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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1973)
ffnbfslcini culu thursday, September 6, 1 973 lincoln, nebraska vol. 97 no. 5 ASUN budget fights increased funding requests By Bob Ralston ASUN's budget framers were caught this year in the crunch between tighter funds and increased requests for money. A sizable debt left by the defunct student record store is the major cause of the funds shortage. The debt to record distributors alone is $7,600. The $2,000 budgeted to the record store is the first installment on the debt, which ASUN is to repay in a period of three years. Another reason for the tight funds was the lower projected enrollment this year. ASUN receives 80 cents for each student enrolled. Enrollment undershot the projected figure last year, so this year the administration requested "a more reasonable estimate." The record store debt and the lower enrollment estimate together forced a $3,000 cut in ASUN's first proposed budget. The Electoral Commission, Center for Educational Change and senate expenses were each cut $100. The communications committee was cut $200 and $2,500 was struck from contingency. The drastic cut in contingency will mean any new programs that come up will be hurting for funds. ASUN President Ann Henry said the big cut was made in contingency because ASUN would rather play the cards it had than bet on any new deals. News analysis by author At the other end of the picture, the number of student organizations seeking handouts has increased. With a Student Organizations and Activities budget of $8,000, 25 student groups have requested a total of $33,263.96. Henry attributed the discrepancy to an increase in the number of student groups, greater knowledge that funds are available, and "unreasonable requests." The rowing team is No. 1 among those asking for funds with a request for $10,800. The Residence Hall Assoc. luns a distant second at $2,000. The $8,000 for Student Organizations and Activities was placed under nonrecurring expenses because next year, if all goes as planned, these funds will be handled by a student allocations board, The board will consist u( eight students, two faculty and two administrative slat f members. A zero base budget plan will force all student gioupi to start from scratch in requesting funds fiom the board. Exemptions are: fees used to retire bonds or build related reserves, the Nebraska Union, University Health Center, Student Activities Office and Recreation Department. ASUN's top-funded program this year is the Legal Aid for Students office. At $9,370, the student lawyer program is one of ASUN's biggest projects ever. The salary for a pait-time lawyer to give legal counsel and advice to students (at his discretion) is 57,600. Office expenses for tin; piogram ate budgeted $250. A pait-time secretary lot the lawyer will cost $1,620. Nebraska Free University's budget was upped $200 over last year in an attempt to bolstei the piogram. ASUN has also anangcd for it to shate office space with the Center foi C 1 1 IJtjO 1 1 1 j 1 1 el i vMUMiji:. ... 7 14 Wit t$i I If"! r 5 ft r T I f ; , , Photo by Mike Theiler Fenceclimbers will find awesome barricades preventing illegal entries at the south end of the UN L stadium this fall. National VD figures climb; UNL rate holding steady In contrast to the national venereal disease (VD) epidemic, UNL's reported cases, along with those reported throughout the state, seem to be holding steady, according to local health officials. In fiscal year 1971-72, the University Health Center reported 71 cases involving 60' contacts. Rising only slightly, fiscal year 1972-73 showed 74 reported cases involving 107 contacts, according to Sam Fuenning, director at the health center. Fuenning said that of the 107 contacts involved, only 44 were students. They were treated at the health center and the other 63 were referred to the State Health Department, he said. The number of VD cases reported nationally jumped from 3,500,000 in 1971 to 3,750,000 in 1972, according to a State Health Department official. Fuenning said the numbei of VD patients coming to the Health Center varies from month to month, and that the majority of the cases ate gonorrhea-based. He said syphilis cases are "very rare" at UNL. I uenning said he hoped that the slight incieuse of VD incidents signifies a "leveling off" of the number of cases id that this will id lect on the stale level. However, the state cases also seem to be closing the gap with last yeai's total number of cases, according to health department spokesman. A total of 117 syphilis cases were reported as of August 27 this year, compared to 151 cases in 1972, he said. Of these, six were in the primary and secondary stages of syphilis, while the remainder were late syphilis cases. Gonorrhea cases ate also approaching the total maik. Last yeai , 3,109 cases were reported in Nebiaska, and alicady 2,917 hav? been repotted this year, the spokesman said. To aid in the prevention of VD, the official said that the department has been carrying on thiee programs: education, epidemiology and screening. In education, specially trained instructors talk to civic groups and other organizations to try to inform the people of the symptoms and dangers of VD. Epidemiology consists of following up on cases and Heating positive veneieal disease lesults. In the screening progiam, doctois take cultures on females to determine whrthei ot not women have contracted VD. The State Health Department lias iwo free clinics, open Tuesday afternoons and Thursday evenings, The officials said that an average of 1b to 20 (xiuple conic on Tuesdays ;uv! appioxim Uely 40 come on Thuisdays, Budget cutback to force cultural program reduction The Cultural Affairs Committee may experience a financial setback that could put it two years behind, according to Scott Coopei, chairman o' the Aits & Sciences Advisoiy Board. The setback stems from a loss of about $8,000 horn student fee money that the committee had planned to use this year. "Last year the Cultural Affaiis Committee asked for the money fiom tin; vice chancellor of student al fairs, Ken Bader, and he stiongly indicated it might be possible to get the money," Ron Bowlin, cooidinatoi foi cultuial affairs, said. "This means without the money that we allotted in our planning, we will most likely have to cancel some of the concerts we had planned to have, probably the St. Louis Symphony," Bowlin said. Bowlin also said a meeting is being set up tor Friday afternoon with Batki urul tin? committee in Administration 310. Bill Wallis, member of the committee, talked on the situation dining a meeting of the Aits and Science's Advisory Board Tuesday. "The Cultuial Affaiis Committee plans on operating on a $6,000 to $7,000 anyway and we weie counting on the money fern i'i'ei, This means that we will now have a $15,000 defit unless we cancel some of the programs or raise student ticket prices so high that many students would piobably not pay to see the concei ts," Wallis said. According to Wallis, 85 per cent of the tickets put on sale at leduced pi ices last year weie sold, and the sale of tickets this year has progressed even moie. Melvin Geoige,dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, said he had made the request to Bader for the sum of money for the committer,' and that Bader agioed they would need some student fees assistance. He added that Bader did not bieak his woik-that he never actually promised the money. "We will have to cut the programming this yeai without this help from Badei," Geoige said. "We also had planned to give better prices this year on the conceit series. Last year we sold tickets for $8 for a series of four concerts. This year we had planned to sell them at $7.50 for five concerts." At the moment, George said he can't set; a way to cover the deficit, unless they reduce the quantity or quality of the progiams. Bailer could not be i cached for comment Wednesday.