LOCATIONS HT Howell Theatre KRH Kimball Recital Bell LL Love Library NCGE Nebraska Center for Cootlaulof Education NU Nebraska Union RA Raker's Acre RI Ramada Inn SAO Sheldon Art Gallery SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Claaaea in session make-up for May 38 4 General registration First session Pinal examinations and end of Pre-ieaalon General registration Pint Session 10 11 12 Class' s begin First Session Late fees for Incomplete rt KtstruUoti - rirst Session AU State Fine Arts Course ' Dance Wrist Is It?" 7 ;w I'M. . KRH 13 14 15 16 All-State Recital Charlotte Bumgarner. Soprano 730 PJU. (KRH) Final date for (8-Week St First) (1) Submitting doc toral dissertation; (2) Pil ing applications for oral examinations Pinal date for adds or sec tion changes First Alumni Roundup and Class Reunions Registration 1.-00-8 .00 PM. (NU) Informal Mixer B :30-7 JO P.M. (Villager) 14th Annual Summer Con ference on Business Edu cation: "The How of Busi ness Education" 8:00 Aid. -3:30 PM. (NU) All-State Concert University of Nebr. Lab Band 7:30 PJU. (KRH) Alumni Roundup and Class Reunions Registration 9M AM. 4:00 P.M (NU) Reunion and Distinctive Service Award Luncheons 12:30-2-00 P.M. (NU) President's Tea 3 00-4 JO PJVI (Vamer Home) Barbecue 8:00-730 PM. (NU Mall) 17 18 Alumni Roundup and Clasn Reunion Alumni Brunch 10 JO A M, (NU) All-State Recital George Ritchie. Organist 3-00 PM. (KRH) All-State Concert Outdoor Promenade Band Concert 7 JO PM. (SAG Sculpture Garden) Final daic fur (8-Week St First' in Films applica tion with rfjtH'rir for df Krees cr certificates to be 19 drops is ha for courses ltt;rg with Krt-w Your Professor Srte "Cunicuiar A Instruc tional Changes In Child hood Education: A Focus on Minon'v Groups" SpeaKer- lir David Wll Hams 1:00 P.M, (LI, Aud) All-State Hec!al . All SUte Mulc Students 7 30 P.M. IKKH) Summer Film Series "The Virginian" 7 fX P.M iNUi 20 PI Lambda Theta Luncheon 11:48 A-M. (NU) Concert: John Biggs Con sort 7 JO PM. (KRH) 24 25 26 All-State Orchestra. Chonae and Soloists "A Wilis Gather Concert" 3-00 PM. (KRH) Textbookwen-i Exhibit 12 -00-4:00 P.M (NU) Conference on Teacher Edu cation "i:t' !n Teacher Education" 6-n0 AJW.-9:30 P.M iNCCE, Eiesnen'arj Educatlon: Ktv.w Your Department 1'Ji ructions and Trends" 1 .00 P.M (IX Aud; AH-State Concert All Stnt" Hand and Chorus 7:30 P.M. (KRH) Summer Film Series "Little. Cacwr" 7.00 P M (N'U) Textbookrren's Exhibit 8:W A.M.-4.-O0 P.M. (NU) Conference on Teacher Ed ucation "Models In Teach er Education" S-00 A.M. 8 00 P M. (NCCE) All-State Final Concert 7..J0 PM. (SAG Sculpture Gardens) 21 Phi Delta Kappa Social 6 JO PM. (RA) All-State Recital All-State Music Students 7:30 P.M. (KRH) Educational Administrators' Roundtable Speaker: Dr. Prank Angel 11:46 AJ4.-1:1S PM. (NU) Workshop: John Blirgs Con sort 11.00 AM. (KRH) 27 Textbookmen's Exhibit BOO AJil.-12O0 P.M. (NU) Conference on Teacher Ed ucation "Evaluation of Teacher Education" 900 A M. -12:00 PM. (NCEE) PI Lambda Theta Luncheon 11:45 A Jul. (NU) 28 22 Pinal date for submitting drops for courses without labs-8-Week 4 First Pinal date for filing appli cations for candidacy for Master's degrees to be conferred In August All-State Recital All-State Music Students 7:30 PM. (KRH) 23 29 Pinal date for submitting Master's Theses 8-Week St First tat least one week before oral examinations) Repertory Theatre opens Company" BOO PM. (HT) 30 Classes In session make-up for July 4 "Company" 8 O0 PM. (HT) CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIII IlllllllllllliniMIIIIIIIIIIIIIimillllllllllllllrJ j THE NEBRASKA UNION PRESENTS j I SUMMER FILM FESTIVAL I m " : THE 1930S : June IK llll VI.'(,NI-N', 't:i. Id" minutes. Sr:riiii,' li;irv (oiiici, Mure lirti'1. V ih r Hirt'in. I'uh.ird rhn. liircihu ! y Vut'ir II mihi,.. 1 t J ri It K the I'MO's, (Ik: Western ;i, wiie'iie Lvlioys .tin) (if, nic I) lormiilis sull, t . i pii"I' exceptions- llll. V 1 1 ' ! I A. i .11; ! J ,f,d I ..i.l's S I At ,1 )U 1 1 ( I )) 1 ( ,-.Iik I -A c ;ne si 1 iv in.; mi Julv Il-mme's ld,n Pi.ii Ki'.l the first treat hf.iklhr Hi.th 'it v,.n J n, ih- VVw!.-n,, establishing 1 mo.le i.f nnstic ir ilism June 25 Mini CA 1 s i , I'm. 