v- i - i ,1 ASUN Executives PRESIDENT Vote for only one (1) C2 Bill Fruedenhurg (UP) O Ann Henry (GOYA) Shaman Jack Mason (SLPP) FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Vote for only one (1) Q Mark Hoeger (GOYA) Karen Richardson (UP Willie Wonka (SLPP) SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Vote for only one (1) Todd McDaniel (GOYA) Sue Overing (UP) C0NTiYutl6MAL AMEnTOEnTS Amendment No. 1 Change powers relating to appointment, removal o disqualification I I Approve Disapprove Amendment No. 2 Replace Faculty Committee on Student Affairs by Faculty Committee on Committee. Replaces obsolete language. CD . Approve CD Disapprove Amendment No. 3 With respect to Second Vice President modifying obsolete language with no change in function. I ) Approve I Disapprove Amendment No. 4 1. Delete position of Director of Record 2. Delete specific mention of Student Cabinet members. (1 Approve I Disapprove Amendment No. 5 Add Speaker pro tempore to Executive Committee. Approve Disapprove Amendment No. 6 Remove requirement that Senators and Student Court members be ful time students. Approve 3 Disapprove Amendment No. 7 Budget date should be changed to July 1st. Approve O Disapprove I Arts & Sciences Advisory Board Votft for only one (1) in each group 1. tZD English 2. Language Karen Ann Coffey (UP) 3. Natural Science & Math Richard C. Brunken Jayne Rapp (UP) 4. Social Sciences & Philosophy Q Jim Gump (UP) 5. School of Fine Arts 6. School of Journalism Mary Voboril (UP) March 14, 19T3 Candidates for: A.S.U.N. Executives, A.S.U.N. Senate, Advisory boards, Outstanding professors, proposed constitutional amendments: (All candidates: please refer any corrections to the Electoral Commission immediately) Builders Outstanding Professor Awards Vote for only one (1) f Dr. H. Arkebauer, Assoc. Prof.Speech CD Dr. Earl Jenkins, Prof.Voice Dr. Paul Landolt, Assoc. Prof.Physiologv Arts & Science Senators Vote for only ten (10) Marguerite Boslaugh (GOYA) Emilie Brown (UP) Jed Buechler (GOYA) TomByers(UP) John Chain (GOYA) Mike Chapman (UP) Melinda Fowler (GOYA) Jim Hayes (GOYA) Kirk D. Hemphill John R. Higgins (UP) Jana Hills (UP) Mary Jenkins (GOYA) Karen Martinson (UP) Bob O'Neal Todd Patterson (GOYA) Douglas F. Podoll (GOYA) ralph(SLPP) Drey Samuelson (UP) Keith A. Scarborough Steve Shaneyfelt (GOYA) Clarke J. Stevens DaveThurber (UP) Mary Voboril (UP) John Windle (GOYA) Ken Winston (SLPP) Agriculture Advisory Board Vote for only one (1) in the area of your major. 1. Ag Economics Bill Uden (AG) I I Don Wellensiek 2. Agron. Soil Sci. Crop Sci., Plant Pathology Dennis Cihacek CD 3. Animal Science & Pre. Vet. Lowell Schardt (AG) Rick Sibbel CD 4. Ag. Ed. & Ag. Journalism I Jerry Brown (AG) -- Kenneth R. Buell CD 5. Entom'g., Hort., Biochem., Food Sci. Preforestry Kimberly Holtz John Thorston 6. Mech. Ag. CD Lynn T, Vinduska (AG) CD 7. Nat'l Resources, Wildlife, Poultry Sci C 8. Ag. Honors, Gen. Ag., Undeclared Dick James Steve Ostergard (AG) ET"1 Students may vote at ANY of the following: M&N Building-8a.m. to 5 p.m. Andrews-8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nebraska Hall 8 a m. to 8 p.m. Hamilton Hall 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. East Union-8 a.m. to 8 p.m. uvi Agriculture Senators Vote for only three (3) Arlen Gangwish (GOYA) I Gary Hall