r culu im thursday, march 5. 1973 lincoln, nebraska vol. 96, no. 88 v. Henry appears winner in closest election ever UNL students who voted in Wednesday's ASUN election appeared to have split their vote among the three campus political parties. Ann Henry, Get Off Your Apathy (GOYA) presidential candidate, appeared to have gained a narrow victory over Bill Freudenbury, Unity and Progress (UP) candidate. Preliminary and unofficial returns indicate Henry will be the next ASUN president, winning by only a seven vote margin. At 3 a.m. Henry had 1,058 votes, while Freudenburg had 1,051 votes. Shaman Jack Mason, Surrealist Light People's Party (SLPP) presidential candidate, placed third with 362 votes. Mark Hoeger, GOYA first vice presidential candidate, also appears to have won. He outdistanced Richardson 1,120 to 945 votes. SLPP candidate Willy Wonka (John McCarty) ran third with 324 votes. Sue Overing, UP second vice presidential candidate, appeared to have beaten GOYA candidate Todd McDaniel 1,178 to 1,086 votes. ASUN Election Commissioner Bill Grundman and his team of election workers were plagued for more than five hours Thursday morning with computer foul-ups and incorrectly validated computer card ballots. Grundman said Thursday that the results of the senatorial races probably would not be available until late today. Although results were not final, Grundman said, "They are close to being official and they might even stand, as is." He said all seven proposed ASUN constitutional amendments failed. More than 2,900 affirmative votes would have been needed to approve the amendments. "I guess I just didn't get the word out clearly enough to all the poll workers," lamented ASUN Election Commissioner Bill Grundman at 1 a.m. Thursday. The cards had to be punched according to a certain code in order to be valid and to be acceptable to the computer. Earlier Thursday morning Grundman reported that only about 12 per cent of the UNL student population-an all-time low-turned out to vote in Wednesday's ASUN election. ETiirriinrTi i i N fi I J I 1 1 1 1 ! i 1 f V ' 'Wl -a J r w I 11 j ii Mark Hoeger . . . unnoficial returns indicate he was elected first vice president. Ann Henry appears to be the next ASUN president, winning by the narrowest margin In ASUN history. Nebraskan endorsements attacked by Sara Schwieder The ASUN Senate Wednesday heard yet another chapter in the continuing saga with the Daily Nebraskan, and looked at an ASUN committee's preliminary evaluation of the student fees task force report. It also heard a progress report on the library study and approved a resolution urging funding for a new life sciences building. Sen. Ron Frank told the senate that he "would like to see a formal complaint" filed with the Publications Committee or the Student Court against the Daily Nebraskan for what he considered "bad taste" in an editorial page endorsement of candidates for the ASUN elections. The endorsement, located in the upper left hand corner of the editorial page in Wednesday's Daily Nebraskan, was offensive to Frank because he said it "colored the election," and "left no chance for rebuttal before the election." Elections were held Wednesday. He said an endorsement should not have been published on election day. Frank emphasized that the Daily Nebraskan should be free to editorialize as they please and that this "is no attempt at censorship," but he was questioning the method only. Daily Nebraskan editor Tom Lansworth said the Daily Nebraskan editorial policy is independent of the student body, student government and the University administration. He also said there had been adequate rebuttal time because Wednesday's endorsement was only a reinteration of an endorsement published Monday. Several senators agreed with Frank that the Daily Nebraskan endorsement was in bad taste. ASUN President Bruce Beecher told the senate that the $2,400 library studv commissioned by ASUN had been completed, and that the results should be in circulation next week. An ASUN committee studying the University's Task Force Report on Student Fees offered a preliminary evaluation of the task force's findings. Committee Chairman Ann Henry stressed that the report was incomplete and that the entire question should be brought up for the newly elected senate to consider. She also indicated that the committee had "found a lot wrong" with the task force's report. The preliminary report advocates "complete revision of the zero-base budgeting concept proposed by the task force." That would mean year-by-year funding of organizations supported by student fee money. The committee also recommended that a majority of the voting members of a Facilities Allocation Board proposed by the task force be students appointed solely by ASUN. The task force had recommended the students be appointed by the Council on Student Life and ASUN. The preliminary report also rejected the task force's plan to promote the vice president of student organizations to the presidency for the sake of continuation. The senate also ananimously approved Henry's resolution supporting LB 109 and urging that the Legislature "give careful consideration to the allocation of funds for a new life sciences building." Officials blast Moylan comment on sex by Dennis Onnen Allegations by NU Regent James Moylan in the March 8 issue of the Douglas County Gazette that sexually-related incidents on campus have been "hushed up" by UNL officials are unfounded, according to Ken Bader, vice chancellor for student affairs and Gail Gade, chief of UNL Campus Security. Gade said that since the beginning of the school year only two sexually related incidents have been reported to Campus Security. One incident involved a man who exposed himself March 2 to two female students in a Piper Hall bathroom. The other was an alleged attempted rape reported last week. "We have no particular reason to hush up situations like this. It does more harm than good," Gade said. He said that full investigations are made of all reported incidents. Campus Security reports then are sent to Bader and Miles Tommeraasen, the director of Business and Finance. Bader confirmed that there have only been two reported incidents this school year. In response to Moylan's allegations, he said that he does not call the press every time an incident is reported, but if someone calls and asks him to verify an incident, he will. He said he favors keeping "an open avenue of communication." "I think our record is damn good," Bader said referring to the number of incidents in relation to the size of UNL. He said he doesn't think any sexually-related incidents go unreported. However, he said there is a possibility that individuals might not report incidents that embarass them. "The privacy of the individual also has to be considered," when reports of incidents are made," he said. Students involved in sexually-re'ated incidents are referred to Ron Gierhan, discipline officer for student affairs. Bader said a decision then is made whether counseling or disciplinary action should be taken. Cases' like rape, which are considered "a very serious interference with fellow students," are referred to the Student Tribunal, Gierhan said. It is composed of seven students and two faculty members, and he said he was "sure it would consider suspension." This procedure is in addition to whatever actions other courts might take, he said. Moylan also was quoted in the article as saying that the Lincoln police should be contacted for investigation of criminal offenses on campus. Gade disagreed. "We are capable of handling these things ourselves," he said. The Lincoln police are "way too busy," he added. However, they are always willing to assist Campus Security whenever help is needed, he added.