' w wrf w w'-' -V'- ... "' - : - UTie15rWnal n A GOOD WORD doi y DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed in person in Room 34, Nebraska Union, weekdays 8-12 and 1-5, or called in between 8-10 only at 472-2588. Cost is $.08 per word, per day, $1.00 minimum. Payment in advanoa preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Rates quoted are for cash orders or charge orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days are 50 cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3:00 p.m. day before publication. No refunds. Complimentary ads may be run only if error is brought to the Nebraskan's attention the business day after publication. Phone Orders 8-10 Q.m. daily see above for specifics FOR SALE 5 & 10 speed Columbia & Star Jet bicycles. Priced to sell. Terms available. Goodyear, 1918 'O'. 432 6521. Sa! on Back Packs. Far West uxpodition frame and bag: reg. $33.95, spec. $29.95. Far West Weekend frame and bag: reg. $25.50, spec. $21.50. Universal Trailmaster frame and bag: reg. $46.95, spec. $42.50. Himalayan 4 frame and bag: reg.. $29.95, spec. $19.88. $5 deposit holds any pack until June.. Canvas book bags $1.99 up. Surplus Center 1000 West 'O'St: '71 240 Z, 4-speed, air, new tires, $3650. 489 5986. AKAI 165 D, Crossfield Tape Deck. Excellent condition. 477-8188, after 4 p.m. '59 VW, Dk. blue, $90 or make offer. '73 Schwlnn Continental 1 0 speed, 24" frame, accessories, $95. 477-7225. We've moved and don't need our new Signature Humidifier. Used only one month. Mediteranian Style. Sells originally for $119.95. Best Offer. 475-0002. New Hotpoint, Avacado, Electric Range. Used only three months. Clean, Excellent Condition. Sells for $169. Will sacrifice. 475 0002. 1970 Suzuki 350 good condition, make offer. Phone 488-8089. Table and four chairs, wooden. Living room, set: couch, side tables, lamps, school desk, arm chair and matching antique table. Very clean, reasonable from family 489-4978. Sony 366-4 Quad reel to reel, $500 new, excellent condition, $375. 488 1383. Fresh Cigars for Pinning. Cliff's Smoke Shop, 12th & O. HELP WANTED 1 HTg-ZSM 4 college men needed part time. $50wk. Also summer work. 488 4424. Wanted: typist for large master's thesis. Must have clean pica typewriter. Call David Barrows at 472-3721, ext. 23 or 466 5255. Men & Women: Full time earnings for part tme effort. Set your own hours. Must be neat & willing to work. For Apt. call 434 1 600,9:006:00. Summer employment opportunity available for Summer Orientation Program. Student hosts will be hired to work from June 1 to July 13. $500 plus room and board. Apply at Student Activities Office, Suite 200, Nebraska Union. SERVICES WATCH REPAIR All makes-also Tlmex . Dick's Watch Service-East side-Campus Bookstore at the Yellow Door, Pregnant and distressed? Call a friend . . . Birthright, 477-8021. friday, february 16, 1973 BRIDAL SERVICE Wilt work as consultant for all aspects of wedding including making & designing Bride's and attendants gowns. 434-9291. HOUSE OF FLOWERS 135 S, 12th. 432-2775..' WORK ABROADI International Jobs-Europe, South America, Asia, Australia, U.S.A. Openings in all fields Social Sciences, Business, Sciences, Engineering, Education, etc. Paid expenses, bonuses, travel. Includes Student Summer Job Guide to overseas, Alask, U.S. Government, resort area and construction work. Ideas for part-time school-year Jobs. All new 1972 application information only $4.00. Money back guarantee. Apply early for best opportunities write todayl International Employment, Box 7 2 1 - N 6 3 , Peabody, Massachusetts 01960. (Not an employment agency). Manuscript Consultant. Vassell, 520 N. 86th St., Omaha, Nb. 681 14. Want to do typing in my home. Call 489-8771. Satisfaction, guaranteed. . Theses, dissertations, and papers typed andor edited for spelling punctuation, form, etc. Quick, reliable service. Reasonable rates. 