The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 31, 1973, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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The ASUN-backed Associated Student
Koop (ASK) began operation Monday. This
event was long-overdue in the view of many
observers, but it is, nevertheless, a beginning.
For a $5 investment, students can get a
Koop card, which, because it contains the
purchaser's picture and vital statistics, even
doubles as a certificate of.identification. With
the ASK card, students ,cVn get discounts on
purchases at various Lincoln businesses.
So far, nine local merchants have agreed to
participate in this venture of semi-cooperative
student buying. Others have not been so
cooperative. The nine participants deserve
student patronage, or at least good will, for
their willingness to withstand numerous
business pressures, which have been strong
enough to persuade some merchants into a
"wait-and-see" attitude.
The idea for the current Koop emerged
from last spring's ASUN election campaign.
ASUN President Bruce Beecher's pYomise of
the speedy establishment of a student coop
was one of the important factors leading to
his ultimate election to UNL's top student
government spot.
After the campaign, ASUN went to work
organizing the Koop, with an ill-advised
promise of early-fall implementation. Student
Senate voted its executives increased summer
salaries so that they could move on the coop
research which had reportedly been done
during and immediately after the campaign.
At various times during last semester, the
opening of the Koop was postponed until,
finally, ASK cards went on sale this week.
Perhaps some, but certainly not all, of this
delay can be justified by the legal and
business complications which were
In addition to the increased summer
salaries, ASK has been financed by ASUN in
the amount of a $2450 loan. Repayment is to
begin in June.
With the considerable delay and expense
that have anticipated ASK, it appears
legitimate for andy UNL student to wonder
whether the Koop deserves support and if the
$5 fee is a good investment. The answer to
both questions is a qualified "yes".
Regardless of whatever delay has
unfortunately taken place in the
establishment of ASK, the Koop represents a
sizable investment of student money. If the
Koop dies for lack of student participation,
these funds will have been spent (or loaned)
in vain. It is obviously quite difficult to exact
loan installments from a defu net corporation.
The answer to the second question is a bit
more dependent upon the par ticular student's
situation. Students who dri ve automobiles
seem to have the best chance of getting a solid
return on their monetary investment. But just
about anybody should be able to accumulate
$5 worth of discounts between now and Aug.
If a respectable number of students are
willing to take a chance on th.e Koop, it will
become much less difficult to persuade more
In 't:iirh an event.
the Koop membership card would increase in
potential value. 1
Hopefully, this week's humble beginning
will be able to grow into large-scale
cooperative student buying. Buit such a future
is a real possibility only if ASK is supported
Tarn Lansworth
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(Today's column is entitled, "High There, Huskers," or,
"How to Make A Success of Your College Years. " Quotations
were taken from. High There, High School, by Gay Head.
Copyright 1952, Scholastic Corp.)
It is often said that today's youth are crude and
unmannerly. While this may be true, much slovenly behavior
could be cleared up by adhering rigidly to following rules.
Is skipping class permissible?
"Absence, except in cases of illness or death in the family,
is inexcusable. Skipping classes will give you a black mark
which no amount of extra study can counterbalance. Be on
time for class and save the 'cat sessions' for the soda shop
later, If you get the gong and are told to stay after school,
don't think your teacher is a confirmed jailkeeper. She
probably had other plans for the afternoon, too. BUT RULES
ARE RULES and someone has to enforce them, if you
How are the various eating implements used?
"Your fork it a conveyor, not a spear. For scooping up
food, hold the handle like a pencil, in your right hand (unless
you're left handed). For steadying a piece of meat (to be cut),
hold the fork handle in the palm of your left hand and point
the prongs down into the meat." DO NOT USE THE BLUNT
'The knife is held with the handle in the palm of your right
hand for both cutting and spreading. It is neither held nor used
as a shovel." And do not knife your neighbors if they attempt
to steal your food. A sharp rap on the nose with a spoon will
temper their tantrums.
Must hosts and hostesses aways clean up after a party?
"You may be all aglow after seeing a 'certain someone' at
the party or dance and find that you can go home together,
but don't forget your job, if you're on a committee. As a
member of the clean-up committee, you can't leave until the
debris is cleared. Ask your heart throb to help. ALL GOOD
What is improper behavior at a school assembly?
Take Trudy, for example. 'Trudy is occupied with being
unoccupied, too. She has devoured the edible portions of her
fingernails, spit twice on a run in her stocking and picked
sixty-five imaginery bits of fuzz off her coat sleeve."
She is reading a movie magazine and whispers to a friend.
"Her awed whisper, unfortunately, comes at a pause in the
speaker's address, and the audience gets the full benefi it of
'D'ya suppose she really drinks beet juice for breakfast?'"
"A school's reputation in a community depends mainly on
student conduct at school functions to which outsiders are
invited: assemblies, concerts, plays and athletic games, lit is
your responsibility to make an impression that will tell other
citizens of the community, 'The students at that school ore
Is it true that laying out in the moon for a tan can be harmful?
Although the connection between the moon and lunacy is
usually dismissed as wives tale, there is some truth in the
statement. The United States, in the past decade, has spent
billions of dollars trying to get to the bottom of his mystery.
The results have been unfortunate. Astronauts who hawe
returned from the moon have found either God or ESP, and
are referred to as "loony-nauts" in National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) circles,
Moon tanning may cause much of a crazy behavior olf
today's youth. BE FOREWARNEDI
What is proper behavior at the cafeteria table?
"Keep your elbows to yourself and your arms off the table.
The ancient Romans reclined while eating; they also wore'
togas. But who wants to copy customs as dead as the people
who used them?"
How should one be seated at the movies?
"A boy removes his hat and coat before he is seated A girl
usually removes hers after, spreading her coat on the back of
the chair. If a woman in front of you fails to remove her hat
ask her pleasantly, 'Would you mind removing your hat?'" If
she refuses, you may harass her during the movie, prodding her
with your umbrella or rifling wet popcorn at th hart J i.
page 4
daily nebraskan
Wednesday, january 31, 1973