The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 01, 1973, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Surprised reserve
drafted by Raiders
Monte Johnson may just be coming out of a shock that hit
him about 4 p.m. Tuesday.
That's about the time Johnson remembers being told that
he had been selected by the Oakland Raiders in the second
round of the National Football League's annual draft of
college seniors.
"Tom Grimes of the Raiders called me around 4 p.m. and
when he gave me the news I was so shocked I almost fell
over," Johnson said.
Johnson's reaction to the news stems from the fact that he
did not start a game during his three years at Nebraska. Even
though he played well and often, being chosen in the second
round draft doesn't happen to reserve tackles.
"I had hopes of going somewhere in the first seven rounds,
or at least sometime during the first day of selections, but I
never expected this," he said.
A native of Bloomington, Minn., Johnson said his selection
Tuesday made up for the frustrations he has felt during the
past three years while trying to crack the starting NU line-up.
"Not starting really hurt psychologically, but all the hard
work I've put into college ball has finally paid off," Johnson
shorts J
Three-year reserve tackle Monte Johnson . . . was shocked when drafted by Oakland
in the second round.
Nebraska's basketball record
fell to 1-3 in the Big Eight
Conference Tuesday night
when they lost a league contest
to Iowa State, 81-60. The
Cyclones never trailed as they
upped their Big Eight mark to
4-2. Senior guard Tony Riehl
led the Husker scoring with 12
The Department of
Recreation is offering four new
courses this semester. The new
classes are mountain and rock
climbing, knitting and archery.
In addition, macrame,
glass-blowing and scuba diving
will be offered again. Students
may sign up for classes at the
Department of Recreation,
1740 Vine Street.
dove sittler
Four more Nebraska players
were selected in the National
Football League draft
Wednesday. Joe Blahak and
Bill Janssen were both selected
in the eighth round. Blahak
went to the Houston Oilers
while Pittsburgh picked
Janssen. Dave Mason was taken
in the tenth round by the
Minnesota Vikings and Jerry
List was elected by Oakland in
the eleventh round.
8:30 a.m. Model
registration-Nebraska Union
9:30 am, -Student Affairs
"Return to the Academy"-Union
12 p.m. -Model U.N. "Michael
12:30 p.m. Inter Varsity
Christian Fellowship-Union
1 p.m. -UPC Art Lending
1 p.m. Model U.N. -Union
4:30 p.-m, -Council for
Exceptional Children-Union
5:30 p.m. Council of American
Indian Students-Union
6:30 p.m. -Phi Mu
7 p.m. Council on
7 p.m. A. A. C.S.
group Union
7 p.m. Christian
st udy
Oakland told him that he would be tried at the linebacker
and defensive end positions during drills at a special rookie
camp in March, Johnson said. Although he prefers defensive
end, the 6-6, 240 pound senior, said he was confident of
adjusting to linebacker.
Because of his high draft selection, Johnson has decided to
use a Lincoln attorney to help him with contract negotiations,
something he had not planned on doing if he was drafted in
the seventh round.
Remember all the arguments last fall over who was the best
center in the Big Eight? Many thought Tom Brahaney of
Oklahoma deserved top honors while others voted for Doug
Dumler of Nebraska.
Well, the question may have been answered when New
England head coach Chuck Fairbanks selected Dumler ahead
of Brahaney in the fifth round of the draft.
Fairbank's was Brahaney's coach last year at Oklahoma.
Olston Independent VW Specialists, Inc.
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MICHAEL WESTON - February 1, at noon,
Centennial Room, First Secretary to the British
Mission and Mideastern Affairs expert. Topic:
"Britain's Role in the UN and the Conflicts In
the Middle East& Northern Ireland".
MARTIN F. HERZ - February 2 at 12:30,
Centennial Room, Deputy Assistant Secretary of
State in the Bureau of International Organization
Affairs, Topic: "Role of the United States in the
UN and the World Community".
Sponsored by Nebraska Union Talks & Topics
Committee & Model UN Committee.
Saturday, Feb. 3rd
will be the last day for full refunds on books not
that were purchased from us this semester.
Please bring your cash receipt and drop slip.
Campus Boole Store
3raslia Book Store
page tf
daily nebraskan
thursday, february 1, 1973