'is 1 1 1 1 1 1 '.-;.. si . irii),.- I'lw.ird Ci. I' .!nii v in. Il.uii.s I :m ' in ' s jr., Sldllc'V Hl.ii I met, ( id mt't I ;:r'c!l. Iiiiccl-.'d l.v Mcrvyn LcKny. Pus i-, j ul.:ip I' (hinvm's greatest rule anil one f - r v. !iii i In- i hh. I imitated .llll) M: I I'l !.;i! I-ill, ill V I c :. n-. 1,..- j , I, Till. I. CAI.SAR is an :ni iu-(vt.;il i'ir::stcr film; as llll. V 1 1 ( i I I .A N ;M,..J SI A(.l t'O CH arc aichi-lipd '.sesttins. Jul 16 July 2 DRACU , 14t. Kt 'i'iniii's. St.irrinc ficl.j Lugosi. David V" im.'Ts and Helen ( h.m il r . Directed by I od Hr..v.iiin,:. A ithic horror-classic, h.ssed mi l! - it--vtl l Mri.m Stokes. I fie oniliMiis j tun e ph. rc of ,1 .-.id castle, the fnwy street ol I oitdori .iti.J a cavernous basement puividc the p.-ilnt s. 1 1 nil' for the an h b-lom! sui I n,; fiend, ("niii.t Dratula, the 'I r.ins K:mi V.iiiif.iie v.hii li Hel.t Lujjosi has made famous and wln.fi al! i.lli.r vampire movie niakci i have li. 1 i;.jt.n,; iwr since. July 9 IN N-.kN.VI ion A I lb )CSl Starring .V .('. I lelds, i ,1.1. 1, Marie, Cab C'allusvav. IV, 1 deore Hums and Hela liyo.i I dward Sutherland I n Ids. slii ii way to St. Louls, drops in mi tli I')!, J- s iiiiinili s. Alien. Babe ,..,,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s J o v e . 'ii .i. I tirrv ted be . lusl mi bis V.ulia Ib.tel in China in his pirm optit aiitiiinobilf, procuring liipior, vsmn. n and wfi.it have iu. Ilaby Rose Mane dues a toreh son,: rendilimi considered "salacious" m 1 '.M I and Cab Calloway .sings of rnanciana hi " Imi Id . Irr Man". SI Afil COACH. H'Vi, i)S minutes. Starring Jutifi Uasm , ( lain- lievor, Andy Devine and lliornas Mitt lu ll Directed by John l ord, tei. ntly recoeined by he American I ilm Institute as one of the greatest directors of Amern an I1I111. I his is the hallmark western ihiiin witli llll VlKtil.MAN (which wc are showing on June IS) of the decade of the I'MO s. I or that mailer, one of the high points of the western film genie. JuK 2? KOAHINC, I WI N I II S, 19.14, 9S minutes. Slatting Jiriies Cagney, Humphrey llogarl, l'ti tli.i I .me, I rank Mcllugh and Ciladys hr.it.'i'. Direi ted by Kaoul Walsh. Cagney and I., girt are their familiar selves as very tough World A ar I buddies who clash in a vicious !' 11 it legging r u ket . July 30 llll KAVIV 1 It, minutes. Starring Moris K.itl if, Hela l ugosi, Irene Ware and Samuel S. Hinds. Directed by l.ouis I riedlander. An ope; a lie shoiKei, ill the finest tradition of the Amen., 11 Horror I ilm. A surgeon, obsessed by the works of I'oe. builds an elaborate torture chamber complete with pit and pendulum. August 6 llll. (OCoANCiS. 1929, 111 minutes. Starriuw tne Marx brothers, (iroucho, llarpo, C hn o. eppo and Mary Dtimont, Mary Katon, and Kay I rancis. Direi ted by Robert l lorey and Joseph Stanley. Based on the play by l.eoigc S. Kaufman and Morris Kyskind with iiuisi. and lyrics by Irving lierlin. C'ocoanuts was the Marx brothers first film with some of IIkii best stage routines including Groucho's land auction in excruciating "viaduct " dialog. It is probably the best of the Marx Brothers films lor studying, or better enjoying, their comic let. hnii ue. Newsreels of the 20's, 30's and 40's will be shown with all the films. The Summer I ilm Series is being presented for the summer University community. Students, faiulty. staff and their spouses and families are all welcome. All showings will be at 7:00 pm in the Small Auditorium of the Nebraska Union.' Admission is 7 5 cents per person. OF AMERICA, INC. I I In the Glass Menagerie I ' 1 1 a.m. - 1 1 p.m. Monday-Saturday THE NEWLY RE-DECORATED 12TH ST. GARAGE WELCOMES YOU BACK TONITE DRAW 104 8-10 PM OUR NEW POLICY The 1 2th Street Garage was ! established as a University jand young peoples drinking establishment. We ask that you do not apply for admittance unless you are between the ages of 19 and 22 or unless you are affiliated with the Univer sity of Nebraska, (students, professors, administration, personnel etc,) Ml 3THEQL Lincoln iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii? Page 6 Summer Nebraskan Monday, June 11, 1973 t