The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1973, Image 1

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Wednesday, febaiary 7, 1973
lincoln, nebraska vol. 96, no. 67
Record store sales boom
despite increased prices
by Dennis Onnen
Sales at the ASUN Record Store
this semester are "fantastic" despite a
price increase from $3.50 to $3.66 per
album, according to Terry Brage,
manager. He cited the usual
post -Christmas boom as one reason for
the sales increase.
Braye also said he thought the new
inventory system at the store has
helped sales. Employes now can tell if
a record is in stock when a customer
asks for it.
Last year, the price of albums was
$3.68. Then, at the beginning of the
first semester, a sate of the top 20
albums for $3.50 was successful. It
was decided to keep the albums at that
price, but sales went down. The price
went up at the beginning of this
semester since the $3.50 price "would
have killed our place," Braye said.
He explained that the records cost
the store $3.10 each, and handling is
about 10 cents each. When the price
was $3.50, the remaining 30 cents per
record sold was not enough to pay for
expenses and salaries, even at the
minimum wage.
"On a regular basis, we're still the
cheapest store overall," he said.
So far, only three albums have been
sold to students with Associated
Student Koop (ASK) cards, he said.
The store offers a five per cent
discount to cardholders.
There may be a problem in the
future if very many students use ASK
cards at the store, Braye said, since the
store then would have the same
problems as when the price was $3.50.
He is discussing possible solutions to
the problem with ASUN executives.
Three times since last fall, there
also has been a sale of albums for
$1.98. College Suppliers Inc. supply
the store with 1000 records, including
show tunes, classical music, and other
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Terry Braye and Ann Chaloupka ... are happy about sales at
the ASUN Record Store.
records usually not in stock, Braye
said. The store keeps 25 per cent for
each sale and sends the records not
sold back to the company.
The store was begun two years ago
and currently has five employes.
Schmit bill
would help
In patrol's
drug fight
Stressing the "people who are destroying our kids with
hard-core drugs are going free," Sen. Loran Schmit of
Bellwood Monday saw the first in a series of his bills to beef
up the Nebraska State Patrol's (NSP) drug investigation
program receive first-round approval in the Legislature.
Schmit says much of his concern over drug abuse centers
around the fact he is the father of 10 children-three of whom '
attend UNL.
Much of the discussion on LB14 concerned whether
requesting funds to hire legal counsel for the NSP should go
through the Appropriations Committee. Schmit told fellow
senators he doubted the governor with his "hold the line on
spending" attitude, would approve funds for added agency
The bill, given 34-1 general file approval, would add three
attorneys to the NSP staff to assist county attorneys in drug
and other criminal case preparation.
Sen. Herb Nore of Genoa asked if the requested legal
counsel would prevent the dismissal of drug cases on
technicalities. "They (drug offenders) walk out of the
courtroom laughing and they're back in again and again," he
"The other bills are going to cost a whale of a lot more
money," Schmit said in response to questions concerning the
bill's costs. "We are either going to face up to it or hide our
face in the sand.
"This is a dirty business and it has to be dealt with in a
dirty way," Scottsbluff Sen. Terry Carpenter said. "We know
the drug problem does exist-and it's really deep."
Carpenter added if the problem is to be solved, then there is
a need for more money, attorneys and undercover men. "The
bill doesn't mean anything until you appropriate the money.'
Sidney Sen. Robert Clark, who was the only senator to vote
against the bill, said if the NSP needed three additional people
"they should ask for three people and justify them" before the
Appropriations Committee.
"The Budget Committee will know nothing of this
problem," Carpenter countered. "If we (Judiciary Committee)
don't know then nobody in state government knows about the
drug problem."
Schmit has introduced other bills concerning the NSP to
increase the number of drug investigators and to provide for
the purchase of a helicopter to assist in drug control.
Another of Schmit's bills which he says needs amending
would call for mandatory life sentences for persons convicted
of selling narcotics.
Schmit said he thinks the state has a "good program"
dealing with possession of marijuana. "I don't want a kid
caught smoking marijuana spending his life in prison," he said.
Through his proposed bills, Schmit said he hopes to "hit
the man that sells drugs for a profit. Murder doesn't destroy as
many lives as a pusher of hard core drugs."
Prior to drafting his drug-related bills, Schmit said he met
with the head of the patrol, Col. James Kruger, to find what
was needed to "stamp out hard narcotics."
Schmit admits he is responsible for getting the bill package
passed. If enacted, the responsibility for stopping the
hard-drug traffic is Kruger's, the senator said.
Schmit said if the drug traffic isn't curtailed, he hopes to
see the patrol chief back riding a motorcycle and givinf
Vasectomies increase as men accept burden
by Steve Arvanette
Amid continued controversy over abortions and
female birth control methods, a growing number of
men have decided the responsibility for slowing the
population explosion and ending unwanted family
pregnancies should rest on their shoulders.
Permanent male sterilization, through a relatively
easy operation known as a vasectomy, has been
performed on approximately three million American
men according to the Voluntary Sterilization
Association. Sharp increases in the number of men
requesting the operation have occurred in recent
years until 1972 when the level appeared to stabilize
at over one-half million annually.
Not to be confused with castration, a vasectomy is
performed by cutting a short section out of the two
sperm-carrying tubes in the scrotum and tying the
ends. A man's body continues to produce sperm but
none is released during sex.
Greg Farstrup, counselor at Lincoln's Family
Planning Center (FPC), said that almost the same
amount of fluid is .released during intercourse after
the operation as was before.
"Men are just about as concerned with their sexual
responsibility as women," Farstrup said. "I think we
should give them more opportunity to be
FPC appears to be giving men an opportunity by
counseling those interested in a vasectomy and
performing the operation for low income individuals.
The center offers a full range of family planning,
Farstrup said. Services inclade problem pregnancy,
female and male birth control and fertility
Since October T971, the center has performed 34
vasectomies, averaging two a month. The operation,
which takes from 15 to 30 minutes, can be done at
the center under local anesthetic, he explained.
Should men not qualify for the operation under
the center's financial guidelines, Farstrup refers them
to local physicians who charge $75 to $150.
Before scheduling a vasectomy for a man, Farstrup
said, he wants the individual to realize the operation
should be considered permanent. Other
considerations include possible divorce by the couple
or death of the wife or children at a later date.
Farstrup said he thinks it is also a "good idea to
include the woman" in the counseling.
"I discuss with them that there is no physical
change in the man's sex drive," he said. After the
operation a couple's sexual life is often enhanced
because there is no worry over an unplanned child, ha
Most men requesting a vasectomy are between 25
and 35 years old, according to Farstrup. Dr. Richard
Hammer said the University Health Center receives
requests for information on vasectomy from some
unmarried, students.
"This age group isn't as interested as those who
have had two or three children," Hammer said.
The center does counsel interested men, he added.
However, they are referred to FPC if they decide to
have the operation.
"The ability to have kids is important to some
men's masculinity," Farstrup said. "If I think he is
uncertain, I'd urge him to reconsider any decision to
have the operation."
Most men who decide on a vasectomy generally
have a secure family and marriage, according to the
FPC counselor. They aren't as concerned now with
losing their masculinity through the operation as in
earlier years, he said.
"There's no reason to force people to have
children because they can't arrange to use a method
of birth control," Farstrup said. "Vasectomy is one
method for people who don't want more children."
The right of a man to have no children is just as
important as the right to have five or six, he said.
Although no laws exist regulating vasectomies in
Nebraska, 18 is considered the minimum age at which
the operation can be performed.