Kid Blue sinks slowly in West Kid Blue is just another one of the multitude of mediocre movies which have been hitting the screens lately. Another attempt to appeal to the "rebellious, dissatisfied youth" in hopes that they will pay money to see it. -. One of the few movies to take this concept and do an admirable job was Steelyard Blues. Unfortunately, it failed at the box office. But back to Kid Blue. What could be better, or funnier, than a turn-of-the-century, bumbling train robber,' Kid Blue (Dennis Hopper)? Have him decide to go straight and put him in a town where the sheriff just wants an excuse to kill him. Have him chastised because he doesn't have a formal education, called a heathen because he doesn't worship the almighty dollar sign and seduced by his best friend's wife. Frankly, a lot of things could be better. Kid Blue, leaves one with the distinct feeling of gargling with milk of magnesia-complete blah. orry kubert whot can I say? There is only one scene which has any vitality at all when Peter Boyle as Preacher Bob, a paranoic minister, builds an aerocycle to fly him to heaven. The rest are all forgettable or distasteful. Striving to be humorous, director James Frawley storm-troopered into bad taste. There is nothing funny about Hopper taking a job as a chicken plucker, wringing his first chicken neck. There is definitely nothing amusing about Sheriff "Mean John" Simpson (Ben Johnson) gunning down a drunken, senile Indian. Hopper trys hard as the quiet robber, but he's just wasting his time. He's a better actor than the script deserves. Warren Oates as Reese Ford, Blue's best friend, and Johnson act as if they had two weeks off with nothing else better to do. Lee Pincell as Ford's wife, who warms the cuckolds of Kid Blue's soul, tries too hard, howevei . Kid Blue's tun in Lincoln is a test screening to determine the public's response to it. It would be best lot Kirt RIup ridi- into the sunset, never to return. - 2 '3 it vou're serious about backpacking Stag bags with Dacron Fiberfill II arc nearly as warm, but cost a lot less than down We aren't putting down down. We make a great line of down-filled bags and trail clothing. But now we have a new line of Stag trail bags stuffed with DuPont Dacron" Fiberfill II. Different weights and lengths in mummy, tapered companion and rectangular bags. All with nylon covers and proof stuff bag. get soaked, yet when wrung out Down is great, but like this. Most im bags offer the at only a bit more lar mummy bag, of Fiberfill II, lbs. and it's rated i linings and a water- These bags can they'll dry quickly and hung open, it won't recover portant, our Stag warmth of down weight. Our popu filled with 3 lbs. weighs only 4Vz for cold weather. Vi'hdt vou rwod to know about Dacron Fiberfill II: i' Compacts easily into a small stuff bag I Recovers quickly from compression and Is easy to refluff J Kecp3 its fluff and insulating value even when wet ij Is machine washable and dryablo ! 1 Long lasting, non-allorgenic, odorless and consistent in quality i.j Co;.ts a lot less than down, When price is important, consider a Stag -0WJB0M trail bag. Compare them and our trail tents and backpacks at your sporting goods 1S dealer. He might be having a sale right now! 20c for now "Bo Ktnd 10 Your Outdoor" ft ' . - . . ..-.i .,.- s.M .latftn tn U.rur h. rjfjOHJI I'rtJi HMD nii" ..i..,,.. We.iWhitn Stag. Dept CNP, 5?03 S f John son CrtiBk Blvd , Portland. Oregon 9?206 5 ft. V i 5- STAG Trail Gear Namt Add City Collego Slate Zip 1 . : ;Vc J: i - - f If 'Ti 1 m I 'f v iff 7 if try'-": 7 i j iff; v? -r js 'i Du' Vr ! r i 1 n- .... - Si m ?. a if' a.1 ft. 5 - '.5 Kid Blue. like gargling with milk of magnesia a complete blah. cifiino Cinema 1 : Kid Blue. 1,3,5,7,9 p.m. Cmem;i 2: Man of La Mancha. 1:10, 3:35, 6, 8:30 p.m. Coopi'rLmcoln: Lolly-Madonna. 2, 3 50, 5 40, 7:30, 9 20 p.m. Douglas 1: Soylent Green. 1:30, 3:25, 5 20, 7:25, 9:30 p.m. Dou() 2: Shamus. 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7 20, 9:16 p.m. Douglas 3: Sounder. 1:30, 3:25, 5:17, 7 :10, 9.10 p.m. Embassy: The Cheerleaders. 11, 12 45, 2:30, 4:15, 6, 7:45, 9:30, 11:15 p.m. H(;ruhk H.ill-Union. Yellow Submarine. 7, 9 30 p.m. Hollywood: The Poseidon Adventure. 7, 9 1b p.m. Mutinies Friday througli ;nH.iu 9:90 4:40 o.m. Plaza 1: Brother Sun, Sister Moon 1, 3:15, 5:30, 1 :3U, y:3 p.m. Plaza 2: Cabaret. 2:15, 4:30,6:45,9:15 Plaza 3: The Godfather 2, 5:15, 8:30 Plaza 4: Charlotte's Web. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 State: Cinderella. 1, 3:52, 6:44, 9:35 p.m. Charlie and the Angel. 2:14, 5:06, 7:58 p.m. Stuart: Class of '44. 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 p.m. Vino: Clockwork Orange. 7, 9:35 p.m. Matinees Friday through Sunday, 1 :tt, 4:25 p.m. w ittl 1 ays to be you TWA's t a lot of things to help you in a lot of ways around the U.S. and Europe. But nothing comes close to the adventure some hrave blockbuster Worldtrek expe ditions i arranged exclusively through TWA). Worldtrek. This isn't a vacation, it's an experience. I-V( m two v( 'eks trekking the fjords of Scandinavia to 12 weeks on a pilgrimage to Kashmir. You'll find yourself camping with nomadic reindeer mit herdsmen, or Uating across the Nlack Sea to Yalta. For the exciting details, go to vourTWA'lVavel Agent, Ticket Office, or Campus ilep. - or send thecoujx)!! U'low. - , H-a mmmtm mmmm m r SS99 TVA-"ITI'AYST()HHYC)UN(;; Hox 2"). (Jrand Ccntnil Station, N.Y., N Y, 10017 I'lf.'iN'M'iid rue iiifiirniationon the lol lowing: Woi ldtivk lionu.s('ou)on Books Stut'lpas Ovcmiti'1'iLs.s Destination Kurox- Pack llnl and lircakfast Name nn itp Aildicss Citv State Zip Sci vii ! iii.ii . i iv. inl i'xi liivivi'lv li TWA page 10 daily ncbraskan friday, april 27, 1973