The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1973, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Books leave
Love during
Due to the-construction
now going on at Love Library,
all quarto and folio sized
volumes of books in the Dewey
Decimal System were moved to
stacks on Nebraska Hall third
floor during the interim period.
All Love Library material
classified in the Dewey
Decimal system is now located
outside of Love either in
Nebraska Hall third floor, the
Law Annex or C.Y. Thompson
Library on East Campus.
Students can get the books
in two ways after using the
card catalog in Love: they can
go to the storage location
themselves or they can ask at
the loan desk in Love Library
that the book be brought to
Loye for their use.
No other major moves of
books are planned until the
completion of the addition to
Love Library.
Loan checks
are ready
National D irect Student
Loan checks for the second
semester are now available at
the Office of Scholarships and
Financial Aids.
UNL students receiving
loans should present their
identification cards with
current registration stickers on
the back to secure their checks.
Loan checks may be picked
up anytime between 8:30 and
11:30 a.m. or 1:30 and 3:30
p.m. cn Feb. 9, 12 and 13. The
Financial Aids office suggests
that to avoid standing in long
lines, students should not wait
until the last day.
Givil Service
exam scheduled
A special on-campus Federal
Service Entrance Examination
will be conducted by the U.S.
uvn service commission on
Feb. 24.
Scores from the two-hour
examination are the principle
criteria for recruiting
candidates for positions in
federal agencies.
Brochures are available in
the Placement Office which
UNL enrollment
up this semester
semester enrollment of 20,553,
an increase of 423 students
over the enrollment for the
spring semester a year ago.
All other University of
Nebraska campuses also
reported increases. Enrollments
reported were: University of
Nebraska at Omaha, 12,224;
University Medical Center,
1,400; and Curtis Agricultural
School, 236. This figures show
increases of 257, 1C9 and 17
students respectively over a
year ago.
Spring degree
applications due
UNL students planning to
receive degrees or certificates
at the end of second semester
should apply by Feb. 15, 1973.
Application may be made at
the Office of Registration and
Records at the information
window of the Administration
Building from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through F riday.
include job appliation forms
that may be turned in at the
time of the examination.
Sample questions and
additional information on
federal employment
opportunities are also included
in the brochure.
f riday, february 9, 1973
f SI
B la 3 I E B E m m
open nightly
8:00 pm
72nd Pacific
Ladies night
Sun thru Thur
m mm m&r mmmM
Usually available
for less than
You have a special
someone somewhere.
whether it's your mom
or your sweetheart.
hoping you'll remember
her with flowers on
Valentine's Day.
Send her the FTD
LoveBundle. A
bright and beautiful
bouquet of fresh
flowers in a special
container. All
designed with
February 14th
in mind.
I -4 -r i - r - -1 i f ...- i . "i. i
"4 , " ' ' ! U 4 J L'M" I
!!' i .1 :i - - ',1 -i
Find out how easy it is to send the right flowers the FTD
way. Drop in for. your FREE Selection Guide. Wherever
yOU See the famOUS FTD svmhnl 'Itfr .IH CTn nnn
vesi uBiayeiie. uetrorrrMFch fiiarf. amir xa cm a rr
Florists accept major credit cards. -Z-
As an Independenl businessman, each FTO Member Florist sets his own
prices. 1973 Florists' Transworld Delivery Association
On demonstration in comparison with most
competitive brands including Advent, Dynaco,
JB L, and many others at
Ask about our Home Demonstration
Wa'rt finally mooing. Banning Friary, tht Union Wwhsnd
FHmi Mrwf ohtngH to Hwulik Hill Auditorium. Tht nighti
and tinw art Mm mma-Friday md SMurday, 1 and 9:30 p.m.
Be k) ttw prlot-76 oanM with your Unbartlty t.D. WhM'f
diffarcnt sri raw projection booth and tht Wttktnd FHmt
CommrrMt'i hopti that mort UNL Itudtnti sin mm raomtly
rtltiitd motion picturei it low prion.
Saturday cn!y
iinsfif 2nd floor
crig. $21.09 $46.00
at at ai
f (
. .'7
starring Jennifer O'Nell
tponond by rA Mrtnato UM rMMmf Mmi Commllf
hi sfyler 3rd floor
orig. $3.00 $18.00
lv J ivIif
daily nebraskan
page 7
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