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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1973)
doilu FOR SALE Craig reel to reel stereo tape recorder. $95. Excellent condition, costs over $300 new 435-4184, eves. JEANS SALE Wrangler blue denim, button front, flare jeans, regular $4.88, special $3.99 . . . Wrangler brush cotton flare leg jeans, regular $7.95, special $5.99 . . . Wrangler big bell baggies, patch pockets, regular $8.95, special $6.49 . . . Elephant bell, patch pocket jeans, regular $8.00, special $5.99. SURPLUS CENTER 1000 W. 'O' St. Down Insulated ski jacket, water-repellant nylon shell! Regular $24.95, special $19.88. SURPLUS CENTER, 1000 W O'St. Elkhart Alto saxophone. Good playing condition. $85, cash only. 434-0810. Blond, Cocka-Poo. 434 8770. Male. Call 1964 Chevy Impala S.S., V-8, 327, automatic, good 8i clean. 466-0171 or 467-1360, evenings. 2 Twin beds complete. Excellent condition. Very clean. From family. 489-4978. VW '65 good condition. New engine, call Kath, Crete, Nb. 826-2548. JIMI HENDRIX PAT HARTLEY From TRANSVUE PICTURES CORP. LSoundfracfc Album mnnriav iannarv 99 197.7 IT QQDCEDCQgp T1 X-XOivX-WyXv'.- 'Wiw sw- - '""v'St::W:::;:; v , V " ' jToHUl Cvkz )rH ,. JV -"..k.. ''Kk. RACING FIMlii M. JT !' ''rfC' 1 S i jj . ; f ift j js . 'tL - Mr i. nohrastafl WW '6 7 Ford Econovan. Carpeted, paneled, stick, studded tires. $775 or offer. 488-5711. HELP WANTED Needed sales manager & advertising manager. No experience needed. For further information call John Burg, 472-2581 or 432 6528. Night Bus Boy positions. No experience necessary. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. Apply 2-4 daily. $65 to $95 per wkpart time. Unlimited earning potential addressing envelopes at home in your spare time. Companies are paying top money to individuals with GOOD handwriting for "personally" addressing their envelopes. For further information regarding opportunities with these companies, send $2 to Advertising Associates, P.O. Box 487, Crawfordville, Fla. 32327. Wanted-phone girls to work evenings excellent pay contact Mr. Bodenhamer, Clayton House Suite 605 606. Family Plannings Volunteer Clinic for students needs new Staff members. Saturday February 3, 1973 we will have training for all interested parties. Please leave your name and phone number at the Student Y office Suite 345 Nebraska Union by January 31, 1973. Color by DE LUXE t? hnlMt on WafMf Bros ?W'?J I SERVICES MOTION PICTURES BANQUET WEDDINGS CHILDREN NEWS-PUBLIC RELATIONS INDUSTRIAL-CONVENTIONS ROGERS PRODUCTIONS 1530 K St. . . 477-2632 OVERSEAS JOBS FOR STUDENTS-Australia, Europe, S. America, Africa. Most professions, summer or full time, expense1yjaid, sightseeing. Free information, write, TWR Co. Dept D6, 2550 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, CA. 94704. WATCH REPAIR All makes-also Timex. Dick's Watch Service East side-Campus Bookstore-at the Yellow Door. Pregnant and distressed? Call a friend. . . Birthright, 477-8021. STUDENTS WELCOME 1 bdrm. furn. apt. $75 2 bdrm. furn. apt. $90 3 bdrm. house $165 RENTAL HOUSING DIRECTO OF NEBRASKA" 432-7671 432-7671 fee NOW! WARHOL'S LATEST HIT! Embassy theatre 17th & "O"-432-6042 l iMUMaiij gag! a film by Paul Morrissey RATED X NO ONE UNDER 18 MUST END THURSDAY! small STYLE SHOWS Having put on a very successful bridal show last spring and ski show this fall, Style Show Committee seems to have a very bright and fashionable future! Any new ideas or additions to 1973? BLACK ACTIVITIES We need a person with innovative ideas for presenting & promoting Black Culture for the University Community. DISPLAYS If you have noticed any of the numerous art displays along the walls of the North Lounge, you are at least partially aware of Union Displays Committee. The Com munity draws from many outside sources, as well as within the University Commun ity in scheduling the year-long series of displays. Sign up by Monday, January 29, for an interview at room 128, Nebraska Union. ASUN approved. mm mm daily nebraskan PERSONAL flash from the Shicklev Buglel Prominent citizen, Nancy Meese, today celebrates twentieth birthday. LOST Lost: Black wallet with identification in Union or between Union and Andrews. Reward. Call Thorn after 5:00, 435 6216. Lost or stolen black billfold Jan. 2 5 in Abel-Sandoz basement locker room. Reward. 435-7139. ROOMMATE WANTED Need one or two male roommates. Nice and furnished. Call 475-5893 in afternoons. Male roommate wanted in 12'-60' Mobile home at Gaslight Village. Air-conditioned, washer, clubhouse and pool. $50 plus utilities. Call 475-7836 after 5:30. Wanted one female roommate to share house close to campus. 475 5550. FOR RENT Efficiency apt., stove, refrigerator, 2 rooms. Good location-utilities paid. 1021 Peach. See after 5. Must rent. MISCELLANEOUS JANUARY CLEARANCE Need cash? Selling your things? . . . Advertise in the Daily Nebraskan Want Ads. SPECIAL for Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and 2: 3 ads for price of 2 in the For Sale section of the want ads. Place ads in Rm. 34, Nebraska Union through noon, Jan. 30; or call 472-2588, 8-10 a.m., daily. riiViii i' 3 STYLE SHOWS BLACK ACTIVITIES DISPLAYS International House has room this semester for 5 American males and 5 females students. Interested in a change? Call Mike Eyster, 435-2961. Like to visit the 19th century Arabian Palace of Ennlr Beshir, in Lebanon? Overseas Opportunities Center, Suite 200, Nebraska Union. Hire a magician for your next party, banquet, or get-together. Call Dave Madsen. 475-9841 A GOOD WORD "Come ride the wind when it blows and follow follow to where it goes." (Anon.) UMHE, 333 N. 14th St. The coffee pot is always on, drop in. Vl She took ' a moment ;V of ecstacy -'y that killed She took a moment of ecstacy that killed her soul. WW IN I MW nuM JAJJ-J BOGART! LAUKtiN EDWARD G; BACALL ROBINSON- "KEY LARGO" PLUS "TO HAVE AND HAVENOT" 1 -"AL-fti I a- a I M r m-ah- ox? . JSA fit l (J -jMM I ;;