hrswk. $2.50hr average. On the job training. Call 475 9387 Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Diiect sales working through downtown department store. Excellent earnings. Evening hours. Car required. 466 6642. THE 3HOEBOX needs part time experienced sales help. Mornings and evenings available. Please contact Dana Douglass for appointment, 432 2252. Wanted salesman. Part or full time. $200 5300week depending .on ability. Prior sales experience preferred but not necessary. Will train. Guaranteed Foods, 475 4537. 17th at "Q" 435-5114 2961 for information in with Jackie Coogan unci Rare Chaplin Short STJJl Part time help wanted for sates and stock work. Lincoln Army and Western 138 N. 11th. Need Busboy. 432-0329 or 432-0320. Ask for Mrs. Hoffman or leave message. ROOMMATE WANTED Female wanted to share apt. near East Campus. Own bedroom. Call 467-2295. 2 female roommates to share 5 bedroom house. $40 a piece. 434-2506. Wanted roommate to share 2 bedroom apt. 11th & A Sts. " $87.50. Call after 6 p.m. 477-8868. LOST LOST: Ladies Navy white checked slacks'; navy body-shirt; navy sandals, navy knee-his, wire necklace. Reward if returned. Call 488-3519. PERSONAL Cattett, I need you to sign the title today. Fleck. SERVICES Pregnant? Birthright cares about you and your unborn child, 477-8021. RESEARCH UNLIMITED Call Monday through Saturday after 5 p.m. Phone 799-3541. MISCELLANEOUS Vant to sell snowblowing business. Good income. Dave 475-7335. Vanted rider to Chicagonearby. Leaving Wednesday. Dik Sharma, 475-6796. Leave message. 3AY COFFEE HOUSE Sunday, Sept. 9. 8:00-12:00 U.M.H.E. 3 First Prizes: HONDA Super Sports t, v 50 Second Prizes: " J Not 5610 4 6610 The jar is approximately 81" high and 10" in circumference. It's filled with Swingline Tot staples. (Look' for the clue about Tot capacity in the coupon.) The Tot 50" stapler is un conditionally guaranteed. It staples, tacks, mends. Only 98 with 1,000 staples at your stationery, variety or college bookstore. Cub Desk and Hand And the Super Cub" sta pier with no-slip, U CLUE: (You could (ill botAoen 200 and .TOO Tul0 wilh the sta ples in the nr ) D D D mm illl ' u o a $im Q If K "f I u Div ol Eiiioti;ie Inc. ' vliss the "add" deadline? Try Independent Study by Correspondence. Our registration never closes end you ' have a year to complete. For . information, call '472-21 71 . Visit University Extension Division, 511 Nebraska Hall. ' . Need ride at 4:30. from city campus to 4000 Cornriutker. Please call Lynn at 472-2161" or 467-1696. Fly at lowest rates. Learn in Piper Cherokees. Join University Flying Club. Call 477-3678 or 489-4883. . , Wanted: Two Nebraska- Season football tickets. Call 477-7630 or 432-4534 (daytime). Ask for Marshall. - ' Weekend cinema Love Story, a famous sob movie with Ryan O'Neal and Ali McGraw, is about a poor Catholic girl who marries a rich Protestant jock. They share a few moments to remember, the girl gets a terminal disease and dies beautifully in his arms. This movie grossed millions, ir. more ways than one. Henzlik Hall Auditorium Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9, 75 cents. GAY ACTION RAP LINE 475 5710 0 riMr uirgc g ' l 475 5710 F vgg. EVENINGS gwi-3?5'g;t'-'w' " jr 0 lllilii jpfEf ; :. ,- Columbia 10-speed bikes Guess the number of staples in the jar. no-scratch base, only $2.67. Fill in coupon or send post card. No purchase required. Entries must be postmarked by Nov; 30, 1973 and received by Dec. 8, 1973. Final.decision by an independent judging organ ization. Prizes awarded to en tries nearest actual cou'nt, In case of tie, a 'drawing deter mines winners. Offer subject to all federal, state and local k idwa.vuiu mi id, aiiuiioou, 7 and wherever prohibited - or restricted. ' 3;'-00 liKillm.m Avu . I I a a ezs &LMffijh,v0 E3 ESI Q C i Nrofk.M,Y.1001,- - f'Th.,..,. ..P....nU ; thaiar, lmporlnl: Wr0 your gutu ouliKl lh nlop, fl lowtr Ittl hind ccrn.r, M N-ar : : f Li Addrcsa. ' ' ' . y" 2p". fl c , n v. 'nqif" friday, September 7, 1973 page II daily nebraskan