1 DeOioom p( tu sublease t.Oln May 15 Aug 1 Fv 4? qqRR doilu House tor rent, 21st & 3 hdi m. , f ui n ished . 475 7784 C , Mjy Aug Reasonable. nk ads ndhresksn FOR SALE" Fresh Cigars for Pinning. Cliff's Smoke Shop, 12th & O. Up to 24 acres untouched grassland, Park County, Colo. Nuar skiing, surrounded by Nat l Forest, asking $350acre. Win. Myers, 1 1 5 Western Ave. N., St. Paul, Minn., 612 224 R301. Dispersal Sale. Afghan Hounds, , show quality at student prices. 4H8-751R, weekends Hi evenings. Sears A ir co nd it loner : 18,000 B.T.U., 220 volt, used 3 mo. $250. Airconditioner : 10,000 B.T.U. 110 volt, $50. 432 6847. 1964 Chevy Impala. Automatic. Good condition. Best offer. 434 2004. iVith student oi faculty I D. 15 discount on all Goodyear tires except promotional items. Terms available. Goodyear Service Store. 432 6521. Tandberg reel-to reel tape deck. Warranty. 5 free tapes. Call John, 475 8811, before 5, 423 4828 after 5, 1968 Cutlass S. Full Power, air, vinyl roof. Automatic console. One owner. $1395. 475 7256, even ings. Zenith 6 speaker portable stereo. Excellent condition. $100 00 434 5000 after 5. 1933 Ford Pickup, completely rebuilt. 289-3 speed, excellent condition. 466 01 71 Beautiful Red Shag Carpet 12' x 10' and 2 3' x 7' strips Best Offer. 475 6366. 1968 Camaro convertible, 4 speed 423 0482. 1972 Monte Carlo. Sequoia yreen. Fully equipped. Dean Thomson, 780 0794, Palmyra. HELP WANTED FULL TIME SUMMER WORK Above average pay and good experience with old established company. Must be tree lor entire summer, hard woi ker and independent Call 475 9924 for appointment. Times Mirror Corp. PART TIME JOB CHOOSE YUUH OWN HOURS passing out leaflets in campus areas for massive nationwide publicity campaign. To receive information kit telephone toil tree 800 621 7725 dept. A12 Open 24 hours 7 days a week Part time service station attendant. Student who can woi k 1 h is summer and fall, Crest Oil Co 154) Cornhusker Hwy Full or part time exper mnced laim worker. Begin now through fall harvest or longer. 785 3230 V"C-.8N 1WS - T-rPlV- -WTjI s a i vr um is m niom okcii r.s ru a SISSKIND. 1 1 i -m Diiv. I..r ami oh.Iik .i;o AIM) SI.VIMV m -i.itt- ( nnil University of Nebraska-Lincoln KIMBALL RECITAL HALL 11th & R Streets Friday, April 27 8:00 p.m W(ljK,r Overture to Precioia Saint'Saens.".'.'.'!!;"."'..'..'' Violin concetto No. 3 Inc Hassman, violinist Sibelius Symphony No. 1 Saturday, April 28 8 00 p m. Piston Symphony No. 6 Usj Piano Concetto No. 1 Tedd Joselson, pianist Schubert Symphony No. 0 Sunday, April 29 3:00 pm Stravmsky Q(;,et 1o. Wind Instruments Dvorak F "ur Slavonic Dances Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4 TICKETS ON SALE NOW available in Koorn 1?3, Music BUJcj. or call 4 7? -2b0fi, 47? 227b Students: Sinqles $1 b0 Series $3.l0 H(.()ulai : Smrjles S3. 00 Series $8.00 Must be Lincoln resident. Neat and dependable. Able to work days & evenings. If interested apply Embassy Theatre between 1 and 5 daily. COLLEGE MEN SUMMER WORK. $125WEEK. ALSO SUPERVISOR OPENING. 488 4422. Attention day, afternoon and night waitresses needed. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. Cooks needed. Mature. Immediate openings. Breakfast ... 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Night ... 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. 3 4 5 days per week. Apply 2 4 p.m. daMy. J.B.'s Big Boy Waitresses needed. Work a split shift 1 Vj 2 hrs at lunch, plus evening work Class schedules can be worked around. Apply at Mr. Steak. 5505 O St SHERATON INN NOW HIRING looking for: Bellmen Front Desk Clerk Hostess Bartenders Apply in person 1431 So. 33rd St. SERVICES T er mpa per Ar serial agent. Call after 799 2807 Inc Local 4 00 P.m Professional typing lor termpapers, class notes, legal briefs. Reasonable, Donna, 475 9909. HU USE 12th OF FLOWERS 432 2775 13b S. Win no typing 423 4301 my home Call WATCH REPAIR All makes- also r i in e x Dick's Watch Service East snle Campui Bookstore at the Yellow DDoor Hiegnant and discussed' Call a Inenil Birthright. 