The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 31, 1973, Page page 9, Image 8

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That's how Ideal Grocery,
905 S. 27th Street, appeared to
ASUN after a study of several
city grocery stores.
On the basis of price,
selection, location and hours,
Ideal Grocery is now being
sought as an Associated
Student Ko-op (ASK) member
store according to Sue Overing,
ASUN second vice president.
Ideal Grocery would give a
percentage discount, she said.
A food price survey was
conducted in June by Miss
Overing to find a grocery store
for the Ko-op which "is
cheaper than most".
The survey food items are
"foods students have to buy"
and the indicated "prices are
not specials". She said the
Symposium on
Former U.S. Ambassador to
Japan, Edwin Reischauer, will
be the featured speaker at a
public symposium on United
State-Japanese Relations in the
Decade of the 70's at the
University of Nebraska -Lincoln
September 19-20.
Peter Cheng, professor of
political science and
coordinator of the symposium,
said the two-day event will be
held in the Sheldon Memorial
Art Gallery.
Reischauer will discuss
prospects for United
States-Japanese relations in the
next decade on the morning of
September 20. He is currently
serving as professor of history
at Harvard University.
The special Japanese
Symposium also will feature
panel discussions, Japanese
films, art and cultural programs
in Sheldon. There will be no
registration fee.
Cheng said the symposium
is being partially financed by
the Japanese Consulate General
in Chicago.
WATERBED for sale. $25
for double-size, used
waterbed with liner and
frame. Call 475 4652 and
ask for Ken.
tuesday, july 31, 1973
survey prices are still fairly
Hoping to wind up business
arrangements last week,
contracts still have not been
signed with either Ideal
Grocery or the Warehouse
Market. Miss Overing has been
discussing the possible
reduction of Warehouse
Market's $2 monthly
membership fee to $1 for
Ko-op members with its
A contract was concluded
with a garage last Monday. The
Pit Stop, 11th and B streets, is
a self-service auto repair shop
which offers a percentage
discount on parts and
equipment to Ko-op
Tt w- $ f' ; ' -
t 4 f-
The United Ministries in Higher Education (UMHE) has
changed its name to Commonplace. The name was changed
and the sign replaced because the old sign was falling apart and
because Wesley House had come under the control of UMHE
Ssnoke Shop
0 2i!Jb ;n nnri "(TO"
A&P Discount Foods
7 up
6 cans
Coke 8
pak dep.
red del.
ground be
peas 17 oz.
green gla
van camp's
pork & beans
16 oz.
roberts vit
D bonus
milk Vi gal.
grade A Ig
1 doz eggs
aunt betty
premium bread
wonder thin
gooch's flour
10 lbs.
Gift Shop
,f -$J$yiik m ,v. tJlf r . Si:, i. or J W ... ., .,,.;;.. ' ' '
f.mm4 vrlm-Vii 'HKawrff?,!-...',','' it
r 1 &
5, l i
i ; f J - I El
Some think of it as a
hidden paradise in a
busy cy. Some think
of it iTa retreat on
"O" Street. Everyone
enjoys himself at
When you want a quiet
drink away from the
crowds. When you're
searching for an original
quality gift. When
you're looking for the
best selection of
tobacco and pipe
accessories in Lincoln.
Come to CLIFF'S.
You may want to stay
forever. Youll
certainly return.
0 0 0 0 q 0 irt
summer nebraskan
B&R IGA Mr. B Ideal Grocery King Dollar Hinky Dinky
1.05 1.03 .98 1.03 1.02
99 .99 .99 .99 .99
.45 .45 .37 .43 .39
1-19 .97 .92 .87 .89
32 .32 .31 .28
.18 .18 61.00 .20 .16
59 .61 .59 .61 .59
62 .67 .64 .69 .63
35 ..35 .35 .3b .35
43 .43 31.05 .43 .43
1.35 1.35 1.21 1.25 1.30
. -mum
i I - Mt- .s1! 1
Photo by Gail Foldu
as of January 1, when the United Ministries in Higher
Education and United Methodist Church combined. UMHE
was renamed Commonplace to distinguish it from the Wesley
House, which also is a part of UMHE.
17th & Van Dorn
Family night.
2 dinners for $1.29.
(reg. $1.15 each)
Wed. only
The corn tortilla shell is
basic to a good taco.
And Taco Kid tacos start
out the right way. With
healthy corn Transformed
into toft tortillas. Trans
formed into crispy flash
fried shells. Aad meat,
lettuce, cheese and
sauce. And you've
got a taste treat delight.
After you have had a
couple, you'll agree
they come from good stall.
parjo 9