The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1973, Page page 7, Image 7
chilli mbfstem FOR SALE 1 modern couch, two chairs with matching footstool, chest 475-2749. Will sell separately. Hree kittens. 475-6324 after b p.m. Schwinn Continental 1 0-speed. Needs light repair. $85. 475 7395 after 5 p.m. Sears Airconditioner: 18,000 B.T.U., 220 volt, used 3 mo. New $315, Now $225. 432 6847. AKC Purebred Irish Setter puppies. Champion lines. Call C. Harper between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. at 472-2588 or 472 2589. Year-old Singer Graflex 250 strobe, excellent condition, new bat tery, $75. 475-2812. 8-track tapes at student prices! $3.99ea. 2$7.00, 3$10.00. Original artists-Carol King, Chi cago, Wilson Pickett, Call even ings, 477-991 1. Sewing machine, zig-zag. Good Condition. After 3:30 432-5165. ' 1933 Ford Pickup, completely re built, 289-3-speed, excellent condition, 466-01 71. A.K.C. Registered Great Dane, 10 mo. old. Brindle, excellent markings. 489-7051. House-full of furniture and appliances complete or piece by piece. 489 7051 . Westlnghouse, mini-mate spin-dry washer. Completely portable $169. Terms avail able Goodyear, 1918 "O" St., 432 6521. Best Pipe Shop in Lincoln. Thousands in stock. Cliff's Smoke Shop, 1 2th & O. '71 Opel Rallye. 4-spd, 4 new radial tires, air, radio, and only 24,000 miles. Call 477 2604. TELEVISION for your summer apartment. 23 inch, black & white $25. Call 432 8855, Adella. Leave message. Sony TC-366 7" reel tape deck, 3-heads, pause-dust cover one year old, $230. 475 9195 Even. HELP WANTED Part-time office cleaning. Evenings & weekends. Year round work. Excellent working conditions. Call Steve, 489 8592, DIETRICH SCHWINN CYCLERY 4701 HUNTINGTON Since MP fM Schwinn 1 block Union Art Library Return all art prints to Room 237, Nebraska Union, this week-open Monday through Friday 1:30-4:00. ALL PRINTS MUST BE RETURNED BY FRIDAY, MAY 4 OR UNIVERSITY REGISTRATION WILL BE CANCELLED. For one hour a week teach mentally retarded to swim, in summer Lincoln Parks and Recreation. Volunteers also needed for day care work. Call 472 2486. Need 6 people full or part time Summer Employment Manage ment and Career Positions available. Interviews being held Tues and Wed-May 1st and 2nd, 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Nebraska Union room will be posted under 'Financial Aids.' Need 8 people for Summer Employment, $1.85$2.00 an hour. Interviews being held Tues. and Wed. May 1st and 2nd, 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Nebraska Union-room will be posted under 'Financial Aids.' WANTED: COED to care for 4 yr. old girl in Lincoln during the summer. May attend summer school. Room & board provided. Will negotiate salary. 423 8454 or 472 2475. LABOR HELP Help needed for temporary jobs in warehouses, factories, car unloading and general labor. Work for us a a day at a time or steadily for as long as you like. Must have own car and telephone. No fees or obligations of any kind. Must live in Omaha. Come in to our office just once to apply, and then just phone whenever you want to work and we will assign you to a job. $1.70 per hr. 346 4403. MANPOWER 2015 Farnam, Omaha. SUMMER WORK AVAILABLE FOR MEN. $2000- SUMMER PLUS $900 SCHOLARSHIP. INTERVIEW MONDAY 43073 IN THE UNION 1:00, 2:30 & 4:00 P.M. ROOM NUMBER WILL BE LISTED UNDER FINANCIAL AIDS IN THE GLASSED IN ANNOUNCEMENT BOARD. Business, p r e p r o f essi o na I , communication, teaching majors-full time summer employment available with The Southwestern Co. Related experience, training. Above average pay. Call 432 8690, weekdays before 6-10-73. Waitresses needed. Apply at Mr. Steak, 5505 "O" St. Key punch operators-full time and part time. Experience preferred. Must have transportation. 471 2231. 