The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 24, 1973, Page page 6, Image 6
o o o o o o o o 0 o o o UNL ad wins honor An .iivt.rtist-m-nt J-sifjni:tJ University of i a Lincoln student has I' v.lvCted ,;S oil': of five :'"r'- i'1 a national ' Petition. ''--"'y Morton of Lincoln a SI 00 scholarship )'' winnin;) entry. The (" tition was sponsored by 'i.-UiY:T rund, a j": .vhich encourages ').o;,.i to consider cirotrs. A,, ton an the ' : ' ear : Is Cll'.n-Hi ji Jul ( of a class project assigned by Albert Book, bead of the school's advertising sequence. Tin's was the first time the UNL had entered the contest. Miss Morton's ad was chosen from 116 entries from 27 colleges. It will be distributed to Nebraska newspapers to be published as a public service. Cipriano Basketball coach Joe Cipriano has accepted an invitation from the United States Air Force to conduct basketball clinics on American Bases in the Orient. LL 1 "" TTT1 PART TIME JOB - FALL 1973 rnrrCRPS VISTA VV,SHES T0 EMPLOY FOKMLrt VOLUNTEER OR SOCIALLY - rm mtp nE'NT AS AN' ASSOCIATE 'CRUITER 0! CAMPUS. S2.50 PER HOUR .'o HOURS PER MONTH. INDlVIDUAl WILL tft TRAINED PRIOR TO ASSIGNMENT -;:-;:. :-TU 1 OF INQUIRY TO: BRENDA RE.w.TES. ACTION. ROOM 741 FEDERAL BUILDING, DES MOINES. IOWA 50309 as "LEICA HASSELBLAD NIKON HONEYWELL GRAFLEX LINHOF BOLEX -CANON -OMEGA "If it's photographic, We Have It." Max Miller CAMERAS 1434 'O'St., Lincoln 477-9503 24 HOUR KODACOLOR & EKTACHROME FINISHING Freedom of Information is a mighty, delicate creature. "'' '' '""l th,it kmii h-ijfi ,,nd '')"', nil f-,,. f '- v, ., ,,,.', ,iy '''"' ''' 1 '' '"I1" Jn irii.iHI', jip "' '' '" '") '' -I'-il r..t,,t the f, I, ' 1 ' ' ,r ' " 'i' i ioi i is mor e than jusl a job. It lakes guts to tackle the world. And responsibility to accurately recount what occurs in each of its fas cuidting corners. Todjy's newspapers need editors, reporters, photographers, and artists People who will protect, encourage, and feed our freedom. Maybe you're one of those rare birds For free scholarship jnil ium,ni',ni career information, write ine Niw.p.ipi'i Fund, P.O. Box 300, Pi incetun, Niw J'1: .ey 08540. Also cotitac your li,ii r P9tVf and your srhool nrw.fw- ,i.wt Prepared by Melody Morton, School of Journali.m, Unrvmity of Nebraska -Lmcoln VLQJU 3 -i mom mm (continued from Patja 3) However, the record store couldn't afford to l'iy a professional, and if they could, student involvement would he lost if a ptofessional came jn t0 ,un the stU(Jent store, Guthrie said. Wide selection Giithne stiessed the importance of a wide Ninety of v.loction. "If you tJ0 t0 a department store wanting to buy a shirt, you're more apt to find something you like if they have' a multitude of shirts, then if you have to pick from only five shirts," "You n, to buy $5,000 worth of '"-Olds to expect to sell S 1 ,000 worth of ifcoids," hi; said. Guthrie, who worked for Penny's ''''""""""t "'orr; for several years, said that 11 '''"'( offer the customer service, price and si'lection Lowest price in city The ASUN record store offered a low price, the lowest in the city, hut small selection. Braye said the final decision to close- the store was made by Ann Henry, ASUN president. However, Guthrie said, it' was the only decision to he made. The store would have needed to realie a 350 per cent gain in yearly sales at ;he Ktlnntnmark-uP- That would mean sales of 50 7,000 a year, while sales in the past year were less than $21,000. According to Miss Henry, a slock of $13,400 would have been required to achieve sales of $67,000 and the record ndor, who ASUN owes more than $7 bOO would not advance the record store more credit. The debt will x repaid by ASUN at the rate of $2,000 a year. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tXTfuU-. COUPONS EXPIRE O WU- tfr,wlZ AUG. 15, 1973 1 btrm kit mv") a It FREE o o o o o o small drink with '2 sandwich & coupon FREE large drink with whole sandwich 2 and coupon. 131 l O Street Lincoln. Nehr aii.raqq all 1973 O O BRENDA REMMES, ACTION, ROOM 741, FEDERAL BUILDING, DES MOINES, IOWA 503OO oooooo m p.l'fr G siimmfr nehraskan tuesday, jtil y 2t 1973 gooooooogooooooooooooooooS