I Mike Jacobson (UP) Dick James (UP) r i George Rhodes (AG) Kent J. Trembly (GOYA) Steve Voigt (GOYA) I Debbie Wurtele Builders Outstanding Professor Award Vote for only one (1) Dr. Roy Arnold, Assoc. Prof.Food Sci. 71 Dr. Al Flowerday, Assoc. Prof.Entom. Dr. Thomas Helms, Assoc. Prof. Agron. business Administration Senators Vote for only four (4) Steve Guenzel (UP) I i Jim Guzak (Fed) I I Jeanette Harder Larry Hill (GOYA) Mark Hunzeker (GOYA) I I Steve Kay Steven M. Meston (UP) Myron Molacek (GOYA) Mark Rasmussen John Uhrich (UP) Builders Outstanding Professor Award Kote for only one (1) Dr. Richard Hodgetts Assoc. ProfManagement Dr. George Holdren Assoc. ProfAcctng. Mr. Bernard McGinn Assoc. ProfBus. Law Enyineering & Architecture Senators Kote for only three (3) Behrooz Emam (UP) Steve Eveans (GOYA) Dennis Gerlach (UP) I Wayne Gray Doug Johnson (GOYA) Steven Polikov (GOYA) Steve Sanford Gary Tasich Builders Outstanding Professor Award Vote for only one (1) Mr. Lebert Alley Ins.Comp. Science Dr. Alvin Buckman Assoc. ProfE.E. Mr. Guenter Assoc. ProfArch. Graduate & Professional Senators Vote for only seven (7) Q Karl F. Cochrane Ron Frank (GOYA) Paul A. Hansen (GOYA) Dennis Kime (UP) Michael E. Schafer (UP) Brian Waid (UP) Gail Watson (GOYA) Home Economics Advisory Board Vote for only one (1) in the area of your major. 1. Family Econ and Management 2. Food and Nutrition Erna Colglazier pShelie Hartman (GOYA) Home Economics Education Lois Bloem Patricia Kolman Leone Ohnoutka 4. Human Development and Family Di Schwartz (UP) Textiles, Clothing and Design Candy Nelson (GOYA) Anne Swisher Deb Urbanek (UP) 5. Voting Regulations Each student must present his own I.D. card when he votes. The act of giving the I.D. to the pool worker is the attempt to vote. No student shall vote or attempt to vote more than once in any election, nor shall any student aid such and attempt. Upon conviction in the ASUN Student Court, the penalty for the infraction bf any voting regulations will be: a. The offenders will not be allowed to hold any position or elect office of ASUN. b. A fine not to exceed $100.00 in value may be imposed. 6. Home Economics and Journalism I approve of the amended constitution of the Home Economics Advisory Board Yes No Home Economics Senators Vote for only two (2) Sarah Denker (GOYA) I I Susan Dusenbery Sharon Johnson (UP) Pam Kinzie (GOYA) I I Dean W. Young Builders Outstanding Professor Awards Vote for only one (1) Karen Dinsmore Assn't Prof Hum. Dev.&Fam. Dr. Pat Sailor ProfCIo, Tex & Des. I1 Dr. Jacqueline Voss Assn't Prof Hum. Dev.&Fam. Teachers College Senators Vote for only six (6) Jane E. Bunting (GOYA) Rob Christoffersen (GOYA) Ron Clingenpeel (UP) Deb Coe (GOYA) Jim Macomber (GOYA) Joan Pfeil (UP) Ruth Spencer (GOYA) Laurel Stiebler (GOYA) Gayle Waggoner (UP) Teachers Advisory Board Vote for only two (2) in each area 1. Elementary Education BarbBrownell (GOYA) Nan Lueder (GOYA) Lindy Luers I Carla Sorum 2. Secondary Education Mary Lee DeWulf (GOYA) Jeri Roberts Mary Say Sue Stehly (UP) Special Education Builders Outstanding Professor Awards Vote for only one (1) Dr. Loren Bonneau Assoc. Prof.Hist. & Phil. Ed. Ms. Dorcas Cavett Assn't Prof.EI. Ed. Dr. Keith Pritchard Assoc. Prof.Hist. & Phil. Ed. page 8 daily nebraskan monday, march 5, 1973 4 . iSW'lK,.!'. . -k , ?. .-