1945 466-2921 MOW 10-speeds in stock repairs for all makes North of Treasure City ft ads INVOLVEMENT Seeking single Catholic men with qualifications for temporary commitment in field of education, welfare, etc. Call 432-6581 for appointment. Corps On Campus General Placement April 30-May 3 Fall Semster Grads WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE? Peace Corps and VISTA. General Placement-April 30 May 3. Summer Graduates-Interview for a position with VISTA (Volunteers In Service to America) April 30-May 3. General Placement. Social work, road construction, forage research and many other jobs available. Contact ACTION: General Placement, April 30-May 3. COLLEGE MEN SUMMER WORK. $125WEEK. ALSO SUPERVISOR OPENING. 488 4424. COLLEGE MEN Part time work nowl $300 per mo. Full time this summer to $800 per mo. For appointment phone 475-7940. Busboys needed. Day & night. Part time. Apply 2-4 dally. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. SEARS ROEBUCK: Part time telephone solicitations. Apply Mr. Johnson, Sears Service Center, 4815 S. 14th. Up to 30 hrswk. SERVICES Private tennis lessons this summer for individuals and small groups. Experienced player with prior teaching experience. Reasonable rates. Call 488 2234, evenings between 6-10 and ask tor Jim, WATCH REPAIR All makes-also Timex, Dick's Watch Service-East side- Campu Bookstore at the Yellow Door. The Sorrow and The Pity "One of the greatest films ever made. The The Sorrow The Pity is a contribution to history, to social psychology, to anthropology, and to art. If there's any justice in the world, fTlarcel Ophuls monumental labor will be studied Sheldon Gallery May 2 at 1 & 7 pm May 3 at 7 pm only Academy Award Nominee 1972 Best Documentary Pregnant and distressed? Call a friend . . . Birthright, 477-8021. Will do typing In my home. 423-4351. Sewing & Alterations. Call Pat Moore at 799 2615. Professional typing. Quick, reasonable. Donna, 475-9909. HOUSE OF FLOWERS 135 S. 12th. 432-2775. Termpaper typing. Free pick up and delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. 489-8592. PERSONAL Concerns about your sexual identity, roles, relating. 8 women and men Interested In small group on sexuality homosexuality, call Psychological Consultation Center, 472-2351. Confidential. FOR RENT Modern 2 bedroom apt. for rent, fully carpeted, air. 423 0446 after 6. Looking for an apartment, duplex or house. Rental Guide, 1033 K St., 475-4102, 12-7 p.m. Furnished apt. for rent, near East Campus. Central air, cable TV. 3 people-$165, 4-$200. 467-1490, after 5 p.m. Sleeping room and study for rent for male graduate student. 423 1267. Summer rooms for rent. Air-conditioned $10wk. 1235 N. 16th. 475-2903 or 432 0494. Summer rooms tor rent. Air-conditioned. $45mo. Kitchen facilities 435-9319. 1245 N. 16th. MISCELLANEOUS 2 female students need apartment 1st summer school (June 11 July 15) 475 2025. SPECIAL FILMS: Only Lincoln showing of Marcel Ophuls' THE SORROW AND THE PITY. An intellectual and artistic triumph, Sheldon Gallery. May 2 at 1 & 7 p.m., May 3 at 7 p.m. only. Savings on Travel Abroad: International Student ID's, Youth Hostel cards, and "Whole World Handbooks" on sale nowl Overseas Opportunities Center, Suite 200 Nebraska Union. All Bar drinks 50c, 4 6 p.m. Live music and dancing. Morocco Lounge. 1010 "P" St. -Only Lincoln Showing MARCEL 0PHUI and debated for An artistic and Intellectual Nelson to head Nebraskan The UNL Publications Committee Friday named Michael (O.J.) Nelson Daily Nebraskan editor for the fall semester. He is currently Daily Nebraskan news editor. Nelson is a senior majoring in journalism. He succeeds Tom Lansworth as editor. Nelson has not yet selected next semester's news editor and managing editor. Interviews for those positions will be Wednesday. Interviews for other staff positions will be held next week. Lincoln election Lincoln voters will go to the polls Tuesday to elect three new City Council members, three Board of Education members and two Airport Authority members. Voters also will decide the fate of three proposed City Charter amendments. 0M) Recycle GAY ACTION 0 RAP LINE r 475-5710 of - years, Atlantic (Tlonthly triumph" Time (Tlagozine 3 EEMNeS monday, april 30, 1973 daily nebraskan page 7