The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 07, 1973, Page page 9, Image 9

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It'., ,111 old buildmq could use some
pjnit on tlv inside, as vv i ; 1 1 .is .) few nails and a
cclmi panel heie and there At niqht it's i.tthei
dimly Id foi the people who qathet heie, with
its ti'ij'i ceilinq and old fashioned liqlitinq.
The aisles and the aiea henealh the pews aie
(.;a"'ieiel. which seems a lit ile out of place. In
tln ' ypme the stained (lass windows let in
r:oloni luht, and the' deal panes make the liqht
IramJ k ent as it passes thmuqh the layeis of
dust. A ouiney into the "chou loft" (it's not
used loi that it qatheis moie dust) leveals
iv.i.,i) chippmi paint and loose panels.
But to the' couqieqat ion, the' physical
condition ol Chi ist Temple Mission, on the
comer ol 2 Lj t f i and S stieets makes no
dilleieuce. To them, it's the house of God,
when- they can join in pi nsinq Jesus Chi ist foi
His ledemptive work on eaith, and when.' no
one is called a stiaiiqct ,
The memheis of this chinch aie younq and
old, M.ick and white, Chicano and Indian,
sujhted and blind. They have' one thinq in
common a fir r 1 1 belief in the piactice of
Chi istianity.
On I riday eveniuqs, and twice' on Sunday,
services aie heid. Sonqs liki; "How Gieat Thou
Ait," "I'm Glad He Did (die for my sins)," and
others aie sniu) by soloists with the
.iccompaniment of diums, tamboui ine, electi ic
quit. n, oiqan and piano, 01 by qtoups of two,
thiee, oi the whole choa.
Dunne, the seivices, everyone is encoui aqed
to speak up, qivinq a peisonal testimony on
now iood God I). is been to him, or to make a
comment on God's qieatness oi tin.' importance
of Jesus Chi ist in his hf ..
he seivices rarely last less than an hour. No
is anxious to leave they love it. Toward
w end a collection is taken and visitors are
. ed to introduce themselves.
hen belief centers ai ound the Bible. The
, ,.MIii pteached at Christ Temple boasts no
J eular denomination, ju-.t a belief in Cluist.
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Photos and story by
Harry Baumert
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