. ': I U I "MSSl a letter from Mom page 3b "A few days later he saw me on the street and he came up to me and put his arm around me and said, 'Danny, you're a good boy.' " Dan graduated from Gordon High School and hauled off to Chadron State College in a '57 Chevy, compliments of his parents. After a semester (or maybe a whole year, I'm uncertain) he put in his walking papers and headed for the big time. I have little idea how he spent the early years at the University-that was the point of conducting the interview I explained about. But one of the things he did was start taking photographs. If there's one thing that people identify with Dan (maybe two: 'well, he's this guy with a big moustache') it's his photography. Many of his photographs are remarkable. His first photograph for the Daily Nebraskan appeared on September 13, 1967 and featured a snow fence and some mud. The occasion was the excavation of Hamilton Hall. In the years since then he's had innumerable photos in the Daily Nebraskan. A lot of the early ones are amazing for their techniques (for instance, a double exosure of a dollar bill over a University scene as a budget story illustration.) The more recent ones seem to be amazing in that they capture the spirit of the subjects so well. One of the most astounding photographs I've seen to illustrate a news story was one Dan took only a month or so ago to illustrate a story about the Lincoln Office of Mental Retardation (LOMR) possibly losing funds. It pictured a small boy with tears welling huge in his eyes and just Turn to page 4b. Dear Daily Nebraskan: Fiist of all let me say this is a very nice thing you re doing fot Dan. And it will be a big surprise to him. Enclosed find photos, just use what you need. Danny was raised on a ranch until he was six years old. We then moved into Gordon as Mr. Ladely's health was not too good. Danny staited to school in the country; went to school two year s out in the counti y. The rest of his schooling was hen; in Got don. Danny just had a noimal childhood. Had pets which ui Idmbs. tui l : i ii t;i j vji vi'"i, w..., . - - Danny always liked school and did real good in it. always been a very devoted child. A happy-go-lucky boy. u,. ti ,r.,wl nlwinn in the band when he was in the in; jiui u,w giade He spent eight yea is playing m the band. He always took t part in all school aclivities. He was student manager for thiee years for the football boys ami lor the wrestlers. Dan graduated in 1965 at the age of 17 yeais. He spent one ypar in college at Chadion State College, from theie he transferred to Lincoln, spending the lest of his college days at the University of Nebraska. ri v miiu rhild in our family. Both of his g.andmothers are still alive. Both his grandfathers are dead. He's loved dearly by all who know Dan. Thank you, Mrs. Leo Ladely Gordon, Nebr. H( fifth "It J - Ladely and his father Leo at home in Gordon.