Huskers, Bluejays split baseball double heade Creighton pitcher Dan McCabe limited UNL to only four hits as the Bluejays won the second game of a doubleheader, 7-1, Tuesday at the UNL baseball diamond. UNL took the first game 6-1 with the pitching of Ryan Kurosaki and Dave Buehrer. McCabe, with a 5-1 record, struck out seven Huskers and allowed only one extra base hit, a first inning double by UNL shortstop Bryant Akisada. Ron Thornam and Steve Naval belted homeruns to lead the Creighton assault on losing Husker pitcher Bob Munson. In the first game UNL showed some offensive muscle of its own as the Huskers unleashed an 1 1-hit attack. Dick Anderson, with three hits, and Akisada, with two, paced the Husker hitters. Buehrer, a freshman from Downers Grove, III., got the win, his fourth of the season without a loss. UNL baseball coach Tony Sharpe didn't feel that the Huskers were playing well after winning the first game. "We weren't mentally ready to play," Sharpe said. "We got a little lackadaisical and careless." Crdighton's record now stands at 23-10. The Huskers are 10-8-1. The Huskers return to league action this weekend when they host Kansas State for a three-game series. According to Sharpe, the Kansas State series is a crucial one for the Huskers. The Wildcats are 5-6 and in fourth place in the Big Eight while UNL is 4-5 and in fifth place. "Kansas State has been coming along real strong," Sharpe said, "They've got a very fine pitching staff ." 4 .. i Hf""""" B -Jri. nmmimutmmwiii itrMiHHwM Husker shortstop Bryant Akisada... tags a Creighton runner while flipping the ball to first base in action against the Bluejays Tuesday. Netters to host CU, ISU The tennis team will host a triangular meet with Colorado and Iowa State starting this Friday at the Woods tennis courts. Coach Jim Potter said it will be an uphill battle for UNL, since Colorado finished second in the Big Eight last year. The CU team has been conference runner-up for the past two years and is expected to be one of the top teams again this yeai . Iowa St. and Nebraska have last place in the Big Eight during the last two years. Jim Crew will be Nebraska's no. 1 man in the singles with Dave Lux, Sig Garnett and Billy Roberts rounding out the top four. During the triangular, Iowa State plays Colorado Friday afternoon, and Nebraska plays Colorado at 9 a.m. Saturday and Iowa St. at 1 p.m. FRESHMEN! Have you been thinking about Army ROTC? Did you miss the boat and did not take it during this year? Now is your chance to catch up to your classmates. Take Military Science I during the Summer Session. For information, call 472-2468. Or drop by M it N I 10, Anytime. Penn wrestlers to attend UNL UNL wrestling coach Orval Borqialli announced Monday that two Pennsylvania high school athletes have signed national letters of intent to attend Nebraska. The two are Denny Zuk of Carnegie and Michael Vranich of Midland. Borqialli said Zuk had a 10C-8 career record including a win over the Illinois state champion. SOPHOMORES! (iuarantced employment tor the next two summers plus SI 000 per school year lor your Junior and Senior years, o tmd il yon quality, contact the I'rotessor of Military Science, M & N Hldg.. 472-24iX, Do it. NOW DIETRICH SCHWINN CYCLERY Since 1945 466-2921 4701 HUNtlNGTON NOW ichwinn 10-speeds in stock repairs for all makes block North of Treasure City OFF TO MuttrChirgi rAJWUyiyflrUW BmkAmericird MATERNITY 5HOPS Lincoln Gateway Shopping tenter WcMroadsSC Omaha 1 Gp 5?V Interviews fo Nebraska Union Planning Committee responsible for planning most Union facility changes including the new East Union & Renovation of City Union Sunday April 29, 1973 1:00 p.m. In the Nebraska Union (check Daily Calendar for room number) Sign up in Suite 220 Nebraska Union by Friday April 27 5:00 p.m. Sponsored by Nebraska Union Board page 1 2 daily nebraskan thursday, april 26, 1973