o k. ' 4 fa t dailu . ' V nebrasten spoils , '..J- ; - t -. ' r I' V , ' i t If r '-. t '( " page 16 UNL frosh seek 4th unbeaten year By Dave McBride To say the least freshman football at Nebraska has a winning tradition. Since 1961, Husker frosh teams have lost only two games. They have had three straight undefeated seasons and are on a 14-game winning streak heading into Jim Ross' fifth year as head freshman coach. And Ross, who has had the first chance at working with a majority of the athletes who have made Nebraska an established national football power is again optimistic about this year's freshman crop. He indicated satisfaction with the past year's recruiting, which, combined with a large number of walk-on, non-scholarship players, has resulted in a squad of nearly 80 men. The usual freshman roster in past years has included about 65 players, he said. The team began practice August 20, but because of summer jobs and all-star game commitments, several players arrived later. Full-scale practices have just begun. The freshmen will be playing an expanded schedule this fall due to a Big 8 conference ruling allowing five frosh contests each year instead of four. The change allowed Ross to schedule games with Oklahoma and Colorado frosh teams for the first time. Wichita State was dropped from the slate after absorbing two straight drubbings from the Huskers. Games with Kansas State, Missouri and Iowa State frosh teams will round out the Nebraska yearlings' schedule. Ross said his squad has given early indications of being strong at linebacker and in the offensive line. He added they may be short in numbers in the defensive line and the offensive backfield. Ross said part of the reason for the possible weaknesses in these areas is that six freshmen are currently practicing with the varsity. OQU DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed In porsorv In Boom 34, Nebraska Union, workdays 8 12 and 1-5; or called In between 8-10 only at 472-2588. Cost Is $.08 ptr word, per flay, $1.00 minimum. Payment In advance preferred, but phone orders moy be chnr'jed. Bank Amorlcard Is nlso accepted In payment of odvertr.lnij at no extra cost. 'Rates quoted are for cash ordor or charrjo orders paid within i'lve business days. Ads not paid wlttiln five days are DO cents additional. Deadline for ads Is 3 00 p.m. day before publication. No refunds. Complimentary ads may bo run only If error is brouyht to the Nebraskan's attention the business day after publication. FOR SALE 20 discount on all Columbia 10 speed bikes. 'Goodyear Service Store, 10th & O, 432-6D21. '68 MGB-GT, British Racing Green AM-FM 8-track, Michel In Tires 475-2DC8. 1972 Kawasaki, 350 52, 6100 miles, fine bike. $475. 4 75 U050 after 5:30. With Student or Faculty ID, 15';, discount on all Goodyear Tires except promotional Items. Goodyuur Service Gture, 19th Hi O, 432-6521. Free kittens, evenings. Call 475 2112, Doubf-szd WiitnrlMid mattress, heater, liner, frame. Guaranteed. $00. 477 9763. Large dek with twlvel chair for a... 432 7757. Furniture, antlquei, and collectible!. A bettor deal at Midway Auction, Greenwood, NE. 7 89-2143. Open 9-7, Sunday 12-7, closed Saturday. Come out and Inspect our merchandise. Heethklt itor-eo receiver. 477 G178 after 5 p. m. Ampex cassette tapes: 40 rnln - 08 cents for two, 60 mn - C5 cents for two. Vld A-Comm Systems, 1630 P St i snores INTRAMURALS According to Phil Sienna, director of men's intramurals, a manager's meeting concerning flag football will be held at 7 tonight, in the Nebraska Union Small Auditorium. All teams HELP WANTED P(.-rni,inen1 part time for repair of small appliances, small Qas engines, 25 hrswk. Some experience preferred. Apply Mr. Steak Johnson, Soars Service Cent(;r, 4815 S. 14th. Equal Opp' rtunily E mployer. Lincoln MCA NEEDS YOUI We nee' I (jfiorj youth qrotp (grades 4 0, 8) leadersi Job offers, qoofl teachlno and coaching ex pi ri' noi:! V or details: call 488 f.rtfil. arris L .i h oratories needs vour;ti'ers for clinical evaluation of marketed pharmaceuticals for current and future studios. Moitl weekends. Excellent extra income. Over 19 years of ,'t-ie. Call 48 2 281 1 . Two Masher, for Fraternity House; Meal:,, and salary (arranged); ImtneMiate openings. Call 45 T)53 (Bob). Male 'lie ker., Nights, Saturday .,h'l Suri'iay. Apply In person, ', afternoons at Shuster's Jack aiul Jill. 140 Capital Beach Uvd, Experienced grain bin erectors, '.plit shifts, off days or w k e n ii. C all 5ch uiti Agra