The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1973, Page page 7, Image 7
dailu FOR SALE 1 modern couch, two chairs with matching footstool, chest 475-2749. Will sell separately. Year-old Singer Graflex 250 strobe, excellent condition, new battery, $75. 475 2812. AKC Purebred Irish Setter puppies. Champion lines. Call C. Harper between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. at 472-2588 or 472-2589. Honda 350 CB. Excellent condition, runs perfect $425, Cather Hall Rm. 1 205. One-way air ticket, N.Y. to Paris. $50 bargainable female use before May 17. Call 432-2273. Schwinn Sports Tourer. 22 in. frame. 6 months old. Good buy. 488 8850. 68 BSA, excellent condition, just overhauled; Dual 1214 turntable. 432-4991. Sony TC-366 7" reel tape deck, 3-heads-pause-dust cover-one year old. $230. 4759195 Even. Queen size bed. 6 mon. old. See Stuart, 620 S. 20th, No. 6, after 7 p.m. '65 Buick Convertible, white, red Interioi. Call 477-1691, Mike. '69 Roadrunner excellent shape. Good price. 466 5312. 12' x 60' trailer, carpeted, AC, furnished and utility shed, Call 434-0027. Electro-voice 1179 stereo receiver. 55 watts. $75. 4750083 after 7 p.m. AVOID THE HI-FI RIP OFFI Stereo Components 20-40 off List All Major brands available. 1 00 guaranteed. Call 466 5870 after fa. 3-track tapes at student pricesl $3.99ea. 2$7.00, 3$10.00. Original artists-Carol King, Chicago, Wilson Pickett, Call evenings, 477 991 1. Sewing machine, zig-zag. Good condition. After 3:30, 432-5165. Pipes, tobacco, humidors and accessories. Cliff's Smoke Shop, 1 2th & o. King-size waterbed with liner, pad and frame, and 5-year guarantee-$60. 4756482. 1971 Vega Hatchback-4 speed, orange with beige interior, 90 h.p., will deal bolow book price, 477 1839. HELP WANTED Veterans earn $050.00 for two full weeks time and 64 hours part-time this summer. If you wish, continue in the fall ul $3,82 to $4.32 pur hour for 16 hours per month. For more Information from a university student who considers the Army Reserve a good part time job call 432 7926 after 5:30 p.m. DRIVERS-Several needed with own vehiclos to deliver flower? Saturday, May 12. Call 466 01 00. Wanted lovitig reliable sitter for precocious 6 yr. old boy. Vicinity 18lh & B. Must have car. 432 7414 after 7 p.m. Hitch Hiker Match Up XJ. Going somewhere al ter finals? Need a ndeiidcrs? Advertise in Daily Nebraskan Want Ads Hitch Hiker Match Up. Mav 2, 3,4. Special 3 for 2. Iay for 2 days. Ads must be paid in advance. Wednesday, may 2, 1973 WANTED: COED to care for 4 yr. old girl in Lincoln during the summer. May attend summer school. Room & board provided. Will negotiate salary. 423 8454 or 472 2475. LABOR HELP Help needed for temporary jobs in warehouses, factories, car unloading and general labor. Work for us a day at a time or steadily for as long as you like. Must have own car and telephone. No fees or obligations of any kind. Must live in Omaha. Come in to our office just once to apply, and then just phone whenever you want to work and we will assign you to a job. $1.70 per hr. 346-4403. MANPOWER 2015 Farnam, Omaha. Part-time office cleaning. Evenings & weekends. Year round work. Excellent working conditions. Call Steve, 489 8592. Waitresses needed. Apply at Mr. Steak, 5505 "O" St Key punch operators-full time and part time. Experience preferred. Must have transportation. 471-2231. INVOLVEMENT Seeking single Catholic men with qualifications in field of education, welfare, etc. Call 4326581 for appointment With faculty or student I.D. 15 discount on all Goodyear tires except promotional items. Terms available. Goodyear Service, 1918 "O", 432 6521. COLLEGE MEN SUMMER WORK. $125WEEK. ALSO SUPERVISOR OPENING. 