7 CSL committ&e to investigaid charges of pledge nwasstiiBn ill! -4 JCimJ 3 v. ' oronizatiftns h complained about pledge adviser. They are to asK it m : il II -If - U I IAI Rl ) ,A PAKX n w w n AUTO i f" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooo FOOD FIT FOR ROYALTY 1311 "O" Street Lincoln, Nebraska Presents Clint Eastwood in PLAY MISTY FOR ME Clint Eastwood (tan and makes his directorial debut in this psychological mystery thriller about a popular disc jockey and the trouble he brings on hirmself by obliging a fan who is constantly requesting him to "play Misty" for her. Eastwood later becomes involved with the girl, but what the unsuspecting swinger does not understand until too late is that the girl is a psychopath, lethally obsessed with him and determined to stop at nothing to get what she wants. Not just another sensational shocker, PLAY MISTY FOR ME has been called the PSYCHO of the 70's. FRIDAY MARCH 2 at 7:00 and 9:30 P.M. HENZLIK HALL $.75 with Uni. I.D. When you get a taco flash, there's only one thing to do about it. Head for Taco Kid. Because Taco Kid will give you JUSLtacos for a dollar everv Saturday and Sunday. That's an offer no taco lover can pass up. Crunchy corn tortillas, fresh ground beef, crisp Union lettuce, and grated cheese. Add a little hot sauce, and . vou've eot delicious eating. Sound tempting? Ir Weil. then, rive in, and try L k a fnr l 00 soecial. SAT. & SUN. Irfr kliv V - -1 ov, 17TH AND VAN DORN appointed a committee ot tnree. iney vwr rtUf - xf ifrsadge h.tng ,mefel'ti. Brirta'nd .i! before the CoUricil, Daily Nebraskan Editor Tom Lansworth said he received many complaints about hazing activities in response to an editorial on the subject, which appeared in the Nebraskan Friday, Feb. 23. "Some of the stories I was told (about alleged pledge hazing activities) were sort of shocking, but I tend to believe them." Lansworth said. He asked CSL to investigate possible hazing activities because "membership in a campus organization shouldn't require a student to relinquish rights he has before joining that organization." According to the recently revised Interfraternity Council (IFC) By-Laws, such hazing of pledges is prohibited. The document also forbids any tactics that might "prove injurious to the pledge" or "bring discredit to the fraternity or the organized fraternity system as a whole." "It appears that IFC is not doing a good job of enforcing its own by-laws," Lansworth said. "I'd like to have CSL find out if anything can be done about the situation." charged with "posing questions to the Office" of Student Affairs on child care projects for low-income students." "We feel a definite need to obtain a statement (from UNL officials) concerning child care," said Mary Jo Ryan, staff member of the University Child Care Project. The staff operates two free day care centers for children of low-income students. According to Ryan, the child care project is "in political limbo because of its uncertain status in the University hierarchy." She said the staff would like to "obtain a commitment from the University stating that the project is considered to be a University organization." The child care staff also asked that a specific UNL department be charged with administering the day care center. They also asked that day care centers become "interdisciplinary laboratory facilities approved by the University." The centers already have been used by several UNL departments, including educational psychology and art edcuation, Ryan said. CAft RENTAL 477-4301 East Union Presents Sun. March 4 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. East Union Lounge $.75 with Uni. I.D. t-0 NOMINATED FOR 4 ACADEMY .' BEST PARXIMO liw mi PICTURE ACTOR ACTRESS "At latt. eompmlonatt and loving film ,bou,bclic!"" MTMUnANOTIMtaOf -'TI If thlt tory houlda I.,...-, ....ill i.ii.. . I I awiWiiiillliiliaailWMMliniWIIIlitattffW'IIWriPTinWi' iii,fTTT,''T"r"-' -"Sri!" DIANA ROSS 5 BILLIE HOLIDAY : If jk,lL NOMINATED FOSl 3 ACACI.U AWARDS SINGS 1Kb I bUjes AQRESS I3i friday, march 2, 1973 daily nebraskan j u 3 T- page 3