489-3283. TERM PAPERS Send for your descriptive, up-to-date, 128-page, mail order catalog of 2,300 quality termpapers. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling. WE ALSO WRITE CUSTOM MADE PAPERS. Termpcper Arsenal, Inc. 519 GLENROCK AVE., SUITE 203 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90024 (213)477-8474 477-5493 "We need a local salesman" 2202 special Schlitz, Hamms, Bud, Miller $2.3512 pk. Fal staff, Old Milwaukee, Pabst. $2.1512 pk. Storz $1.9912 pk. Hanley. $1.7912 pk. OTLHSEH COLD smmk ads PERSONAL Bill, Better late than never? Happy dayl Kathy. Happy Birthday Cheri. Hope your 19th year is your happiest yet. Your friend and mine. Dave. Freddie Bear Thanks for the H.V.D. Greeting. Love you much. Penni, Maria, Tia & Barb. LOST Pair of gold wire rim glasses on Febr. 13 on campus. Reward. 466-4287. FOR RENT Close to campus, 2 bdrm. furnished apt. $105. 432 7671. Good location for students, 2 bdrm. house, $120. 432-7671. Students: all utilities pd. 1 bdrm. apt., $85. 432-7671. 3 bdrm. apts. Close to University walking distance. Just remodeled $70mo. Utilities pd. Call 423 6853 or 488-0590. ORGANIZATIONS WOMEN'S INFORMATION LINE Those interested in helping, sign up in Rm. 345 Union or come on Tuesday, February 20 at 9:00 P.M. to Rm. 345 Union, Student-Y office. Charter Meeting of Undergraduate Psychology Major Organization. Thurs. Feb. 22 7:00, No Door prizes. NOW'S YOUR CHANCEI! Volunteers needed in areas of tutoring, talent groups, all community needs. Student Volunteer Bureau, Suite 200 Union. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted: good used 175 c.c. Honda. Call 432-5736. No weekends. b2202WSfc Boone's Farm . . . $ .97 Friday & Saturday Special GALLO WINES Spanada, Tyrolia, Rhine Garten Vin Rosa $1.06Fifth $2.25Half gal. Checks Cashed with Student I.D. Open 8am-lam I2.1L! r BLUE RIBBON BAND Friday Nite j At the Gas Light j JGOOD TIME MUSICi 9th AW i TWO FERS 4-6 p.m., every day. Large draws 25c for 2. Live entertainment 8-12:30, dancing. Thurs. $3.00 All the beer you can drink. The Inn, 317 S. 17th. Instead R!iti3: FRIDAY - THE LAST MOVIE tfHr.j Itals Ketfcr SATURDAY - THE AFRICAN QUEEN sfairfag Hutylifty D&2rf Saturday at 7, 9:30 in Henzlik Hall Admission 75c w university I.D. card Buion can ssa or for tfts first funs. 31 1 4" . M JOSEPH E. LEVINE MIKE NICHOLS-LAWRENCE TURMAN best director THE GRADUATE M finiJSTIHFFM'lJATHMINEJtOSS. Another fun filled & f r uMLlilf 1 I entertaining classic! I M IV J .J., II Barbary coast day 1906 I , , 7 Y 1 iTTjyiTi. , J I A-i earthquakel , , .,. Hull wKut I SWA Daily at '-TYII jtViV" f'Wf 9:45 P.M. 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I II Q I r ' trn tin i . i , n- , -J Special Matinee Prices Till 6 PM Adults $1.50 Kids $.75-- I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. (Pablo Casals) Celebration Sunday, 10:30-12:00-film 'Journey into Love.' Everyone welcome. UMHE, 333 N. 14th. j ombudsman , : 472-3C)Xi If if n i i.-.i i i i HCIJLTWCCD -fliO htatr e nwa- IN THI GLASS MiNAGf III llthA Q Srt Ption 475-6616 ACADEMY AWARD UflNNFR iflrififiiifri r . JJ '' l:10,3:15,l f "' vW ' 1 I -May be if ; SU'i t Your last! I i i - fal i , chance 1 - I J I to see M page 7 daily nebraskan ,,. ,. -4 4 4k . . 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 , A. 4 4k -vft-w