488 4424. COLLEGE MEN Part time work now! $300 per mo. Full time this summer to $800 per mo. For appointment phoni 475-7940. SEARS ROEBUCK: Part time telephone solicitations. Appl Mr. Johnson, Sears Service Center, 4815 S. 14th. Up to 30 hrswk. Need 6 people full or part time Summer Employment Management and Career Positions available. Interviews being held Tuos and Wed-May 1st and 2nd, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Nebraska Union-Room 122. Need 8 people for Summer Employment, $1,85 $2.00 an hour. Interviews being held Tues. and Wed.-May 1st and 2nd, 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Nebraska Union- Room 1 22. Corps sf On Campus General Placement April 30-May 3 Full Semester Gmds-WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE? Peace Corps and VISTA. General Placement-April 30 May 3. Summer Graduates -1 nterviow for a position with VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) April 30 May 3, General Placement. Social work, road construction, forage research and many other jobs available. Contact ACTION: General Placement, April 30 May 3. SERVICES Daily Nebraskan subscriptions can be sent anywhere on this earth. . . SPECIAL OFFER FOR GRADUATING SENIORS $1.00 off regular subscription rate (off $9.00 for one year) return this coupon to DAILY NEBRASKAN before May 10th, 1973 34 NEBR. UNION and receive $1.00 off LINCOLN, NEBR. 68508 I enclose check for $8.00 for 1973 74 subscription. Check one: J My mailing address next fall is shown below... rj Please drop a reminder to my permanent address below in August and I will forward my current address at that time... NAME. ST. ADD. CITY STATE Con nt ..xurcs tooI ads WATCH REPAIR All makes-also Timex. Dick's Watch Service East side-Campus Bookstore-at the Yellow Door. Pregnant and distressed? Call a friend . . . Birthright, 477 8021. GAY ACTION A RAP LINE EVENINGS Termpaper typing. Free pick up and delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. 489 8592. Professional typing. Quick, reasonable. Donna. 475-9909. Dialing for help? 472-2200 OUTREACH Walk-in 223 H.C. PERSONAL To my favorite pink orangutan -Happy, happy birthday -Love, Doc. BARB, tw artio muchissimo. Feliz cumpleanos, Your Nuzzums, Sandi. Happy Birthdayl Love and more to come. Rick. Stever-I hope the next 20 years are as wonderful as this past 1 has been. Happy Birthdayl Love Karen. LOST Brown billfold lost 4 30 in Union. Reward. Susan 466 5405, HITCH HIKER MATCH UP Need rider to share expenses and driving to Bay area, Ca. May 24. Call Marsha 435 6107. FOR RENT Sublease new two bedroom apt from May 15 Aug. 15. 1010 C, Apt 4. 432 9988. For summer, Large 1 bedroom apt with garage, cable T. V. Furnished. $100mo. 475 0704. Semi furnished air conditioned apartments for summer. 434 6891, 434 0901. Large, new 2 bedroom apt. to sublease for summer. Good location. 3 4 people. 475 4702. 2 bdrm. apt, furnished, stove, refrigerator, $00 deposit, $125mo, 432-7671. students welcome. 3 bdrm. houso. Carpet, drapes, air conditioned, basement $180mo. 432 7671, Modern 2 bodioom apt for rent, fully carpeted, air. 423 0446 after 6. Looking for an apartment, duplex or house. Rental Guide, 1033 K St., 475 4102, 12 7 p.m. Furnished apt for rent, near East Campus. Central air, cable TV. 3 people-$165, 4-$200. 467-1490, after 5 p.m. 7IP. May 10, I 'J 7 J daily nebraskan 9 EE MNS Sleeping room and study for rent for male graduate student 423-1267. Summer rooms for rent Air-conditioned. $10wk. 1235 N. 16th. 475-2903 or 432-0494. Large modern, 1 bdrm. apt Available, Briamurst 434-0211. Summer rooms for rent Air-conditioned. $45mo. Kitchen facilities. 