Brazil progressing Duarte r "i r by Robin Pilus Sergio do Queiro Duarte, first secretary of the Ba;!'d'- Embassy in Washington D.C., said "th..- best way to describe Brazil is an emerging country. We need an international awareness of our ever growing potentiality." Dua-te spoke to a group of about 20 students Wednesday as a concluding speaker to 'he Latin American Spring Festival. Duj't'- said Biu?: has undergone many adances n the past decade. He said the country had controlled inflation, overcome soc'ji un-t'it, s t a 1 ted a movement toward mo'.'e-"i:jt:on and begun an effort to distribute the country's wealth among the citizens. i .... ,.tH ticonoriK advance for p"is:'on, Duarte said. Brazil has One r:;;o i .-jn exixv t e "We have broken down the chronic dependence on coffee as our only export," he said. "Twenty years ago it comprized 90 per cent of all exports and now it comprises only 30 per cent." t,a t tn.' Un:t' cio'.', ar.u start's isides-pd relations between irvj B ; d ! I to be fiiendly, very "H 's'oi iCiMy , theu- is no cause for Brazil to resent the United States," he said. "Any a 'Mi Ainu iCdii f .'I'imiji are a result of idealogical pi i m iTi plf s idthf. than Intone causes." )u..' t' jvs he believe many countries in th'1 United' Nations have concerned themselves mjeily with "iivn ornneMitdl problems, and have somewhat i.-jnoi ud the aims race. 'Th.,- whoie idea of peace could turn out to be a tolerable state of tension." he said Duarte said Brazil supports a policy of complete international disarmament, although he said he foresees no logical way of it happening. "Disarmament seems to be an old fashioned idea, she said. "Now all that many consider feasible is arms control." The Brazilian government appropriates more money toward education than any one other single project, Duarte said. "There have been great efforts to improve the literacy rate of the country," he said. Primary education is compulsory but only one-half of the possible school population is attending due to a lack of classroom facilities, he said. There is little higher education in the country, as "people usually are absorbed in the labor maiket," Duarte said. Brazil is striving to create conditions in which it can achieve independence both economically and politically. Duarte said that as an emerging nation, Brazil is concerned with that emergence. "We hope that by increasing interest in international life, our own growth will benefit," he said. Duarte said he believes that economic advances are also crucial to an emerging nation. "Without economic advantages," he said, "nothing can be achieved but a type of soverign poverty." I ' ' - 1 " " iimnm& "r" ""' " ' ' ' ' Duarte.. .Brazil has overcome inflation and social unrest and is trying to distribute wealth. An Extra Added Inducemen (Only for people who like exceptional bargains) You get this free... With the purchase of any of the three best-buy stereo systems in this ad, you'll receive the Crag 2622 Portable Cassette Recorder. It features Single-Control operation, automatic shut off, Adjustable preset record level con trol, and built-in battery recharging circuit with optional AC adapter. If you buy any of these... Pii McD0NALD 9 ADVENT 499.95 List Price $29.95 CRAIG 2622 Portable Cassette Recorder A fine system for the mod est budget includes the Har-man- Kardon 330A AMFM Receiver, which delivers 10 watts RMS per channel, A pair of matching HK-20 speak ers and the BSR 310X turn table, complete with base, dust cover and Shure Magnet ic Cartridge round out a su perbvalue. List price S389. 95. harmankardon 299.95 I ir ii JLiJLiJ Mcdonald ADVEVI 399.95 T he Marantz 2220 AM, FM Receiver delivers 40 watts RMS, and carries the Marant 3-year warranty on parts and labor. Our $499 System also includes the BSR Mc Donald G10AX complete with bnse, dust cover and Shunr Magnetic Cartridge. And a superb complement to a ,,n1 yste'rn - th- Smaller Advent Loudspeakers, which reproduce the entire audible frequency range with re rnarkablc accuracy. List price: $543.90, UgMdi McD0NfllD I ' Br Ml Our popular medium-price system leads off with a hefty Marant 2010 AMFM Receiver, delivering 20 RMS watts at very low distortion over the entire audible frequency range. Next, a pair of Smaller Advent Loudspeakers take that Marantz power and convert it faithfully to flaw less sound from the lowest to highest notes. The BSR McDonald 510X Turntable has base, dust cover, and Shure Magnetic Cartridge at no ex tra cost, List price: $449.40. YOU CAN BUY THE CRAIG 2622 CASSETTE RECORDER AT OUR SPECIAL LOW PRICE, 19.88. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AR 3n SPEAKERS List $250 Reg. $207.50 AR 2nx SPEAKERS List $128 Reg. $106.00 AR 7 SPEAKERS List $60 Reg. $49.95 SHURE M93E MAGNETIC CARTRIDGE List $39.95 Reg. $19.00 MAXELL ULTRA DYNAMIC CASSETTES UDC-C0 List $3.70 Reg. $2.49 UDC-90 List $4.80 Reg. $3.49 414 South llth & Gateway 4326677 THE BEST BUYS ON QUALITY COMPONENTS daily nebraskan thursday, april 26, 1973