4; 8021 PERSONAL Deai Custer , 6 a m to ,,ack ? T hanx, Buz. L G and AS J" L aft E f volunteer as a NOVA. Serve to statewide poverty rfilated community agencies while earning University credit plus $190'mo. Contact NOVA, 118 Henzlik Hall or phone 472 3151. Apply now. Potter, now divorced, seeks new young family to share in operation of studio, store, and home. No drugs. Please write Dick Clay, Box 221, Marion, Kansas, 66861 FREE INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE, 39 p.m. M F, 9 a.m. 2 p.m. Sat. UMHE, 333 N 14th 47 5 7 343, call for appointment ROOMMATE WANTED Male roommate for 'til Aug $3 7. 50 ''mo. plus utilities Available, now. 475 9374 anytime. Waitresses Maids Cashier Wdiileti one matuie, amiable, serious student to share very nice duplex house Private bedroom, $65 'mo Prefer peison with similar interests Must be willing to shai e responsibilities for upkeep Move in May 22 Contact Ken 47') 918? FOR RENT Need 2 yi Is to sublease apartment toi summer New building, a it condition e1 close to campus Call 40 9772 or 4 75 2 763 i Vanessa Redgrave, Richard Harris Four Academy Awards Friday in i m: ui i; or l( iIm- HiniM'r 4i -Saturday 7:00 & 9:30 Henzlik Hall Auditorium bummei looms for rent. Air-conditioned $10wk. 1235 N 16th 475 2903 or 432 0494. MISCELLANEOUS Savings on fiavel Abroad: International Student ID's, Youth Hostel cards, and "Whole World Handbooks" on sale now! Overseas O ppoi t unit ies Center, Suite 200 Nebraska Union. GOING ABROAD for the 1st oi 21st time to travel, study oi woik? Please participate in a nationally sponsoied survey on student trends. Fill out a simple questional) e at the Overseas O ppot t un it ies Centei, 205 Union, before A i i 1 1 10 C o in i! along with (lie U niver sit y sponsored chatter to Mexico City and treat yomself to a tor i i f ic Mexican holiday and university credit couises. For moie information, call 472 2487 or come to 205 Nebraska Union. PRE-VET MEETING Wed. April 1 1, 1973 7:30 p.m. Vet-Science Classroom Officer Elections During Meeting All pie vut majoi s conn; and find out about, the planned ti ip to Kansas Stale for a look at then Veterinaiy School. All Bai 1 1 r inks 00i , 4 6 p.m. Live music and dancing Morocco L ounge. 1010 "P" St Wanted Fw.le to New York tor St Bernard and pup Call 201 4:iH 0451 MUSICIANS, ART lot 3 , WRITERS: Graiiuate student needs HIGHLY CREATIVE and or non creative individuals to participate in Research Study II you haveappiox, one hour free on April 17 and 19, call 472 2690 tor more ml or mat ion. ( T HIS AD IS K)H Ht Al 1 Soi y no pay. ivan dimsoviui Advisory board elections Elections oi the Business Administration Advisory Boaid will be held this Fiiday. All Business Administration students ate eliuible to vote. Students may vote fiom 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Noith staiiwell of C.B.A. Czech queen Crowning of the 1973 Univeisity of Mehtaska Cech Queen will follow a shoit business meeting of the Comenius Club, tonight at 7:30 in the Nebiaska Union. Lincoln elections Two brief meetings will be held Thursday night to develop ways to increase student interest in the L incoln spring election. One meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in the Union and the othei al 9:30 p.m. in Raymond. "Apartheid" film International House is sponsot ing a showing of "Apartheid," Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. in Piper . I am trying to bribe you with uncertainty, with danger, with defeat. Jorge luis horges That's mostly what you'll find if you commit your life to trip millions in the Third World who cry out in the hunger of their hearts. That...,md fulfill ment too , . with the COLUMBAN FATHERS Over 1 000 O.thrVii.. mis, ion dry pri'-sts at cjik iiMiiil ill t iV- u v I 0 pi n :i,it ions We'v U'fii ciller) tiy man, namt'S "fi,rein ring'." . "nope rii,i'U-i '," 'Capital i st rvnmiM.iK" "ti "d nosed realists" HM(.) ttir' .vti'il. r 111 OUI T7IT- TT1Tr ID-rMUt V XXIJH BOOKLET Tells it 0 "ke II is Columban Fathers M' St.Columbans,Neb.6C056 Pleaie sem) me a copy of yoi -booklet No strings ii()ri'S'-' I '(.ll.-.'r ! I r, m .. .a 0 )Lii)c 7 Wednesday, april 11, 1973 ddily nctjrask.i