1 OQIIU friday, april 6, 1973 lincoln, nebraska vol. 96, no. 95 Meat boycott touches few UNL living units by Dave Madsen Tho nationwide meat boycott which began Sunday apparently has had no major effect on meals served in dormitories, fraternities, sororities or cooperatives on campus. That information comes from a Daily Nebraskan survey taken Wednesday. In the survey, representatives from six fraternities, six sororities, two cooperatives and the dormitory food service system were contacted. Douglas Rix, coordinator of residence housing food services, said the boycott has not prompted changes in dorrr'ory menus. According to Rix, the menus for this year were drawn up last summer and no suggestions have been made that they be changed to observe the boycott. Rix said that if a majority of students refused to eat meat, changes would be made. But, there haven't been any problems with refusals, he said. Of the fraternities surveyed, none had any plans to observe the boycott. Two have planned meatless dishes simply because they can't afford meat at the higher prices. Sigma Phi Epsilon will have several meals without meat because of the higher prices, according to Marie Potter, head cook. She said fish, chicken and macaroni will be part of their menus. O.C. Berks, head cook for Delta Sigma Phi, said they have had to cut back on meat quite a bit. Early next week they may not serve any meat at all, she said. Representatives from Beta Theta Pi, Farmhouse and Alpha Gamma Rho fraternities said the boycott has not affected meals and there are no plans to buy less meat. Dick Hanson, Theta Chi treasurer, said that although Theta Chi is not observing the boycott, th?y have cut back slightly on the amount of meat purchased because of high prices. The situation in the sororities appears to be the same. No soiority plans to boycott meat and only one has decreased their purchase of meat. Jean Schulling, Zeta Tau Alpha house manager, said they have bought only slightly less meat and the members aren't participating in the boycott. Corinna Cass, housemother at Kappa Delta, said they have no problem with meat cost. "In my business, you have to think and plan ahead. Good management is a must," she said. Alpha Chi Omega housemother, Anne Sutton, said that although they haven't reduced the quantity of meat they buy, they are using a bulk substitute rather than pure meat. The housemother at Chi Omega, Viva Eilers, said that the boycott has not affected them yet, but commented that "it (the boycott) is a touchy situation because I have a lot of farm girls here." The cooks at Kappa Alpha Theta and Delta Delta Delta agree that the higher prices and the boycott have not affected the meals they prepare. In the cooperatives surveyed, both indicated they have problems concerning the higher meat prices. Barry Stelk, president of Cornhusker Co-op, said they have exceeded their budget because of the higher cost. This could be a significant factor when planning next year's budget, he said. Stelk added that there are no plans for observing the boycott. John Ortmann, steward at Ag Men, s.iid the cooperative also has cut back on meat. He said they are considering buying a freezer and a live animal. "Then we could make our own hamburger," he said. Ortmann said that because most of the members' parents are farmers, members of Ag-Men oppose the boycott. "If anything," he said, "we'll go on a meat buying spree." dick dromstcK Fton phi meouai RANCE To MEET too?.' 3 " ,- .-. . '. - - - A - , r - It .T-fC"" pliolij ,y Bill Ci.m,;! On the evening of May 5, 1970, UNL students occupied the Military and Naval Science building to protest President Nixon's decision to bomb Cambodia. At 3 a.m. Dan Ladely (left) held a bullhorn while Joseph Soshnik, then campus president, told students they could stay in the building. Ladely's tenure at the University has covered seven years. It will f;nd with gradual ion in May. Read some things about Ladely, as well as some TV nostalgia in "Dan Ladely: Superstar" and "Boob Tube Bonanza" in today's frirlay magazine. Lecture series begins The universe is in a constant state of evolution and change, according to Bart J. Bok, president of the American Astronomical Society and professor of astronomy at Arizona University. Bok spoke Thursday morning at the opening session of the 1973 Montgomery Led in e Series and the Mid -America Slate University A s s r c i a t i o n A s t r o p h y s i c s Convention being held in the Nebraska Union Thursday and Friday. In recent years there has been much study concerning star birth and tin; evolution of the galaxy, Bok said. The birth of new stars is one area where I hen? has been substantial progress, lie added. According to Bok, there are two varieties of star clusters in the universe, the lirst is composed of brilliant young stars while tin; second is nld"i, less luminous star, le found in higliei i.oncenti at ions, I said. It is in the fiist group when; the greatest amount ol evidence has been gained concerning the biith of star s, Bok said. I fe explained thai star s or iginally are formed from concentrations of dust and gas that show up as infrared objects in space. Later the new stars b e ; o in e in o r e concentrated and reach gieatei brilliance, Other s pe a k e r s in t h e Montgomery series include' Philip Morrison, professor of physics at M a s s a c h u s e 1 1 s Institute o f Technology; Jesse' L, (jieenstein, h ead of t he depat t men I of astronomy at the California Institute of Technology and Thomas Gold, director of the Center of R.idio Physics am I '. Rcse.ii (Ji at Cm r i 1 1 Univi sit y pace Union Board blasts fee task force report by Ruth Ulrich The Nebiaska Union Board has recommended the Administration Task Force repoit on student fees should be invalidated. The task foi ce reoit, released in February, lecommends that the UNL student fees structuie be teoiganized and that a new system foi budget planning be established. The task foict; had been charged with studying budget requests and how they should be received, considered and t ecommended for appioval by the NU Board of Regents. UNL Vice Chancellor Ken Bader submitted ihe task force repoit to the Nebiaska Union Board for evaluation and suggesfions for changes before the leport is piesented to the Board of Regents in their April m ee t i n g. The Board said that "little or no background study into the present system of student fees and their allocation" was done by the task force committee members. For this reason, the evaluation said, the committee members, "for the most part, seem to have a basic lack of knowledge of the present student fees distribution. Because ptogiams an; set up in advance and also because it would not be possible to opeiate the Union if funds were not always available', the Board deemed the "zero based piogram budget" plan, suggested in the task foice report, as being "unreasonable". Under this plan, UNL groups would assume no student fee supixjrt until the Allocations Board giants it to them. In place of it, they proposed that the major fee users (Union, Daily Nebraskan, Student Health, and Rccicalion and Intramurals) be assured of continual funding, to be legnlated by (jiving the Allocations Board Ihe ability to change the alio ca lion of fees by a set I ei eniage According to the Union Board, the committee report claimed that a number of groups have said "there is no mechanism available to have access to student fees." Union Board members said "this accusation is a fallacy" because organizations not funded by student fees can ask Recreation and Intramurals, the Union or ASUN for financial assistance. The task fence recommended establishing a UNL Program and facilities Allocation Boairl to ''receive and weigh budget r o q u e s t s. " The i epoi t a I so recommended that the boaid be composed of six faculty or administrative appointees anil five students. But the Union Boaid, in its (.'valuation, said that the majjrity of the voting membeis of this board should be students, because funds it would be dealing with come fiom student fees. The task force report also said that allocated funds not used will be returned to the allocations board at the end of the fiscal year. But this procedure, the board said, wojld not allow for equipment replacement and ongoing programming. Another area of the report undei attack was appeals. The Union Board claimed the appeals route is "loo restricting. Any appeal fen funding should be sent diiectly to an appellate jury," tin' evaluation read. And the jury decision should go dnectly to the chancellor and then to the Boaid of Regents and not "fuuneled" through the Allocat ions Board. The last suggestion made by the Union B o a r d ; o n c e r n e d appointments to tin; appeal board. They suggested that each student organization submit the name of oni; member from their group and horn this list the chancellor could choose student members for Ihe appeals jury.