ontracler's, Koward, NE. i,4:i 4 144. Hart time office cleaning. Evenings iri'i vveukentis, Year round work, Excellent working conditions, C -II Steve, 48rJ 8!J2. Part time help a.m. Hi p.m., Day Cure Center. Call for appointment, 4 8'J 9102. WAU1LIJ Qualified part time secretary. Inquire ASUN offlcu, '134 Nebraska Union, 472 2581. Students - 3 evenings a week. Good pay. Call 435 6728. Wanted salesman, P.irt or full time. $200 $300 week depending on ability. Prior sal, experience preferred but not necessary. Will train. Guaranteed Foods 45 4 53, daily nebraskan h v ... c j a 14 vi Y r a p) l y ty- W ,y i turf Itf'-fnnnitnuni'riii iiwmm hJ " fciiriiiiiiiiiaMii.,'a ifcrmi'wri-jfitrifT'nia :- lm&mm imfrm ''t tmmmmtim hnarf nwi l UNL gridders await action during a interested in playing must send a representative to this meeting, Sienna said. COLLEGE PREVIEW ABC sports is to air a 60-minute show profiling college football for 1973 at 7 tonight. Nebraska Head Coach Tom Osborne is to be featured on the program. BASEBALL TRYOUTS Anyone wishing to try out for the University baseball whfhk ods Over 19? Have Car? Public Relations, Advertising and Sales position open. Working through leading downtown department stoeo. Evening hours. Excellent earnings. 4C6 664 2. Part-time help wanted. No experience needed, Hours flexible, Call Phil Stephens, 477 391 1. Wanted -general help Hi delivery hoy. See owner at Hong Kong Pizza King, 13th Hi Que. STUDENTS: The International House of Pancakes is now taking full or part-time applications for cooks, waitresses and busboys. Apply In person at 1435 O Street Wanted two cashiers. Night work. Apply in person at Chu bby ville ufter 2 p.m. 850 N. 2lh. Miller Hi Paine needs busboys and waitresses downtown 10 45-2:00 p "i. weekdays, busboys Thursday nite 4:30 8 00 p.m. and Saturday 10:45 4:00 p.m. Busboys at Gateway 1 1:00 5 00 p.m. Mon. Frl; Waitress 11 00 2 30 p.m. Mon. Frl Apply personnel office, 7th floor downtown. Waitresses wanted 9 p.m. to 3 a.m., any nights. Apply Village Inn 29th H, O or 66th ft O. CAMERA SALES We have full ,,nd part time openings for c amera salos In our Camera Shop, Provlous experience or knowledge of photography helpful. Discount on store purchases' and other benefits, Apply in person to our downtown per..onncl office, th floor, 10 a.m. 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. -5 p.m. dally or " 8 p.m. Thursday night. MII.LI'H ft PAINE. HontuM needed. Part time evenings at Mr. Steak, 5505 O 'it, See Mrs. Price. Waitress needed. Part lime ut Mr. Stook, 5505 O St Must work some lunches plus 2 3 evenings. WOMEN Waitress position. Part time or full time, d,iy or night. 1 to 5 days a week, Apply 3 , dally. J.8.'s EJig boy, 2th ft Vino. pre season practice. team should attend a meeting at 4:30 this afternoon in Coach Tony Sharpe's office, located in the South Stadium. SWIM TIMERS Any woman interested in becoming a timer for the varsity swim team should contact Coach John Reta whose office is located in Coliseum 206. The woman need now have experience in swimming; hrAoior it lAnulH hp hplnfnl Women. Night time hostess position available part time. Apply 3-5 daily. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. ROOMMATE WANTED 2 female roommates, own bedrooms, in house 10 blocks from city campus. Terry: 475 0447 or 423 8528. One female roommate needed. 17th Hi Sumner, $50.00 month. 477-8258. Roommate-female, close to campus, cull 477 6693 after 3:00 p.m., $38 monthly. FOR RENT 237 S. 18th. Available Sept 3. 1st floor, spacious, alr-condltioned, stove, and refrigerator. 432-7671. Capitol area. 1 bedroom; Furnlshod. Available Sept. 1. $95. 432 7671 MEETINGS P.E.O. Collogu Group. Sun. Sept 9, 5:00 p.m. Place: Mrs. Fern Stage, 6315 O St. Call reservations: 489 2314 no later than Sopt 6. Student Veterans get together r mooting Sept. 4, 7.30, Union in room win on pusiuu, rincuiianl or school problumt-wa can help, come. No obligation to join. So come have a free look, MISCELLANEOUS Wanted - someone who h, iv quiet apartment to share, own room. Sharu expenses. Call Bob 489 C0 71, Individuals at least '20 over normal (Idejil) weight who wish to participate In approved rosourch behavioral programs for weight reduction send name, ago. address, and phono number to H.L. Baiters, University of iweorosko, Hsyehology Department, Burnett Hall Lincoln, NE. 68508. Business Opportunity. Your chance to help others without taking an oath of poverty. Call Grogg Nlcklas, 4C32-4281. thursday, august 30, 1973