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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1973)
colli DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed in person in Room 34, Nebraska Union, weekdays 8-12 and 1-5, or called in between 8-10 only at 472-2588. Cost is $.08 per word, per day, $1.00 minimum. Payment in advance preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Rates quoted are for cash orders or charge orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days are 50 cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3:00 p.m. day before publication. No refunds. Complimentary ads may be run only if error is brought to the Nebraskan's attention the business day after publication. HELP WANTED Phone Orders 8-10 am. daily Kn:3 rV ''"'' A H1Z-Z5$$ see above for specifics $65 to $95 per wkpart time. Unlimited earning potential addressing envelopes at home in your spare time. Companies are paying top money to individuals with GOOD handwriting for "personally" addressing their envelopes. For further information regarding opportunities with these companies, send $2 to Advertising Associates, P.O. Box 487, Crawfordsville, Fla. 32327. Female models needed for work with 2 amateur photographers. Nude poses involved. $10hr. Write: P.O. Box 81211. Male or female part-time help needed to Instruct in roller-skating, gymnastics, diving and floor exercises. Contact Steve Okamoto, afternoons, 434 7481. Night waitress positions. Part-time or full time. Will train. Apply 2-4 daily, J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. Free room & partial board for one or two girls in exchange for keeping house & part-time cooking. Must have car. Artists preferred. 789-2716. Day Bus Boy needed. Part or full time. Apply 2-4 daily, J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. Dishwasher for a fraternity wanted. . 15 hrs per week. Good pay. 435-6612; 7-8:30 p.m. Ask for Mark. Now comes the age of Aquarius right down to your toes, men. Here's Dexter's version in a zappy patent leather wing-tip. Note the new higher stacked heel that's just the right height for flares and baggies. Black patent with black smooth leather, brown patent with camel leather and black patent with rust leather. $21 Bass Player needed immediately for good-paying jobs. Call Joe, 488-5162. FOR SALE SLR Camera Bronica S-2. Can be seen on campus. Write Zev, 2508 S. 48th St., Omaha, Nb. 68106. Konica 35 mm camera. Brand new, Xmas. 604 Pound Hall. 1964 Impala SS, 327, automatic, good & clean. 466-0171. KENWOOD KT-7001 AMFM tuner, DYNACO PAT-4 preamp, QUAD FM tuner. Bob Brehm, 2214 WRH, 435-2961. VW Bus. Good running condition. $295,435-4184. '67 Ford Econovan. Carpeted, paneled, stick, studded tires. $775 or offer. 488-5711. Two Shure microphones and boom stand. No reasonable offer refused. 435-4184, eves. Tires for VW, Toyota, Datsun, etc. $18.95 plus tax. Terms available. Goodyear, 1918 'O'. 432-6521. Female models needed for amateur photography project. Nude poses. $10hr. Write P.O. Box 2641. Magician or Puppeteer for children's party. 475-4670. SERVICES FOR RENT STUDENTS WELCOME 1 bdrm. furn. apt. $75 2 bdrm. furn. apt. $90 3 bdrm. house $165 RENTAL HOUSING DIRECTO OF NEBRASKA 432-7671 432-7671 4f UJ ) ' rhd small fee Split level, one bdrm, shag, air-conditioned. Available Feb. 1. $130. 475-8141, evenings. College mother of two needs to rent 2 upstairs bedrooms for additional income.. May use kitchen, share bath, on bus line. 475-8537, 1012 Rose St., evenings. Male student, private room. Share kitchenette and bath. $40. 488-4954. ROOMMATE WANTED 1 or 2 roommates wanted to share 4 bdrm furnished house. At 34th & Vine. 434-8703. Needed female roommate. Own bedroom. $47, all utilities paid. V75r9645. u MISCELLANEOUS BLUE SKY BOOKS IS OPEN AGAIN. New books. New management. New Hours: Noon-5. Same discount, 1017 Q St. Fridgette 2.1 Like new, 5. cu. ft. refrigerator. $50, 475-4406 after NATIONAL LAMPOON, PLAYBOY, QUI, Special student subscription rates. Many others, too. 489-8445. '67 Firebird, 3-speed, white with black vinyl top. Best offer. 475-4148. Want to do typing in my home. Call 489-8771. Satisfaction guaranteed. DAT-ES UNLIMITED, a computerized dating service is available, see display ad in this paper. WATCH REPAIR All makes-also Tlmex. Dick's Watch Service East side-Campus Bookstore-at the Yellow Door. Pregnant and distressed? Call a friend . . . Birthright, 477-8021. OVERSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS-Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa. Most professions, summer or full time, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free Information, write, TWR Co. Dept. D6, 2550 Telegraph Ave., . Berkeley, CA. 94704. A GOOD WORD Fear not that your life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. (John Henry Newman) UMHE, 333 N. 14th, drop in, visit, study, have coffee and popcorn. Newsprint, ONUYif Recycle! wn Saturday, Feb. 3rd will be the last day for full refunds on books not needed that were bufthas8d from ys this semester., t!iw MT lsoio a niujfii J Please bring your cash receipt and drop sip. Ccumpus Doolli S'for lebraska Boole Sfotr nsJL " y- .:. ?SfeN NOW JW The Award Winning Musical M Is On The Screen! SV "Picture of the monthl One V of the happiest musical "a dlsarmlngly charming "Good, lively family enter- V events of the past several movie musical. An Inspired talnment" -iu.oi,c. Ul yeaf81" -"mu 6C0rA?Z "A Qenulne firecracker of a I "1776 will not only equal movle-tuneful.lnsplrlng, 1 j IU theatrical iuccess, but cauwfwwuRts brimming over with spirit 1 I whole family." fijA 7 ! J 1 -MwiM0 omw. wm mm tnm 'NHm HIGHEST RATING I" I I X. M0N. THURS. FRI. AT 7 & 9:30 SSAT. & SUN. 2 friday, february 2, 1973 daily nebraskan page 7 ,.4,. .. t