The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 01, 1973, Page PAGE 7, Image 7
OVERSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS-Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa. Most professions, summer or full time, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free Information, write, TWR Co. Dept. D6, 2SS0 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, CA. 94704. MISCELLANEOUS OOIIU I I 13 El Savings on Travel Abroad: International Student ID'S, Youth Hostel cards, and "Whole World Handbooks" on sale nowl Overseas Opportunities Center, ' Suite 200 Nebraska Union. Free room & partial board for one or two girls in exchange for keeping house &' part-time cooking. Must have car. Artists preferred. 789-27 18. DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed in person in Room 34, Nebraska Union, weekdays 8-12 and 1-5, or called in between 8-10 only at 472-2588. Cost is $.08 per word, per day, $1.00 minimum. Payment in advance preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Rates quoted are for cash orders or charge orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days are 50 cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3:00 p.m. day before publication. No refunds. Complimentary ads may be run only if error is brought to the Nebrcskan's attention the business day after publication. FOR SALE Down insulated ski jacket, water-repellant nylon shell. Regular $24.95, special $19.88. SURPLUS CENTER, 1000 W. 'O'St. JEANS SALE Wrangler blue denim, button front, flare jeans, regular $4.88, special $3.99 . . . Wrangler brush cotton flare leg jeans, regular $7.95, special $5.99 . . . Wrangler big bell baggies, patch pockets, regular $8.95, special $6.49 . . . Elephant bell, patch pocket jeans, regular $8.00, special $5.99. SURPLUS CENTER, 1000W. 'O'St. SLR Camera Bronica S 2. Can be seen on campus. Write Zev, 2508 S. 48th St., Omaha, Nb. 68106. VW '65 good condition. New engine, call Kath, Crete, Nb. 826 2548. 1964 Impala SS, v-8, 327, automatic, good & clean. 466 0171. 3 piece plaid couch, recently re-upholstered $50. 432-6933. Konica 35 mm camera. Brand new, Xmas. 604 Pound Hall. TERMPAPER ARSENAL, INC. Reaserch papers on all subjects $2.50 per page 0 CHECKS Call After 4 pm 799-2807 She took a moment of testacy that killed! her soul. A A V s I THVH WW fkM AiAA,. . CCGART! MUREN EDWARD C. ROBINSON 3ACALL "KEY LARGO" 'TO HAVt 1 AND J v-a sh a. T;." 1 .i-4 fHAVENOT t r fix K -A KENWOOD KT-7001 AMFM tuner, DYNACO PAT-4 preamp, QUAD FM tuner. Bob Brehm, 2214 WRH, 435-2961. Two Shure microphones and boom stand. No reasonable offer refused. 435-4184, eves. VW Bus. Good runing condition. $295,435-4184. NATIONAL LAMPOON. PLAYBOY, OUI, Special student subscription rates. Many others, too. 489-8445. Fridgette 2.1 cu. ft. refrigerator. Like new, $50, 475-4406 after 5. Royal electronic calculator, desk model $65. 4 mag wheels 5 bolt Ford Keystone. $55. 466-5093. HELP WANTED $65 to $95 per wkpart time. Unlimited earning potential addressing envelopes at home in your spare time. Companies are paying top money to Individuals with GOOD handwriting for "personally" addressing their envelopes. For further information regerdlng opportunities with these companies, send $2 to Advertising Associates, P.O. Box 487, Crawfordville, Fla. 32327. Friday February 2, 1973 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. Tho Ballad of Cablo Hpugo Saturday February 3, 1973 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. McCabo and Mrs. Millar Nebraska Union Small Auditorium $ .75 with ID Starting next week Weekend Films will move to Henzlik Hall Auditorium. myth women want to bo mon. truth women want to bo accorod rights as human boings. And that's what the Equal Rights Amendment would bring about. Equality. Legally. And socially. Presently, under the 5th and 14th amendments, women are not protected under the law from hiring discrimination based on sex. From having to gain a male's consent in many legal situations. From being denied loans and credit based on sex. From discriminatory insurance rates. But right now, some of our legislators are trying to reverse passage of the ERA in Nebraska. Because they don't encounter sexual discrimination. Therefore, they don't believe it exists. Also, some of them seem to believe the following myths: 1) Women want to be men. Truth: Women are persons. And want the rights and privileges supposedly accorded to all persons. 