The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1973, Page page 3, Image 3
SCU ACTION Officials from Action, the volunteer organization, will visit Lincoln today through Wednesday, to inform summer and fall graduates about opportunities in the United States and overseas. They may be contacted through the Placement Office, 230 Nebraska Union. Zoology seminar A Zoology Seminar will feature Theo Sonderegger from the University's psychology department today at 3:30 p.m. in Bessey Hall Auditorium. 2PG Zero Population Growth's monthly meeting will be at 8 p.m. Tuesday at Bennet Martin Library, 14 and N. A Pakistani will speak on 'The Effects of Overpopulation on Pakistan." The public is invited. ccilftcicifi 10:30 a.m. -Student Development Programs Staff Nebraska Union 12 noon American Federation of Teachers executive luncheon-Union 12;30 p.m. Arts and Sciences Advisory Board-Union 3:30 p. m.-Latter-Day Saints Student Organization Union 6 p.m. Towne Club Union 6 p.m. Special Services-tutoring-Union 6:30 p.m. -Special Survices-blology tutor Union 6:30 p.m. -Transcendental Meditation Union 7:30 p.m. math counselors Union 8 p.m. -Afro American Collegiate Society Union 9 p.m. -Kappa Psi Union 9 p.m. -Kappa Psi pledgos-Unlon 9 ,p.m, -Kappa Alpha Psl-Union FROM THE PAGES OF PLAYBOY IT'S NOW ON THE SCREEN! COME AND HUDDLE WITH THE CHEERLEADERS (X) f EMBASSY THEATRE CONTINUOUS F ROM 11 AM HURRY HMDS THURSDAY I APADPMY AWARD WIMMCDf ACADEMY AWARD WINNER EHELUUPSIDII DOWi1 IRWIN ALLTWS production of Gene Hack man bteiia btevens Shelly Winters itffctw Red Button! cunwc AT.' uiiwnunii rr1 1U 7:00-9:15 1 A ENDS THURSDAY SHOWS AT: 7:00-9:35 Call KUHL INSURANCE AGENCY for Auto and Motorcycle coverage., even if you've been refused, cancelled or need an SR22 filing. 309 North 27th 475-2609 Max A. Denney Urges Vou To Vc!o Tcscdcy, ley t If Tho Gonofo! Elicfion 71 Max A. Denney For ity Council Paid fbr by for Council CcrorciUvO Ken Brcvn, Treasurer, 9011 l!c!ircgo Olston Independent VW Specialists, Inc. 2435 N.33 Factory-trained mechanics Engine Wheel Balancing Major and Minor Repairs VW Parts 467-239: Brakes I une ups I ront Lnds I SOPHOMORES! Guaranteed employment for the next two summers plus SI 000 per school year lor your Junior and Senior years. To find if you qualify, contact the Professor of Military Science, M &. N Bklg., 472-2468. Do it. NOW! f IP...-' , J' 1 I , v -i J1' I 4 it y t 4 The world's second best reproductfh system. .fft '.: ' '.'YiKhxd about the basis of this outrageous claim: . jjp'Pti Linear $&und. fi v1 -' SDeakcr desitners have been talking about ' v'",,'-inear Sound fof years. Hut until EPI came "vf 'i ' along, nobtxly hacfit. So what do wemcan by "Linear Sound"? tj. .i... J f .... t:iT . . .1.-.- 115 Wliai lilt SUUI1U Ul illl tit 4 JJivaNti luufta 4 like on a frequency response graph: a practically 4 KtraiDht line. So: Linear .Sound. -o--- On the bass end, down as low as 22 cycles, there's exactly the amount of bass that was recorded. With no artificial boosting to impress the innocent. On the treble end, up as high as 20,000 cycles, li 1' I speakers deliver overtones that, on ordinary speakers, just f ade out. So what you end up with is a reproduced sound that sounds just like the original sound. With no artificial coloring added. And nothing taken out. Linear Sound. It comes out of eight fantastic speakers, from $55 to $1000, made by Epicure Products Inc., One Charles St. Ncwburyport, Mass. 01950. n . Wj,:th 'A'.) ii l -rf- -wnajl II j ENCODILN 330 South 9th Street - Box 6277 - Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 Phone (402) 475-6930 I" rnonday, april 30, 1973 dally nnbraskan pagu 3