FOR SALE Calculator $20, KOSS ESP-6 Stereophones $45, Ice skates size 12, new-$12, 3M Portable photocopier anywhere $50 475-9374 after 1 1 ;45 p.m. 1 969 Olds Toronado. Good condition. $2200. 467-1480. men'swomen's 3 speed bikes. $4b each or best offer, jack 435 5923, evenings. Mummy style Dacron II back packers sleeping bag. No stitch through seams. 2 lb. fill with stuff sack, Reg. $36.88, special $29.99.' Dacron 88 3 lb. fill mummy Tri-Lakes sleeping bag. Reg. $23.99. special $19.99. Surplus Center, 1000 West "O". Wrangler baggies wide flair jeans reg. $6.49, Special $4.99. Tank top shirts Special $1.49. Surplus Center, 1 000 West "O". Jansport back pack new at Surplus Center. Four models: Scout M and E, Supreme, and Cascade. Priced for 19.88 to $44.95. Introductory offer 1 week only 10 off regular sale prices. $5 deposit Holds any pack till June, Surplus Center 1000 West "O". Afghan puppies Beautiful colors championship bloodlines. Partial financinrj available. Call 488-751 6. HUNTERS! AKC Springer Spaniel pups, 8 wks. old, great blood lines, must sell, 432-2963, 10 speed Columbia bikes at 10 preseason discount. Goodyear, 1918 "O", 432 6521 . 1969 Fiat Spider 850 Convertible. New top. Reasonable. 475 9128. 12x55 Nashua Mobile Home, 2 bedroom a i r c o n d i t i o ned , appliances, drans, carpet, clean attractive. 434-7Uo9. 19" Zenitii black and white portable television with stand; inlaid wood top cardtabie, 60 piece set dishes; assortment drinking glasses. 434 7089. HELP WANTED Local company needs three men-21 hrs. wk. Call 488 4424. Harris Laboratories is testing sore throat lozenges. Persons getting sore throats in the next 6 weeks are invited to report at 624 Peach. An M.D. will examine your condition and dispense lozenges to be taken over 48 hrs. Your opinions are recorded. Ages 19 to 65. Paid for services UUIDANCt COUNStLORS VISTA stateside or Peace Corps overseas need you this Summer. Sign up now for interview, General Placement, Nebraska Union. ARCHITECTS, 'URBAN PLANNERS Overseas or here' Pease Corps or VISTA! This Summer. Sign up now for interview, General Placement, Nebraska Union. AGRONOMISTS Peace Corps offers international Ag opportunities in British Hondruas, Afghanistan, etc. to begin in Summer. Sign up now for interview, Ag. Placement, Ag Hall. LIBERAL ARTS'AG BACKGROUND Peace Corps has been looking all over for you. Sign up now for interview for Summer, General Placement, Nebraska Union. ATTORNEYS Needed tor VISTA and Peace Corps to begin in Summer. Sign up now for interview, Law Placement, Law School. CIVIL ENGINEERS Work in Peace CorpsMalawi, Ecuador, Nepal. Sign up now for interview, General Placement, Nebraska Union. rOL Y SCI GR ADS VISTA or Peace Corps need you this Summer. Sign up now, General Placement, Nebraska Union. 3BA-MBA Begin Peace Corps or VISTA service this Summer. Sign up now, General Placement, Nebraska Union. ECONOMISTS Peace Corps and VISTA need your skills this Summer. Sign up now for interview, General Placement, Nebraska Union. Can KUHL INSURANCE AGENCY for Auto and Motorcycle coverage., even if you've been refused, cancelled or need an SR22 filing. 309 Noah 27th n n SURVEYORS The Peace Corps needs you this summer in Ethiopia, Brazil or Malawi. Sign up now. General Placement, Nebraska Union, PHYSICAL EDUCATION Work in Peace CorpsMalaysia, Brazil, etc. Sign up now. General Placement, Nebraska Union. PEACE CORPSVISTA need degreed people in the following areas for 1 year and 2 year programs beginning this Summer and Fall. AGRICULTURE ARCHITECTURE BUSINESS ECONOMICS ENGINEERING GUIDANCE COUNSELING LAW LIBERAL ARTS AND MANY OTHERS Volunteers receive living allowance, free medical care and transportation, plus money in the bank. Sign up now for interview at General Placement, Nebraska Union. Last chance for SummerFall 197 nr( grams. SERVICES WATCH REPAIR All makes-also Timex. Dick's Watch Service East side -Campus Bookstore -at the Yellow Door. Pregnant and distressed? Call a friend . . . Birthright, 477-8021, Savings on Travel Abroad; International Student ID's, Youth Hostel cards, and "Whole World Handbooks" on sale now! Overseas Opportunities Center, Suite 200 Nebraska Union. Sewing & Alterations. Call Pat Moore at 799 261 5. Want to do typing in my home. Satisfaction guaranteed. 