2) Women will be drafted, so pregnancy rates will soar. Truth: We now have an all-volunteer army. And should the Draft be re-instated, let it be known that, in other countries where women are in the armed forces, pregnancy rates are not high. 3) Women will be forced to work. Truth: No one has to work. Ideally, you have the right to choose to work. 4) The family unit will be destroyed. Truth: Family relationships are built in the Home. Not by laws or governments. The forces of myth are at work in the Legislature. Write your district legislators immediately, and urge them to destroy the myths. By supporting the ERA. SPONSORED BY THE UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S ACTION GROUP iods Female models needed for work with 2 amateur photographers. Nude poses involved. $10hr. Write: P.O. Box 81211. Male or female part-time help needed to Instruct In roller-skating, gymnastics, diving and floor exercises. Contact Steve Okamoto, afternoons, 434- 7481. Night waitress positions. Part-time or full time. Will train. Apply 2 4 daily, J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. Day Bus Boy needed. Part or full time. Apply 2-4 daily, J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. Dish waster for a fraternity wanted. 15 hrs per week. Good pay. 435- 6612; 7-8:30 p.m. Ask for Mark. Bass Player needed immediately for good-paying jobs. Call Joe, 488-5162. Female models needed for amateur photography project. Nude poses. $10hr. Write P.O. Box 2641. SERVICES WATCH REPAIR All makes-alto Tlmex. Dick's Watch Service East side-Campus Bookstore-at the Yellow Door. Pregnant and distressed? Call a friend . . . Birthright, 477-8021. AA I ill A I 0 t-rc-3 SIUDENTS WELCOME 1 bdrm. furn. apt. $75 2 bdrm. furn. apt. $90 3 bdrm. house $165 RENTAL HOUSING DIRECTQ P.F NEBRASKA' 432-7671 f fc - v i 1432-7671 small fee LOST Lost: Old English Sheep dog. Female, 5 months. Mostly white with large black spots. 475-4103, 488-1735. ROOMMATE WANTED 1 or 2 roommates wanted to share 4 bdrm furnished house. At 34th & Vine. 434-3703. Needed female roommate. Own bedroom. $47, all utilities paid. 475-9645. FOR RENT Split level, one bdrm, shag, air-conditioned. Available Feb. 1. $130. 475-8141, evenings. College mother of two needs to rent 2 upstairs bedrooms for additional income. May use kitchen, share bath, oh bus line. 475-8537. 1012 Rose St., evenings. lis! O feat hffmy i rhd TONIGHT at 8 P.M. SHA-NA-NA stars MASONS PROFFIT FILLMORE ROCK CONCERT PERSHING MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM ALL SEATS ADVANCE $4.00 AT THE DOOR $5.00 Ptrshing Box Office 12 noon to A daily or store hours at: MIlltK i PAINE Dewatewn A Celtwty GIRT CHEAP IRANDEIS Rtari Dtpt. linceln THE DAISY el Gettwey THIS IS THE HILARIOUS UNCUT,0RIGINALVERSI0N OF "REEFER MADNESS." DON'T BE MISLED BY SUBSTITUTES. THE 1936 "CLASSIC" LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR MARIJUANA LAWS TODAY. NOW A FANTASTIC COMEDY. "Hilarious"-WABC-TV : "The humor is everywhere" Chicago Tribune "As frightening as it is funny"-Detro't Free Press FROM NEW february 1 7, 9 P.M. ebruary 2 3,7,9 P. M. Sheldon Art Gallery A GOOD WORD c - I - 1 1 The morning glory which blooms for an hour differs not at heart from the giant pine which lives for a thousand years. ' (Zen Poem). UMHE, 333 N. 14th. Teaching forum An open forum, "Standards and Requirements for Students; Structured or Unstructured?", will be presented by the Teaching Council at 3:30 p.m., Thursday, 206 Burnett. Bridge Tournament The International Club will hold a bridge tournament on Feb. 17. Inquire at 345 Union. r v ? emu NEBRASKA UNION S.airth Desk LINE CINEMA. Sponsored by the Nebraska Union Special Him Committee Special Him Committee Admission $1.00 RO j L thursday, february 1, 1973 daily nebraskan page 7 . m V- 4Sf 4t .A" .ftv. -iji.Hlfc, r"-