page 4b THE GET OFF WHOSE WHAT? OR SILENT MAJORITY AWARD goes to Ann Henry for winning the ASUN Presidency with 1 1 votes to spare. THE QUANTITY, NOT QUALITY AWARD goes to downtown Lincoln theater owners for adding 1 1 new movie serf ns in less than a year. THE WATER OVER THE GATE AWARD goes to the Faculty Senate for lambasting espionage on campus, while it hadn't power to do anything about it. THE LET'S MAKE A DEAL AWARD gc.-jr to Johnny Rodgers and Bob Devaney. THE DID I SAY THAT? AWARD goes to Democratic National Committeewoman Francis Ohmstead for linking Watergate with the Kennedy assassination. THE BETTER NEVER THA or TOMORROW NEVER C goes to the dubious Assoc THE KIDS NOWADAYS JUST AIN'T GOT NO SHAMAN AWARD goes to Jack Mason for losing the ASUN election gracefully.