435-9319. 1245 N. 16th. Summer rooms for rent Air conditioned and close to campus. 432-5308 or 435-3018 for more info. Coed. j ROOMMATE WANTED Wanted: Girl or girls to find apt with for next fall. Call Kathy, 475-9825, evenings. Wanted: female roommate who will be law student in fall to share apartment for 1973-1974 school year. 434-5122. Ask for Cheryl. Need 1 female roommate for summer. $41.25 per mo. 432-0089 after 6 p.m. 2-3 female roommates wanted for huge house. $70 room and board. 4759040 after 5:00. MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION JEWISH STUDENTS TONIGHT! Philanthropies Meeting 7:00 p.m.-Union Melanie Pozes Speaking on Soviet Jewry j summer. Air-conditioned. Close to campus. 4759772. HOT AIR BALLOON. Pilote training-pleasure flights. Great American Balloon Machine, Box 181, Beatrice, Nb. Want to buy quality turntable or preferably record changer. Reasonably. Greg, 4750019. 2 female students need apartment 1st summer school (June 1 1-July 15) 475-2025. All Bar drinks 50c, 4-6 p.m. Live music and dancing. Morocco Lounge, 1010 "P" St SPECIAL FILMS: Only lincoln showing of the Marcel Ophuls' THE SORROW AND THE PITY. An intellectual and artistic triumph. Sheldon Gallery. May 2 at 1 & 7 p.m. May 3 at 7 p.m. only. IT FIGURES!! The Life Insurance industry is based on the rhythm of mathematics. If your interests and educational background have the same basis, you should consider a career as a Life Insurance Professional. To best use and reward your talents and potential, a Life Insurance Company should be stable, well established, and have a proven record of continuing growth. Midland National Life, founded in 1906, and growing at better than 20 each year is such a company. Behind our sales force stands a proud team of Home Office professionals who design and administer our products, if your degree gives you a strong back ground in mathematics, you may qualify for a spot on the Midland National team. When you do, you can have the challenge of a Big City career in the comfortable environment of a more people-sized town. Let's exchange information about each other. Call Lyle Hoyme (605) 086-6911 collect, or send your resume to Midland National Life Insurance, 104 S. Maple, Watertown, SD 57201. Enjoy square dancing, carJ playing with former mental health patients and elderly with summer volunteer work in th; Social Get Together Club. Call 472-2486. Concerns about your sexual Identity, roles, relating. 8 woman and men interested in small group on sexuality homosexuality, call ' Psychological Consultation Center, 472 2351. Confidential. (calendar) Wednesday 10 a.m. Extension Division-Nebraska Union. 12 noon-Executive Fraternity Council-luncheon-Union. 12 noon Graduate office luncheon-Union. 12:15 p.m.- Bellevue Wake Robin School-Union. 12:30 p. m. - I n ter-v arsity Christian Fellowship-Union. 1:30 p.m. - Graduate office-Union. 1:30 p.m. -Student Development Services Staff Union 3:30 p.m.-Latter day Saint Student Organization-Union. 4:15 p.m.-BuildersStudont Faculty Committee-Union. 4:30 p.m. - Volunteer Bureau- Union. 5:30 p. m. - Engineering Toastmasters-Union. 5:30 p.m.-Kappa Kappa Psi-Union. 6 p.m. Special services-tutoring- Union. 6 p.m. Red Cross-Union. 6:30 p.m.-ASUN Senate meeting-Union. 6:30 p.m. - Special services-biology tutor-Union. FROM THE PAGES OF PLAYBOY IT'S NOW ON THE SCREEN! COME AND HUDDLE WITH THE CHEERLEADERS (X) EMBASSY THEATRE CONTINUOUS I KOM II AM HUKKY I'.NDS I IIUUSDAY