w - w. V t. Z W - - '' .;.. - ,S- V ' -I . V- V" V - Is . 4 it. ' . 1 1 . " ... - ;ivo .; f,'V-. v'v-H. :r.-'-iw. ? Phm i j t v M,r y E "t.tv.ji'I Ann Henry, ASUN proii'-iht, is .pl,ni.u;'j t' i shufiMit point of view on th? alcohol proposal to D.B. Varner, University pit si' ci'nti;r ;inl Hc'iiMit Dr. Rob'.-rt Koufoot, oli.iinnon ot the Bonrd. Koefoof frustrates Henry ,1 "It's f i usti d ' 1 1 n t( y ! h, t .( f ' Korfoot," Ann hi.-niy, AbL'Tv r.'-ni, jfter the ntficf.t.' wJvsory n.. f- i.'Vt'ninii. Ollly ihl'l'l' 0: ijilt .. . J r r J i r ; m; ,. ! prt'S(Mit when tin ,:'!viMi '. .'.ini u,, Ti'.O dt I IVli i i.ll I III' ' ' : ; ; : I ; summer iiebrasken needs help 472-255? v- u IF niriu:- Lt; st.it t s ii tin' stutii'i i! ... ,:ifMi,.-nt. of UNO, tl." M.sIk::;! C.:nter Wlf.l UML only A'j mnui'i;:, ulnth vvj:. ivi.-n to UN L to in'ok on :o':il visit. j1 ion, alcohol on ci.mpus . o! f 'AC!. 'Sir.s Hei.i y w us snsci st-ttil in fh.uicjinij toil ion !l!i'T;u'ii! , io uIUjw iwo io!j;s, ui )...' totjl v'w'iiout .: 33 b'.) ''ACE cfjti f ii in! io; i lui knv-inrontt ;i holoi .Inps or m i ont; vvith PACT, so .tinlfiit. voi h.ivi ,k ."U'.il o ipoi t u i n t y to tl iOm; I Ijwi'vi.'i, ainnnii.Tits c.oncci n ir ifj lh- .jlcoiiol i )i o! r )!al '-(I'm'"! no on l;.if i;;iis. A't'T t hi; :ii "tin'! Rtii"it Dt. RuI.imi Kos'ioiji sjiil, "Alrotiol on ( omnus 'vimiIo j; a msliiict lkil.-i!'ly .ilMf : Hi) 110 ,pu(,jif nooil. Aicohol won If I am;" illfs'S'iin'is io'.-.iiUs li; Ui n vers it y tio"i 1 ! I. i''.;r.l;ji u i e or u i t i u ,(:." I Tii oio (it hrloii; visit. ihoii ,-j 1 f J be (i s.. t ',v:'l fjTun is. III mi m m P - iff as i v i nit o! sue merohaadise in I k .cU,t JiMlJy l 4 mil ytg !fff a m y y y y 7 r X Jt 3k i kMi to4 Lvi I. 1-1 llriI 4 payw e'.f !.;.;:. I iiol ito' ,hi To Students: .. . ,, I would like to commend you for behaving responsibly as you present.Hl your points of view in this very controversial and h.qhly emotional issue. I think that you have gained new respect bom the Reqents lcause of your calm attitudes during the suveidl times that you have met with them to discuss the pros and cons of the issue just decided. Now comes your most difficult test; you have been dented something that you fervently believe in. Will you, as some preset "throw a tantrum" because you didn't get your way, or will you demonstrate to the Regents, your parents, and aH Neb.askans that you do possess the maturity of young adulthood by your ability to remain calm in the face of frustration, by your patience in dealing with those who do not share your views, and by your trying to understand, without necessarily accepting, attitudes that are different from your own? The reaction of the student body to the decision made at this mcetmg will have a piofound effect on the chances of reopening the question at some future date. To All Nebraskans: To ne.ny of you, the idea of allowing 19-year-olds to make a personal choice legarding the use of alcoholic beverages in their residence halls at the University of Nebraska seems preposterous. For many others, the very thought of allowing the consumption of ;,icoholic bevei ages anywhere on the campus is repugnant. The students of this University and I respect your views but we do not sk.ie them. The issue has not been whether the use of alcohol is right or wrong, but whether the choice should be made int.lividn.iUy by those to whom the law has already given the right to choose. One final point. The residence halls occupied by students were not built by tax dollars; they are not heated or a-r .conditioned by tax dollars, nor are they maintained by tax dollars. The Regems have acted today on an issue of high emotional impact, and the students at this University will abide by that decision. Chancellor J.H. Zumberge Thanks to Zumberge Dear Editor, I would l.ke to thank Chancellor Zumberge for his honesty with students in favorably recommending two proposals before the Bored of Regents Saturday. The proposals dealt with leqaliA)! ion of alcohol on campus and liberalization of NU's icstrictive Coed Visitation regulations. Both were, as should have been expected, lejected by the Bored. , Uniike Ins predecessor, Joe Soshnik or our current president, D.B. Varner, Chancellor Zumberge has not apparently c :ompi omised himself to the extent that he would refuse to M.coe.ne a, iej,,onable these refoims to improve the campus liinj envnonnient; nor has be simply avoided contact with sted. nis and student opinion. ! would like to give fuither thanks-to the Bored of Regents foi doing iliair thing in killing the pioposals which many students worked so hard lor. The Bored's consistency of rejection and lack ot concern lot studenl welfare should, perhaps, enlighten a lemaiiiing miuoi ity. This minority would have us believe that careful working thiough the channels, gaining rubberstamp approval as one works up the buicdiicratii: ladder, will surely pay off. It simply ain't true folks. Coniji ot u lot i oi is must also !x; extended to RHA (NU's Residence Hall A-,so at ion) for its ignorance of campus history, failing to lecogmc that student pressure has been the only effective method of gaining controversial student reforms. During tin; suiumei of 1971, tor example, the Bored of Regents (ejected without reason a 12-hour visitation policy. If RHA was at all seiious it should have realized that summer was the woist possible time to pie sent a new proposal to the Regents. Qiganied undent pressure is totally absent during this time penod. Then; is no Daily Nebraska n to contend with, there are no a'pninq po'cubal ASUN execs to gain popularity by taking tou.ih st j'.ds against the Regents, in short, no fight. To conclude, it should be time that more students, especially ui ipei classmen, leahe that Regents' rules are a joke even more than otii own ASUN. To do anytbirui but ionore those rules is to ;s the object of that joke. Robert L. Brehm puce you isc WARNING! IF YOU MISS OUR SALE YOU'LL BE SORRY Posters 2.") - mrr off f VUw Ails Prints )cc off A Srivriird T-Shirts 81.90 vnvh Tiink Tops 82.50 mh IV l)i T-Shirls 82.75 viwh i nmllvs off MANTRA 118 NORTH 14TH tuesday, june 26, 1973