The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1973, Image 1

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thursday, april 5, 1973
lincoln, nebraska vol. 96, no. 94
Rudolf win
University-related candidates fared well in the Tuesday city
primary election, two nominated for City Council and two for
the School board.
Housewife Sue Bailey, wife of English professor Dudley
Bailey, and UNL law student John Robinson were the two top
council vote winners.
Other nominees who will vie May 1 for three council seats
are retired Public Safety Director Emmett Junge, realtor
Nancy Childs, attorney Max Denney and attorney William
Bailey, 49, has been president of the Lincoln League of
Women Voters. She also is a member of the Nebraska Crime
Commission and served on the Lincoln-Lancaster County
Goals and Policies Committee.
She also serves on the Lincoln Public School's Special
Education Advisory Committee and is a member of the
planning division of Lincoln Community Set vices. She is the
board president of the Unitarian Church.
Robinson, 29, is a member of the monitoring committee of
the Crime Commission's Goals and Policies Committee. He has
served as chief justice of the UNL Student Tribunal, vice
president of the Student Bar Association and is a member of
the Faculty Senate's Human Rights Committee.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Legal Aid
In the Lincoln Board of Education race, Pearl R.
Goldenstein, a former school teacher and State Education
Department consultant, placed third. She is wife of Erwin H.
Goldenstein, a UNL education professor. UNL Law professor
Wallace M. Rudolph ran fourth.
ASUN refuses vets funding amid confusion
by Dennis Onnen
Encountering numerous procedural problems
inherent in an organization just starting, the new
ASUN Senate struggled through their meeting
Wednesday night, in the process electing a temporary
speaker pro tempore and three temporary members
of the Executive Committee.
The senate also passed a new set of rules and
procedures, and tabled a resolution calling for
increased salaries for the new executives.
Recommendations of the senate effectiveness
committee were tabled also.
Two resolutions were killed. One stated that the
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Senator Melinda Fowler.
student government should be referred to as ASUNL,
and the other would have given the Student Veterans
Organization $300 to have five of their members
attend the group's national conference.
Sen. Melinda Fowler was elected temporary
speaker pro tempore. She then conducted the rest of
the meeting. Confusion still reigned, however, and
halfway through the meeting Sam Brower, former
ASUN first vice president, was appointed
parliamentarian in an attempt to restore order.
The new Executive Committee members are A.len
Gangwish, Todd Patterson, and Steve Shaneyfelt. The
committee acts as a liaison between the executives
and the senate. Fowler and the three newly elected
committee members were elected to the senate as Get
Off Your Apathy party members.
A vacancy in the senate caused by tlx; resignation
of Behroo Emarn was filled. Sen. Ron Frank
suggested that Steve Eveans replace Ernam, since
Eveans had lost to him by only one vote in the March
ASUN election. The seante then voted Eveans in.
The senate effectiveness committee repot t was
ptesented by Vince Boucher, committee chairman.
He reported that some of last year's senate members
were frustrated for various reasons. He said he f"lt the
committee's report could take care of some of the
If the proposal is accepted, four Senate Action
Committees would be set up. The Budget Committee
would consider requests by organizations for monies
and would assist the ASUN President in preparing the
The Legislative1 Piogiams Committee would
initially hold an ASUN caucus to plot legislative
ptiot it les and would review most legislation to come
before the senate. The committer; also would assist
senators with legislation ihey are piepating. The
Legislative Review Committee would be responsible
for following up on all legislation of the senate.
The fouith commit tee' would be the Appointment',
Committee, which would be responsible for filling all
ASUN appointments. Every senator would serve on
one action committee.
Under the proposal, Senate Assembly meetings
would alternate each week with action committee
meetings. It also would give the Speaker Pro Tempore
a salary and office space, and would make him
responsible for the senate as its official spokesman.
The resolution to give the Student Veterans
Organization S300 was originally passed, but a
recount was asked for and the result was reversed to
add to the confusion.
Ag vice chancellor
bill sent to floor
I he Legislature's Agi iculture Committee adopted a
cornpiomise Wednesday on LB 149 calling for a vice
chancellor for the UNL College of Agriculture.
Prior to adopting the compromise and advancing
the bill on an 8 0 vote, committee members split 4 4
on whether to advance it in its original form.
Auioia Sen. Maurice Ktemer's bill would have
foiced the appointment of a fouith chancellor for the
Univetsity. It initially had been stiongly supported by
Ni.'br aska f at m oi gam at ions.
University officials disapproved of the Kiemer bill
arid sought a compromise which would call foi a vice
chancollni ovei the Agncultuie College. The vice
chancellor would be t (.'sponsible to UNL Chancellor
James Zumbei qe.
It was believed until Wednesday's 4 4 vote that the
cornpiomise was agreeable to senatois who favored
eithei University oi t,n m intei ests.
Job prospects improve for
1973 college graduates
by Nancy Stohs
Visions of leaving college with a
diploma but no job offer seem to be
losing ground for 1973.
Job prospects for students
graduating from college this spiingare
the best in four years, the Carnegie
Commission on Higher Education
reported Tuesday.
And al UNL, the job situation
"looks encoui aging," according to
placement director Frank Hallgren.
Hallgren's comment is baser) on job
interviews handled by the placement
office during the past two months.
Official figures were not yet available1,
According to the commission
report, prospects for teachers and
college faculty members are still dim
for the 1970's, but bright for health
care personnel and managers in
Opportunities for computer
operators, recreation workers and
black women giaduatcs also appear
good for the next decade, the
commission said.
Hallgren said prospects at UNI an.1
Unghtest for students woikmg toward
specific careers, such as business
administration or engineering.
In teachers College', prospective
graduates face about tin,' same job
chances as last yeai , teacher placement
director Lee UeJonge estimate',. By
last September, about 55 per cent of
UNL's May 1972 graduates were
placed in teaching positions, he said.
At that time, seven per cent of the
graduates were still seeking teaching
positions, down from 15 per cent still
seeking work in 1971 .
A national survey by the College
Placement Council, released in
February, also was optimistic about
the job situation:
Based on job offers to males
th tough last mid December, thesmvey
showed offeis to bachelot degiee
candidate's mcieased by 4b pei cent
over Januai y 1972.
Job offers in accounting, business
administi ation and engmeei nig showed
the highest percentage increases over
last year.
H owe1 vim , despite shoi t lei m
i m p r o v e m e n t s c i I e d by I he
commission and othei surveys, the
futuie still may piesent problems.
An economic lecoveiy without
adjustments could create' a suiplus of
college educated peisous in the' next
decade, the tepoi t said.
"The realistic problem foi the
190's may be the necessity foi the
absoiption of some college educated
peiyjns into jobs which have not been
ti.i' lit loually filled by pcr.ons with a
college education," the commission