489 8771 . TERM PAPERS Send for your descriptive, up to date. 128 page, mail order catalog of 2,300 quality termpapers Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling. WL At SO WRITE CUSTOM MADE PAPERS Termpaper Arsenal, Inc. 519 GLENROCK AVE , SUITE 203 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90024 (213)477-8474 477-5493 "We need a local salesman" Termpaper Arsenal, Inc. Local Agent Call after 4 00 p.m. 799 2807. HOUSE OF FLOWERS 135 S. 12th. 432 2775 PERSONAL Hub Thanks for two years of Love The Wif . Omaha NORTH High Grads: Help the Viking Band's new uniform fund. Call 475 9841. Wish my Teddy Bear could keep me warm during the week too! Your Princess. FOR RENT SAVE NEARLY $400.00 a year over dorm rates. $75.00 per month for room and board. Brown Palace 1900 "B". 432 2583. SAVE MONEY & TOUR EUROPE BY MOTOR-CYCLE The Most economical way yet! Huge choice of all popular makes new & used mcycles. keenly priced -ALL TAX FREE speedy personal service we collect you Irom Air Terminal Full Insurance for Europe & shipment back 10 USA arranged -or we guarantee re purchase. Write now for full details. GEORGE CLARKE (Motors) LTD. Eit. 50 year. 135-156 Brixton Hill. London SW2 England. Tel: 01-674 3211 475-2609 Furmsned 4 bdrm. house. Students welcome. $160. Rental Housing, 432-7671. Large 2 bdrm. Close to campus. Utilities pd. $120. Rental Housing, 432-7671 . Close to campus, 1 bdrm. Utilities pd. $70. Rental Housing. 432-7671. Spacious 3 bdrm. 26th & South, redecorated, refrigerator, stove, $150, utilities deposit. 477 8569. Yesterday's nuns led a cloistered life. When i'ley ventured out, it was two-by-two. Their roles were traditional and within church in stitutions. Things have changed. The world. The Church. The roles women play. Yet for one order, these changes are hardly apparent. L-'ver since the Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor were founded in 1876, they have been engaged in pastoral ministry. They have always been flexible. Always self-motivated. Always had freedom. Why? By the very nature of their work. The Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor give free nursing care to the needy in their own homes. They travel alone by bus or by subway. Or by car. Or on foot. And their day doesn't end at five o'clock. Fach case presents a different problem: whether it is bringing physical or spiritual comfort, keeping a family together, coun seling or bridging the gap be tween social agencies, we bring the love and devotion of Christ. We are in duect contact with the people we care for. You sec, we don't have to be lib crated. We are. For more information on (he Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor write to: Sister .Marguerite Mitchell, Vocation Director Room 106 Mariandale, Opining, New York 10562 Dav:::.CArj s&tes c? mi sick P003. jsspa ORGANIZATIONS Volunteer coaches needed for N-StreetDrlve-ln Women' City Rec Softball Team. Call Nancy 488-0875 or 48-3673. Girls and women needed for N -Street Drive-lnt City Rec Softball Team. Call Nancy, 488-0875 or 488-3673. Meat costs inflate Union food prices Students returning April 2 from spring vacation will find food prices in the Nebraska Union higher by an average of 10.4 per cent. The reason for the increase, according to Dennis Martin, Union Board vice president, is higher wholesale food prices, especially for meat. The decision to raise food prices came after a "great deal of discussion" by members of the board, Martin said. The only alternative to a price increase or cutback in services, he said, was use of student fees to subsidize the program. That approach traditionally has been avoided. Martin said the board realized food service could not continue to operate under the existing budget, which was approved last year. He added that attempts previously had been made to cut employment as much as possible without curtailing services. They do not love that do not show their Willi, nn Choose Keepsake vith(complete confidence, ecal(r,'iea,n.(6s. Keepsake Guarantee assures a perfect engagement diamond of precise cut and superb color. There is no finer diamond ring. REGISTERED Keepsake 1. DIAMOND RINGS tftf"'"wiftU''liitfl ''U&i t.i' mv4 HMI HHi IMH mm HflV a mm I HOW TO PLAN YOUR KNGAGKMKNT AM) VY1 Il)l(; Send new 20 pg. booklet, "Planning Your F.ngagement and Wedding" pltS full color folder and 44 pg. Bride's Book gift offer all for only 25(t. S-71 Addr City. Stale. KF.M'SAKi: DIAMOND RINGS, The Had barons, Student Flyiny Club will meet 7:30, Tuesday in the Union. MISCELLANEOUS Cliff for cocktails. Cliff's Lounge, 12th & O. Wanted: James Bond soundtrack albums: "Dr. No" and "You Only Live Twice". 477-4647, evenings. love.' Sh.iki'spoarc Kinus from SH" M'M"1 1 -M Kcv.. II l'..:ul t 1 -Co.. BOX 90, SVKACXSr, N Y. H20I pat jr.1 7 monday, march 12, 1973 daily nebraskan