The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 07, 1973, Page page 11, Image 11

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    ycir8 sir
By Vickie Horton
School of Journalism
"A technician spends more time than an
actor on a show" said Robert Mond, summer
repertory theatre technical director.
"A tech crew puts in a nine to 16 hour
day to get shows ready, at times, that's seven
days a week," Mond said.
Working with a crew of about 10 the
technical staff has the responsibility of
designing and coordinating the set
construction, lighting and sound, costumes,
and props for the three summer repertory
"Getting three shows on stage is a big
load," Jerry Lewis, lighting director, said.
Budget, space and building restrictions are
considered in designing and constructing a
set in addition to theatrical considerations.
Weeks of preparation
Weeks of preparation go into designing a
set and constructing it. "Depending on the
difficulty of the show, set design and
construction averages about four weeks for
each show," Mond said.
To hang the lights, design a lighting
pattern which will have a particular look
relating to each show and functions for all
three "takes about three weeks and ten years
of experience," Lewis said.
One of the major difficulties in the
lighting and set design was that the three
shows were different in the kind of space
they use. "'Company' is fairly wide open,
'What the Butler Saw' is a closed off interior
setting, and 'The Taming of the Shrew'
makes flexible use of space," Lewis said.
Space and mobility
Space and mobility are the major
considerations of a technical director during
the repertory season, according to Mond.
"Whether a set is able to be shifted offstage
and stored, whether it will collapse, whether
it is light enough to fly (hang from the
ceiling on stage) are prime considerations,"
said Mond.
Each production provided a separate
technical problem. The set design of
"Company" called for an "open, gymnastic,
jungle gym" look. This presented a problem
because the units would have to be fairly
w wonts
n actors'
larcjt structurally sound (because actors
wouid be standing on them) and had to be
able to be shifted depending on the
performance, according to Mond.
Steel was first considered but was
rejected in favor of plastic water pipe tubing
which weighed less, cost half as much, was
structurally sound and could be joined by
glue rather than by welding (Howell Theatre
has no welding facilities).
Box set
In "What The Butler Saw" the use of a
full box set with a skylight was the major
difficulty facing the tech crew. A box set has
three-dimensional walls surrounding the
action with a ceiling over a portion of the
set. Working out the mechanics of the
skylight which had a door in it and making
the cornice which surrounds the ceiling light
enough to be supported by the walls were
two problems which were eventually solved.
"Taming of the Shrew" is the repertory
touring production, and the need for the set
to be able to be broken apart for storage and
packed in a truck presented problems. This
necessitated that some set units break down
into as many as 12 units to be pieced
Going on tour presents special problems
as a study of each town's theatre facilities
will have to be made prior to the tour,
according to Mond.
"Sound and lighting facilities, dressing,
storage and loading areas will have to be
checked in order to prepare for possible
contingencies," Mond said. "A lot of time is
involved in doing this." The tour includes
Broken Bow, Kearney, Grand Island,
Gothenburg and McCook.
Summer repertory seems to manage in
spite of the handicaps of time, help and
resources. "The major restriction is the size
of the building (Temple) and the shape of
the theatre," Lewis said. Howell is a
reconverted opera house built in 1907. The
building lacks a scene shop facility at stage
level which necessitates the building of sets
on stage. The scene shop is on third floor
making it functional only as a storage area.
20uaUL lUeatte ProudlyPresenfs
f 1 CT ADTIMfi
A Musical Entertainment
And now An Epic Movie
"...perhaps the
most remarkable
film to emerge since
Cecil B.DeMille
founded Hollywood.'
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tuesday, autjust 7, 1973
summer nebraskan
Reportory's 'Shrew' on tour
The Repertory Theatre's
presentation of William
Shakespeare's "The Taming of
the Shrew" will be on tour the
first week in September.
"Shrew," directed by Tice
Miller, will perform in Grand
Island, Kearney, Broken Bow,
Gothenbu.g, and McCook.
Gary Lamb, the music
director of "Company,"
another Repertory Theatte
production this summer, is the
high school music instructoi at
McCook, one of the cities
where "Shrew" will perfoim.
Theatre Inc. of Lincoln will open its fourth and final
production of the season at The Gas Light Theatre 3-?? South
9th Street in Lincoln on Wednesday, August 8 at 9.00 p.m. and
run on Wednesday through Saturday nights until September 1.
This presentation will be in the form of two individual plays.
"Shoot Out At Hole In The Wall" is a fresh new approach to
the ever-popular Western Comedy. The story takes place at the
turn of the century in Wyoming's notorious Holt.-ln-l he-Wall
country When a good, honest couple set up shop in the midst ot
this den of outlaws and rustlers and a wagon load of ladies i.jkc
refuge there problems erupt all over the place. Audiences ot all
ages will be delighted at one rollicking scene alter another nil the
good guy and the bad guy meet in the final hilarious show down
and shoot out at hole in the wall.
The second production "He Lured Her To The Pr.mrose Path
But He Was Nipped In The Bud" was written for the fourth
Cavalry's 20th Reunion and premiered at the University ol
Missouri's 1966 Homecoming weekend.
Wily Sidney Shift uses profits frorr fraudulent dealing', with
the Cavalry to live grandly at the White Hotel in Muddy Cap
where he pursues the Heroine Alice White but Alice is loyai to
the Cavalry, especially to P.F.C. Will Dew, the hero, and W.I ',
horse To save him she reluctantly agrees wot wed ohi t,
unwittingly aiding his plot to sei?e the hotel. But vntue triumphs
and Will rights wrong in true mellodrama style.
Children accompanied hy parents one-hail price.
322 So. 9th
12th & P STS.
477-1 234
Ballou1. at 1:40. 3:15. 9.
3:15, 7.
'Night' at
Academy Award Winner! x
il h 4
s '.-VS. VSAr s.'?
Ml ' I
Clark Gable-Claudette Colbert in
Daily at 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, S:30
Daily ot 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30
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