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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1973)
SLPP platform a real platform by Steve Strasser Ask for a platforrrLyou get a platform. The Daily Nebraskan asked parties entered in the ASUN elections to submit their platforms. The Get Off Your Apathy (GOYA) party and the Unity and Progress (UP) party produced paper platforms full of promises. The Surrealist Light People's Party (SLPP) is the only one that submitted paper promises of a platform. In SLPP's words: "The platform shall be placed in the coliseum (sic) on the main floor with bi axial (sic) symmetry relative to the goal posts. The platform shall be 60 yards by 90 yards. The platform shall be of a reinforced structural concrete base, with a Mozzola (sic) oil top surface contained by a semi-permeable latex membrane." A III I I . - vyt ""v'ic.r vl.'-' : N.. l . . v -'"x ' - 'v V '";'.'.." " -., ; . . . rf.--,a,"J"I''','ir . . ... - i t - ' - llMlJuXjjJUjiLllllll IS WUWtlllUMLillJUr"Atl(l lisSSHMfci if """IMti ' - -....-,... We include the unorthodox spelling because, frankly, SLPP's statement is so confusing to our comparatively orthodox minds that we're not at all sure the unusual spelling and sentence structure throughout SLPP's thesis are unintentional. The SLPP may be conversing on an existential level too far removed from that of your average, unstimulated Daily Nebraskan staff writer. High, high in the clouds. For instance, if someone came up to you and promised to "press for enviorements (sic) that nuturs (sic) actualization (sic) and neuron optimisation (sic)' would you criticize their spelling? SLPP speaks from heights of irreproachable authority. Consider: "There are those who will speak to the issues. SLPP wishes to speak to those who issue the issues." That has the same ring as "Ask not what your country can do for you ..." Controversial issues dissolve before SLPP's logic: "Some have spoke (sic) of the need for a day-care center. Surrealistically SLPP can say the day can take care of itself." You can see why we don't presume to correct 4 SLPP's spelling. SLPP candidates for executive positions are Shams t Jack Mason, president, and Willie Wonka, first vice president. Two SLPP candidates are running for the ASUN senate. r doily ft Tom Lanworth. Manaeino, Editor: Cheryl Wcstcott. Naws Editor: Michael (O.J.) Nelson. Special Editor: Jim Gray. Sporti Editor: Dave Sittler. Photography Chief: Gail Folda. Nioht New Editor: Dave Brink. . . . The Daily Nebraskan is written, edited and managed by students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It is editorially independent of the University faculty, administration and student body. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday throughout the fall and spring semesters except holidays and vacations. . Copyright 1973, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. a Th. rvilu Mahrackan34 Nebraska Union14th & R StreetsLincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone: 4024722588 L jryn r ! 1 .. ; : 'i i , . ' -. , . i ''vl. .-V. .: ,. ' -v -.-V; "- . : . s . - , r. . , . . -i -' y Wille Wonka . . . SLPP second vice presidential candidate. Shaman Jack Mason ... the SLPP presidential candidate promises to build a platform. photos by Willie Wonka Mi Ronald Afc&ar .it.. ;i , ' i lit f ''. Continuous From 11:20 Ends Thursday N Shev comes 1UHV J" w equipped ...from 7 1 J ri ? StY ON STAGE A CONFLICT OF FLESH and spiRfT- Maich 2,3, A 5 - 10 - 8pm 12 SR TICKETS CALL 472. SQ73 "".VERSITV THEATRE $aA$g5C) MATERNITY CLEARANCE NOW THR U THURSO A Yf . page 2 of . V S u3 lo '2 s OFF R ESS Mstttr Chir(i J(j0tll&lIhOGcL BinkAm,rIc,r- MATERNITY SHOPS LINCOLN GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER OMAHA WESTROADS SHOPPING CENTER 5th Annual Hiss University of Nebraska Miss Lincoln Pcgocat Sunday March 11 tit tlebraska Union Ballroom Student Hdcfs $.75 fion-Students $1 .SO Preliminary Compatitbn Ssturdoy Mcrch 10 9:33 A.M. Group A Grcup D to 2:30 P.M. daily nebraskan thursday, march 8, 1973