The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1973, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Health Center maintains records' confidentiality
A meeting of administrators will be held Tuesday
to discuss a disagreement between Campus Security
and the University Health Center (UHC) about the
kind of patient information that UHC physicians can
release tot campus jpolice.- . . j . , , .
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The . dispute '-arose several , months ago when
Campus Security 'officers asked for, "certain
information', from-UHC doctors for. security files."
Physicians at UHC said they would not comply with
the request because law requires confidentiality
between; doctor 'arid patient, except in cases of
violence uch as shootings orstabbings. ;
One officer-said Campus Security wants the
names! addresses, socjal security numbers and
conditions of patients they deliver to UHC or
accident victims. He said Lincoln hospitals give that
information readily to city police for record keeping
purposes. . .
Larry Rennecker, assistant administrator of
Lincoln General Hospital concurred with the officer's
statement, with the exception that a patient's next of
kin must be notified before any information is
released. In addition, no information is released by
city hospitals on intoxication,- suicide, drugs
poisoning or sexual assaults, he said.' "Condition"
means "good, fair, poor and critical" in city hospital
terms.-: . ; .'.' :'' ,-;'.. c '': . " - ..
Dr. Sam Fuenning, UHC director, said he has not
released any information to campus security about
UHC patients and will not pending an administrative
directive to do otherwise, v
He said an opinion had been written in December
on the legal aspects of the dispute, but that the
document's interpretation led to further differences
j between the groups.
Gail Gade, chief of Campus Security, said that
, since the legal opinion was rendered "there has been
no . further difficulty, but the problem is that he
(Fuenning) still feels we're unco-operative. He's
interpreting the opinion differently."
Gade said Campus Security had made reports on
students taken to UHC "for years," and that the
reports were routine. "In fact, they (the reports) are
usually thrown away after a few months," Gade said.
"The basic concerns of the reMknship between
Campus Security and UHCare based on
honest differences of opinion," according to Ken
Bader, vice chancellor of student affairs. "There is no
acrimony between the two sides."
He said the meeting next week between University
lawyers, Campus Security and UHC should solve the
problem. Bader said written guidelines on the
problem will be drawn up based on findings at the
The meeting will not be open to the press or
public, Bader said, because it "involves individuals
from one agency responding to questions with other
agencies within the University," and because the
"confidentiality of information about students at the
UHC must be considered."
Gade. . .Campus Securtiy and UHC
difficulties based on differences of
doily nobfoskon
. Editor-ln-Chlef : Tom Lansworth, Managing Editor: Cheryl Westcott.
News Editor: Michael (O.J.) Nelson.
Special Editor: Jim Gray. Sports Editor: Dave Slttler. Photography
Chief: Gail Folda. Night News Editor: Ron Clingenpeel.
The Daily Nebraskan Is written, edited and managed by students at
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It is editorially independent of the
University faculty, administration and student body.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday throughout the fall and
spring semesters except holidays and vacations.
Copyright 1973, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted
without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting
material covered by another copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan34 Nebraska Union14th & R
Streets Lincoln, Nebr. 68508. Telephone: 4024722588.
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page 2
daily nebraskan
thursday, february 8, 1973
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