The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1973, Page page 4, Image 4

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    Sensible vetoes
Two government executives recently
exercised their veto power over separate
proposals that should be of interest to UNL
Nebraska Gov. J. James Exon vetoed
Tuesday LB 1 79, which authorized acquisition
of the defunct Hiram Scott College in
Scottsbluff by the NU system. The measure
was approved last week by the Unicameral.
Last week, ASUN President Ann Henry
vetoed an ASUN Senate resolution and an
accompanying government bill which granted
S1000 to the UNL Student Bar Association to
aid in the establishment of a minority student
recruitment program for the Law College.
Both Exon and Henry noted in public
statements that their resnective governing
assemblies had acted too hastily in approving
the vetoed proposals.
In his veto message, Gov. Exon cited other
flaws in Scottsbiuff Sen. Terry Carpenter's
plan to make the Hiram Scott complex the
fourth NU campus. The governor said it has
not been demonstrated that the Hiram Scott
acquisition would fit into any plan for
Nebraska's future educational needs. Even
Carpenter acknowledged during floor debate
on LB 179 that his primary reason for
introducing the bill was not the state's
educational needs. Carpenter said he made the
proposal because it was the one thing that
everyone in his legislative destrict wanted
from the. Unicameral this year. It is possible
to conclude that Carpenter's constituents'
immediate concern also is ngt the educational
needs of Nebraska. The community of
Scottsbluff and the surrounding area stand to
gain a great deal economically if the
abandoned Hiram Scott campus is reactivated.
Exon acted correctly when he refused to
allow Carpenter and his constituents to
confuse education and economics.
Throughout its legislative consideration,
LB 179 was billed by its supporters as merely
a measure which would allow the state to
accept a free "gift." However, that gift would
have been an expensive one in spite of the
Scottsbluff bondholders' offer.
When she vetoed the proposed grant to the
Student Bar Association, ASUN President
Henry said that she was alarmed by the
seeming hastiness of the student senator's
approval of Sen. Brian Waid's minority
recruitment measure.
Last night, ASUN upheld Henry's veto
when a motion to override it failed to get the
required two-thirds majority vote. As Henry
observed, it is extremely probable that the
$1000 appropriation could be better spent in
some other manner. Perhaps the money could
be donated to the faltering PACE program
and ear-marked for minority scholarships. Or
maybe ASUN should concern itself first with
the low proportion of minority students in
UNL's undergraduate population.
At a time when the executive power is
often misused in the federal and other levels
of government, it is encouraging to see
instances in which the veto power is exercised
sensibly. The recent actions of both Henry
and Exon were such instances.
Tom Lansworth
OV& HEAy .STUFF... in
C&VoY (ft f T nzsryi
CW?r?a ? You asK ? is ft po Inre ihzl bii us
LJ Stpreme Innmsn Larlhcts never hinK
DbbUl those liUle ovy? who Jive on our yards
2nd s ids vj91H s ? it humanoifc even pvt
VhernsQlves dboxe olTsr huroeno-ic-Biexv
-whsl wrlln 9? 3 lousy cricHel or -worm?
in our eslim&rioTij -plenty Lei lte
Zygote hros. afte YoU Down to EARTH?'
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-J editor
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Apathy damages image
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M.nk Gn.-fjory
Teacher evaluations
Df.'.tr'fili t(j!
Once d'Hio the ..tori,.,!!-, (lt this Umv-isity h,.v" haiJ
to n.-qistcr tor cI.jvi-, unkfio.vo t-:;i( Ikm ,. Oner;
dqjm wo hdv .".v;J t r ( juulity of tc.ichcrs we
Will ifccivc .
fldthor thdO u'j thioucjfi thr, (jucssinq -j,jmi; dq.iin, I
would iufj'j'.-st t' d n...iivn Mmildr to UNO's h;
unootcri. b;ich teacher would bo evaluated by
stuOents completing his or her cldss. These
evaluations could be made available in the form of a
booklet to any stu'lent who miqhr want one.
As a student at UNO for two years, I can attest to
the va'ue of such a system for choosing high caliber
teachei s.
Jack Cassitiy
Editor's note: Such u teacher evaluation booklet was
juhished at UNL three years ago It was
subsequently discontinued, largely because of high
printing costs when considered in light of the limited
student use of the booklet.
Dea' editor :
Work ieli:a,e programs, as I understand them, are
for the rehabilitation of the peison for his criminal
actions Pioqrarns of this type are undoubtedly
beneficial for both the person involved and the public
in general.
But when these programs a".' used foi nuking up
incompleted course woik and physical conditioning
for entry into professional fuotudd, I fi'H the
program is terribly abused In fact, cviy brush of the
law Johnny f-iodgers has come m contact with seems
to have1 been abused.
I loyd I). Gdibler
Apartment correction
Dear editor :
I'm writing in regard to Nancy Stohs' article on
student landlord problems (friday magame, April
20). Since Stohs placed a great deal of emphasis on
my particular case, I think it is important that the
statement of fact, be correct:
we only lived in our "slum" for five months.
-Stohs stateri that we recovered our deposit
Put tnat lawyer s tees were &lbu. This was not
correct. We recovered approximately $170 in deposit,
court allowed lawyer's fees, interest and costs, Of this
recovery, we paid miscellaneous costs leaving a
balance of approximately $148. Of this $148, our
lawyer's fee was one third leaving us a recovery of
about $99 on our $12S deposit.
Technically, we did win. However, the victory was
obtained through a default judgement.
These corrections do not detract from Stohs'
conclusion that lawyers are expensive and
undoubtedly their fees do discourage students from
bringing suits. If one of my roommates had not
previously known our lawyer, chances are we would
not have gone to court.
I would go further to suggest that any student
suspicious of hisfnr landlord should take care to
keep le,i:,es, receipts and cancelled checks as evidence.
In caution, let me suggest that small claims court
does not necessarily solve a student's problem. Even
alter winning in small claims, the student must obtain
execution of the judgement if the landlord fails to
jay. Without knowledge of the procedures involved,
such execution is sometimes difficult to obtain.
Brian J. Waid
Forces of oppression
Dear editoi :
The forces of oppression have moved in
completely. Not only has President Nixon destroyed
the Office of Economic Opportunity and Gov. Exon
wrecked the University budget, but ASUN President
Ann Henry struck down minority recruiting.
She grasped at straws in finding reasons to kill a
program that would have added substance to this
country's claim of being a land of opportunity.
She contradicted the basic tenet of het party-Get
Off Your Apathy.
Marlrn Pals
page 4
daily nebraskan
thursday, april 26, 1973