The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 06, 1973, section b, Page page 7b, Image 19

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    page 7b
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Cable TV's nostalgia trip included a week of Humphrey Bogart movies.
Do you lemember the name of Rin
Tin Tin's owner? Oi the name of the
1955 television series that staned Jackie
Coopei and a talking dog named Cleo?
What was the name of the Leo G. Can oil
series about a ghost who moved in with a
manied couple? Or what cur tent movie
star shot his way through Wanted Dead
or Alive? And who was the pilot of TV's
River boat?
If you can answei any one of the five
Early Popeye cartoons have
made their return.
above, chances ate you grew up in the
Golden Age of television.
The 1950s and early 1960s were TV's
heyday. In those days, every school kid
would dash breathlessly through his
homework in time to catch Mickey
Mouse or Howdy Doody. And on
Saturdays, nothing interfered with Fury,
Sky King or My Friend FUcka.
And vntually eveiyone knew the
answeis to the five questions above: 1)
Rin Tin Tin's ownet was named Rusty; 2)
The People's Choice staned Jackie
Coopei; 3) Topper was the ghostly
invadei's home; 4) Steve McQueen was
Wanted Dead or Alive: and b) Burt
Reynolds piloted River boat thiough
tocky tunes.
What college student can truthfully
say he doesn't remernbei old favorites
like O.'ie and Harriot ("Hello, Mom.
Hello, Dad. Hello, Ricky. Hello, Davy."),
leave It to Reaver and 7he Many Loves
ol Uobie G i II is.
Oi the westerns: Roy Rogers,
Hopaloni Cassidy, I he lone Ranger,
Cheyenne, Fuiwbide and Maverick.
Oi even tin; adveutuie seiies: Naked
City, Relet Gunn, The Untouchables,
Sunset Strip and Route (JO.
Hut those days of boob tube bonanzas
aie gone. Oi ate ihey? Recently, aiea
television and ladio stalions have picked
up the gauntlet, buying lights to the old
seiies and cashing in on 1 1 it; latest phase
ol tip nostalgia ciae.
This is also true in the L incoln Omaha
area. KMTV in Omaha has been showing
The Untouchables and has recently
gained the rights to Hopalong Cassidy.
KETV in Omaha has been airing the Star
Trek series which, though not extremely
old, has gathered a large nationwide
itmr lgj
The Original Uncut Version
I he Ht.nnl.ulfiy (it all monster
movies is Men, in (.. Cooper's
klN( j M )N(,. Despite improved
let hint al fat ilities in the nearly
40 years sim e its piodut tion, its
power, skill and its sheer ability
to thrill, evt ite and terrify re
main unimpaired, Whether re
garded as ,i honor lilrn, a tritk
film or ,i fantasy, MN(i k( )N( ,
rem, tins a inasterpiet e by any
and all stand, mis.